Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Monster Bone+ - Where to Find and How to Use

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This page has everything you need to know about Monster Bone+ from Monster Hunter World (MHW). If you want to know where to find and how to use this item, check out the information below!

Monster Bone+ - Basic Information

Name Monster Bone+
Type Monster Material
Effect Bone obtained from large monsters. Hard to obtain, but vital for crafting powerful equipment.
Buy Price  - Sell Price  560

List of All Items and Materials

Monster Bone+ - Where to Find

Low Rank Quest Rewards via Monster

Quest Rewards

Monster Obtain Rate (%)
Rathalos 10
Diablos 13
Odogaron 13
Legiana 10

High Rank Quest Rewards via Monster

Quest Rewards

Monster Obtain Rate (%)
Great Jagras 20
Kulu-Ya-Ku 18
Tzitzi-Ya-Ku 16
Great Girros 10

Quest Rewards via Quest

Main Reward

Quest Location/Monster
★5 Into The Bowels of The Vale Rotten Vale
★5 A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest Ancient Forest
★5 Horned Tyrant Below The Sands Wildspire Waste
★5 When Desire Becomes An Obsession Ancient Forest
★5 Redefining The "Power Couple" Ancient Forest
★5 Twin Spires Upon The Sands Wildspire Waste
★5 A Humid Headache Coral Highlands
★5 Scratching The Itch Rotten Vale
★5 Man's Best Friend Rotten Vale
★5 Special Arena: Legiana Special Arena
★5 Special Arena: Odogaron Special Arena
★5 Special Arena: Rathalos Special Arena
★5 Special Arena: Diablos Special Arena
★6 Hard To Swallow Ancient Forest
Great Jagras
★6 Google-eyed Green Monster Ancient Forest
★6 A Hair-Raising Experience Ancient Forest
★6 It Can't See You If You Don't Move Ancient Forest
★6 The Sleeping Sylvan Queen Ancient Forest
★6 Stuck In Their Ways Ancient Forest
★6 Keep Your Hands To Yourself! Wildspire Waste
★6 A Crown Of Mud And Anger Wildspire Waste
★6 Pukei-Pukei Ambush Wildspire Waste
★6 Up To Your Waist In The Waste Wildspire Waste
★6 Brown Desert, Green Queen Wildspire Waste
★6 Trespassing Troublemaker Wildspire Waste
★6 Say Cheese! Coral Highlands
★6 Loop the Paolumu Coral Highlands
★6 A Tingling Taste Rotten Vale
Great Girros
★6 Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Barroth Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Tobi-Kadachi Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Anjanath Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Rathian Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Paolumu Special Arena
★6 Special Arena: HR Radobaan Special Arena
★6 Dodogama Drama Elder's Recess

Quest Rewards

Quest Appearance Rate
★5 The Poison Posse 22
★6 A Flash in the Pan 20
★6 Tickled Pink (×2) ★★★
★6 Invader In The Waste (×1) ★★★★★
★5 Horned Tyrant Below The Sands (×1) ★★★★
★5 A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest (×1) ★★★★
(×1) ★★★★
★5 The Embodiment of Legiana (×1) ★★★★

Other Rewards

Quest Location/Monster
★7 A Rush of Blood Arena

Other Materials

Quest Location/Monster
★6 Egg Lovers United Arena

If you've found any locations where Monster Bone+ is available, be sure to let us know in the comments!

Monster Bone+ - How to Use

Item Upgrades

Weapon Upgrade Paths

Aqua Arrow III (2x) Aqua Assault Ⅲ (2x)
Aqua Bagpipe III (2x) Aqua Hammer III (2x)
Aqua Horn III (2x) Aqua Messer III (2x)
Aqua Rod III (2x) Aqua Slasher III (2x)
Blooming Arch III (2x) Blooming Blade III (2x)
Blooming Glaive III (2x) Blooming Hammer III (2x)
Blooming Horn III (2x) Blooming Knife III (2x)
Blooming Shooter ⅠⅠⅠ (2x) Bone Cannon II (2x)
Bone Cannon III (2x) Bone Slasher II (2x)
Bone Slasher III (2x) Bone Smasher II (2x)
Bone Smasher III (2x) Bone Spike II (3x)
Buster Blade II (2x) Carapace Axe III (3x)
Carapace Buster III (3x) Carapace Cannon III (3x)
Carapace Edge III (3x) Carapace Lance III (3x)
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ (3x) Carapace Sledge III (3x)
Chief Kukri II (1x) Chief Kukri III (2x)
Diablos Axe I (3x) Diablos Bow I (3x)
Diablos Hatchets I (x) Diablos Rod I (3x)
Diablos Shooter Ⅰ (3x) Diablos Sledge I (3x)
Diablos Wall I (3x) Dragonbone Auldhorn II (6x)
Dragonbone Basher II (6x) Dragonbone Bow II (6x)
Dragonbone Bowgun ⅠⅠ (6x) Dragonbone Cannon ⅠⅠ (6x)
Dragonbone Cleaver II (6x) Dragonbone Cutter II (6x)
Dragonbone Glaive II (6x) Dragonbone Gunlance II (6x)
Dragonbone Lance II (1x) Dragonbone Slicer II (6x)
Dragonbone Stabber II (6x) Dragonbone Sword II (6x)
Dragonbone Twinblades II (6x) Dual Slicers II (2x)
Elite Commission Axe II (2x) Fossil Bludgeon II (2x)
Fossil Bludgeon III (2x) Great Bagpipe II (2x)
Hard Bone Horn II (2x) Hard Bone Horn III (2x)
Hard Bone Lance II (2x) Hard Bone Lance III (2x)
Hard Bone Rod II (2x) Hard Bone Rod III (2x)
Hard Bone Shotel II (1x) Hard Bone Shotel III (2x)
Hard Bone Strongarm II (2x) Hard Bone Strongarm III (2x)
Heavy Shooter ⅠⅠ (2x) Heavy Shooter ⅠⅠⅠ (2x)
High Chain Blitz Ⅱ (2x) Hunter's Stoutbow II (2x)
Hunter's Stoutbow III (2x) Improved Steel Axe II (2x)
Iron Demon II (2x) Iron Grace II (2x)
Jagras Assault ⅠⅠⅠ (3x) Jagras Axe III (3x)
Jagras Blade III (3x) Jagras Blitz ⅠⅠⅠ (3x)
Jagras Edge III (3x) Jagras Gunlance III (3x)
Jagras Strongarm III (3x) Jyura Shotel III (2x)
Madness Axe III (2x) Madness Gunlance III (2x)
Madness Pangas III (1x) Madness Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ (2x)
Mudslide Blade III (2x) Power Rifle ⅠⅠ (2x)
Power Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ (2x) Pulsar Bow III (2x)
Pulsar Gunlance III (2x) Pulsar Hatchet III (2x)
Pulsar Rod III (2x) Pulsar Shooter Ⅲ (2x)
Pulsar Shotel III (2x) Pulsar Strongarm III (2x)
Spiked Blade II (3x) Spiked Edge II (3x)
Spiked Horn II (3x) Spiked Shooter ⅠⅠ (3x)
Steel Assault Ⅱ (2x) Steel Blade II (2x)
Steel Bow ⅠⅠ (2x) Steel Gunlance II (2x)
Steel Knife II (2x) Steel Lance II (2x)
Thunder Axe II (2x) Thunder Blade II (2x)
Thunder Blitz Ⅱ (2x) Thunder Edge II (2x)
Thunder Gaida II (2x) Thunder Hammer II (2x)
Thunder Lance II (2x) Wild Hatchets II (2x)
Wild Hatchets III (2x)

Weapon Types and List of Weapons

Equipment Upgrade Paths

Barroth Coil Alpha (4x) Barroth Coil Beta (4x)
Bone Coil Alpha (2x) Bone Coil Beta (2x)
Bone Greaves Alpha (2x) Bone Greaves Beta (2x)
Bone Helm Alpha (2x) Bone Helm Beta (2x)
Bone Mail Alpha (2x) Bone Mail Beta (2x)
Bone Vambraces Alpha (2x) Bone Vambraces Beta (2x)
Death Stench Brain (2x) Death Stench Heels (4x)
Diablos Greaves (3x) Diablos Mail (3x)
Gala Suit Cuffs (3x) Gala Suit Jacket (2x)
Gala Suit Slacks (1x) Gala Suit Tail (1x)
Gala Suit Top Hat (3x) Ingot Coil (1x)
Ingot Greaves (1x) Ingot Helm (1x)
Ingot Mail (1x) Ingot Vambraces (1x)
Jagras Vambraces Alpha (3x) Jagras Vambraces Beta (3x)
Odogaron Coil (1x) Odogaron Greaves (1x)
Odogaron Helm (1x) Odogaron Mail (1x)
Odogaron Vambraces (1x) Orion Boots (2x)
Orion Cap (1x) Orion Coat (1x)
Orion Vambraces (1x) Orion Vest (2x)
Rathalos Coil (3x) Rathalos Vambraces (2x)

List of Armor and Armor Skills

Charm Upgrade Paths

No upgrades available.

List of Charms

Palico Weapons & Armor Upgrade Paths

No upgrades available.

Palico Equipment

Used in Deliveries

Setting Up Camp: Elder's Recess I (1x)

Monster Hunter World Related Links

List of Items by Rarity

Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Rarity 3
Rarity 4 Rarity 5 Rarity 6
Rarity 7 Rarity 8 Rarity 9
Rarity 10 Rarity 11 Rarity 12

List of Materials by Type

Material Type
Plants.pngPlants Insects.pngInsects Minerals.pngMinerals
Fish.pngFish Bones.pngBones Account Item.pngAccount Items
Monster.pngMonster Parts Endemic Life.jpegEndemic Life Other.pngOther

List of Items by Type

Item Type
Medicine.pngMedicine Slinger Ammo.pngSlinger Ammo Meat.pngMeat Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Account Item.pngTrade-in Items Traps.pngTraps and Bombs Compounds.pngCompounds Tickets.pngCoins and Tickets
Armor Sphere.pngArmor Spheres Armor Sphere.pngFeystones


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