Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Dead Silence: How to Get and Use

Dead Silence is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Dead Silence in the game!

Dead Silence Overview

Dead Silence Basic Info

Dead SilenceDead Silence Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 51.
Recharge Speed Fast Recharge
Description Temporarily makes your footsteps silent. Gun, melee, and throwing knife kills refresh duration.

How to Use Dead Silence

Sneak Up to Enemies

Dead Silence makes your footsteps muted, making it easier to slip past the enemy forces to kill them. It will work better if you have the Ghost and Cold-Blooded perks in your loadout, as enemy UAVs, traps, and other equipment that can detect you won't have an effect if you have them.

How to Counter Dead Silence

Use Equipment that Can Detect Enemies

UAV, Tactical Camera, Portable Radar, and other equipment with sensor and detecting abilities should be able to work on players with Dead Silence. Equip them if you see a lot of enemy players using Dead Silence.

Be Aware of the Surroundings

However, items with detecting abilities won't work if the player has Ghost and Cold-Blooded perks. The only thing that can help you counter them is to be more aware than usual and always keep your eyes peeled!

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Equipment By Type

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