Monster Hunter World (MHW)

List of Rarity 7 Items and Materials

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This is a list of rarity 7 items and materials in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. Click the links below to find out more about each item!

List of Rarity 7 Items and Materials

Aetheryte Shard Ancient Cursed Bone
Ancient Leshen Antlers Ancient Leshen Claw
Anjanath Gem Bazelgeuse Gem
Behemoth Bone Behemoth Mane
Behemoth Shearclaw Behemoth Tail
Bird Wyvern Gem Blos Medulla
Daora Claw+ Daora Gem
Daora Webbing Deceased Scale
Demon Ammo Deviljho Gem
Dragonbone Relic Dreamcore Ore
Elder Dragon Bone Giant Dragonvein Coal
Glimmering Scale High Commendation
Immortal Dragonscale Incandescent Weapon
Kirin Azure Horn Kirin Hide+
Kirin Thundertail Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget
Kulve Taroth Golden Scale Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
Kulve Taroth Golden Shell Kulve Taroth Golden Spiralhorn
Kulve Taroth Golden Tailshell Legiana Gem
Leshen Skull Lunastra Carapace
Lunastra Horn Lunastra Mane
Lunastra Scale+ Lunastra Tail
Lunastra Wing Minegardenite
Nergigante Carapace Nergigante Horn+
Nergigante Regrowth Plate Nergigante Tail
Nergigante Talon Novacrystal
Odogaron Gem Rathalos Medulla
Rathalos Ruby Rathian Ruby
Rathian Spike+ Research Commission Ticket
Silver Melding Ticket Streamstone
Teostra Gem Teostra Mane
Teostra Webbing Unknown Skull
Uragaan Ruby Vaal Hazak Carapace
Vaal Hazak Fang+ Vaal Hazak Membrane
Vaal Hazak Tail Vaal Hazak Talon
Vaal Hazak Wing Wyvern Gem
Xeno'jiiva Claw Xeno'jiiva Horn
Xeno'jiiva Shell Xeno'jiiva Soulscale
Xeno'jiiva Tail Xeno'jiiva Veil
Xeno'jiiva Wing Zorah Magdaros Gem

Monster Hunter World Related Links

List of Items by Rarity

Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Rarity 3
Rarity 4 Rarity 5 Rarity 6
Rarity 7 Rarity 8 Rarity 9
Rarity 10 Rarity 11 Rarity 12

List of Materials by Type

Material Type
Plants.pngPlants Insects.pngInsects Minerals.pngMinerals
Fish.pngFish Bones.pngBones Account Item.pngAccount Items
Monster.pngMonster Parts Endemic Life.jpegEndemic Life Other.pngOther

List of Items by Type

Item Type
Medicine.pngMedicine Slinger Ammo.pngSlinger Ammo Meat.pngMeat Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Account Item.pngTrade-in Items Traps.pngTraps and Bombs Compounds.pngCompounds Tickets.pngCoins and Tickets
Armor Sphere.pngArmor Spheres Armor Sphere.pngFeystones


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