Manor Lords

Pelt Extraction Development and How to Unlock

Manor Lords -Pelt Extraction Development and How to Unlock
Pelt Extraction is a development under the Gathering tree of Manor Lords. Learn this development's ranking, how it works, the improvements brought about by Pelt Extraction, the affected buildings when you get this development, and the nodes you need to unlock to get this development!

Is Pelt Extraction Worth it?

Limited Functionality for Long-Term Use

Tier Development
C Rank Icon
Pelt Extraction Icon Pelt Extraction

Pelt Extraction, much like its precursory development node Trapping, falls short on creating an impact with increasing your Hide quantities.

Partnered with the fact that your settlement can farm Hides through different means like creating a Goat Shed extension for your Burgage Plots, we recommend spending your development points on on a node that will have a better impact on your settlement's survival.

All Development Rankings

How Does Pelt Extraction Work?

Gain Passive Hide Income Through Traps

Unlocking this development node allows your hunters to passively supply your settlement with Hides that are used for your Tannery to produce Leather which is a resource needed to make Shoes.

Pelt Extraction Basic Information

Pelt Extraction Icon Pelt Extraction
Development Tree Gathering
Description and Effects
Hunters also collect Hides from traps.

How to Unlock and Development Path

Gathering Development Tree
Trapping IconTrapping Pelt Extraction IconPelt Extraction Locked IconLocked

Pelt Extraction is a sub-branch found under the Trapping branch of the Gathering Tree. You need to have unlocked Trapping first before unlocking Pelt Extraction.

Pelt Extraction Affected Buildings

All Affected Buildings
Hunting Camp IconHunting Camp

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