Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Munitions Box: How to Get and Use

Munitions Box is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Munitions Box in the game!

Munitions Box Overview

Munitions Box Basic Info

Munitions BoxMunitions Box Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 16.
Recharge Speed Medium Recharge
Description Deploy a box of ammo and equipment for you and your teammates.

How to Use Munitions Box

Recover Ammo and Throwable Grenades

Drop the Munitions Box on the ground to get extra ammo, tactical grenades, and lethal grenades whenever you run out of them. Everyone on the team can use it and give you a bit of XP when your teammates use your Munitions Box.

You can only refill ammo and grenades once per life, meaning you won't be able to get more unless you die and respawn. Munitions Box will disappear after a short time being on the field.

How to Counter Munitions Box

Use any Explosive Grenades

Munitions Box is fragile equipment that can get destroyed when grazed by explosives instantly. You can throw one near it to safely get rid of it on the battlefield.

You can also use your melee attack to destroy it in one hit but only do it if you get a chance and are close to it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Related Guides

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Equipment By Type

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Field Upgrades

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