Manor Lords

How to Get Herbs and How to Use

Herbs are a type of Commodity in Manor Lords. See how to get Herbs and how to use them to cure sickness and disease in your settlement!

How to Get Herbs

There are two ways you can get Herbs for your settlement. One way is through upgrading your Forager's Hut to also collect Herbs, the other way is through direct importation of Herbs from a Trading Post.

  1. Upgrade your Forager's Hut
  2. Import Herbs from a Trading Post

Upgrade Your Forager's Hut

Upgrade Cost
Herb Garden 25 Regional Wealth
2 Planks

Once you've built your Forager's Hut, you can upgrade it to add a Herb Garden and also collect Herbs.

How to Get Regional Wealth

Importing from a Trading Post

Trade Route Cost 10 Regional Wealth
Import Cost 12 Regional Wealth

If you have a surplus of Regional Wealth, you can opt to build a Trading Post and import Herbs directly. This can help supply Herbs to your burgage plots, especially if your settlement has grown too large that the demand exceeds your current supply.

Acquire the Better Deals development for cheaper import prices

The Better Deals development puts a discount to your importation prices. This will help save up some Regional Wealth if you choose to import.

Better Deals Development and How to Unlock

What are Herbs?

Commodity Used to Treat the Sick

Herbs Information
Type Commodities

Herbs allow you to treat your sick to prevent them from dying. Death and sickness are two conditions that could negatively impact your approval. Herbs will be distributed in your marketplace to treat sick settlers. Doing this prevents the spread of disease and death and heightens your chances of survival.

How to Cure Diseases

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Commodities

Cloaks Clothes Ale
Shoes Herbs Candles


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