Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

1MW Laser Box: Stats and How to Get

1MW Laser Box is a Laser attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to see all info on 1MW Laser Box and find out how to get it, including weapons and weapon platforms that can use it!

1MW Laser Box Overview

1MW Laser Box Basic Info

1MW Laser Box Description
Type: Laser
A weapon-mounted laser that provides tighter bullet spread when hip firing. Laser is active at the hip. Beam: Red.
Pros Cons
+ Hip Fire Accuracy
+ Hip Recoil Control
- Laser Visible at Hip

How to Get 1MW Laser Box

Weapon Required Level
Modern Warfare 2 -M4M4 Raise the M4 to Level 12

Weapons That Can Use 1MW Laser Box

Lachmann-556Lachmann-556 M4M4 M16M16
Kastov-74uKastov-74u TAQ-56TAQ-56 FTAC ReconFTAC Recon
Lachmann-762Lachmann-762 FSS HurricaneFSS Hurricane 556 Icarus556 Icarus
RAPP HRAPP H SAKIN MG38SAKIN MG38 Signal 50Signal 50
Kastov 762Kastov 762 Kastov 545Kastov 545 RPKRPK
MinibakMinibak SO-14SO-14 TAQ-VTAQ-V
Vaznev-9KVaznev-9K RAAL MGRAAL MG MCPR-300MCPR-300
LA-B 330LA-B 330 SP-X 80SP-X 80

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 2 - Laser AttachmentsList of Lasers

Attachments by Category

Ammunition Barrels Lasers
Magazines Muzzles Optics
Rear Grips Stocks Underbarrels
Best Weapon Attachments


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