FF7 Remake

Sweeper Weaknesses and Obtainable Items


This page contains the stats and weaknesses of Sweeper, an enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). Read on to learn the items dropped from this enemy, as well as AP, gil, abilities, and locations, as well as tips on how to beat Sweeper!

Sweeper Stats and Information

Sweeper Basic Information

Sweeper Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Mechanical Grounded Normal


An autonomous antipersonnel weapon manufactured by Shinra's Advanced Weaponry Division. It remains in sleep mode until it detects intruders, at which point it enters threat elimination mode.

Assess (Tips)

Inflicting a certain amount of damage makes them susceptible to staggering.

Sweeper Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 1621~5111 2948~9293 17685
Attack 60~154 328
Magic Attack 60~154 328
Defense 60~180 342
Magic Defense 60~180 45

Sweeper Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Lightning
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities Poison, Sleep
Absorbed Elements -

How to Stagger Sweeper

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 20 seconds

Sweeper Abilities

Name Element Blockable? Knockdown? Status
physical.pngHard Charger
- Yes Yes -
After releasing steam charges at high speeds at a target.
- No Yes -
Jumps and steps on a target, binding them for 4 seconds, followed by another stomp. If it takes damage equal to 5% of its max HP or is hit by an ability it will release the target.
physical.pngMachine Gun
- Yes No -
Fires 8 shots from one of its two arms.
physical.pngDouble Machine Gun
- Yes No -
Fires 8 shots from both of its arms at the same time.
magical.pngFire Blast
fire.png Yes No -
Sprays fire in front of itself.

*Status Effects and Ailments Guide

Rewards for Defeating

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 15~177 656
AP 5 15
Exp 27~216 1584
Items Dropped Phoenix Down (10%)
Rare Items Dropped Ether (5%)
Steal Ether (5%)

Areas Encountered

Locations Mako Reactor 1, Upper Sector 7

Related Links

List of Mechanical Enemies

List of Mechanical Enemies
Armored Shock Trooper Sentry Ray Laser Cannon Sentry Launcher
Sentry Gun Prototype Sentry Gun Slug-Ray Shock-Ray
Blast-Ray Sweeper Sweeper Prototype Cutter
Jury-Rigged Cutter M.O.T.H. Unit Sledgeworm Smogger
Chromogger Scorpion Sentinel Crab Warden Airbuster
The Valkyrie The Arsenal Pride and Joy Prototype Armored Magitrooper
Deathwheel Projector The Crimson Mare Gigantipede

See All Enemies


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