Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

JOKR Best Loadout and Attachments

The JOKR is a type of Launcher weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Check here for complete info on the best loadouts and attachments of the JOKR, as well as its stats and how to use this weapon!

JOKR Overview and Stats

Weapon Overview


Attack vehicles where armor is weakest with the JOKR. This fire-and-forget launcher is portable and drops a high-explosive payload from above.
Basic Info
Platform: None
Weapon Class: Launcher
Max Level: 15
Magazine Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 1
Fire Modes: TBA
How to Unlock Unlocked at Level 24.

Weapon Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Handling

JOKR Best Loadout and Attachments

Best JOKR Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary M4
Secondary JOKR
Tactical Stun Grenade
Lethal Frag Grenade
Base Perk 1 Battle Hardened
Base Perk 2 Double Time
Bonus Perk Spotter
Ultimate Perk Overclock
Field Upgrade Munitions Box

Best JOKR Attachment Setup

The JOKR has no attachments.

How to Play

The JOKR is a unique Launcher since it not only locks onto vehicles, but also surfaces or locations. This means you can lock onto an area you expect several enemies to be in, launch the missile, and just wait for kills to come in. You'll have to use this Launcher at a distance since the lock-on time takes long. This is perfect for taking out camping nests if you're having trouble getting close.

Make sure you equip Spotter so you'll have an easy time targeting enemy killstreaks. You'll also need a Munitions Box and Overclock to replenish your missile ammo.

This is the perfect weapon for objective-based modes like Domination and Hardpoint. You just have to lock-on to the objective location and fire away. This should clear out the area and give your team space to capture it.

JOKR Weapon Progression

No Weapon or Attachment Unlocks for the JOKR

Azure Fray JOKR Camo

Like the rest of the Launchers, the JOKR will have no weapon or attachment unlockables as you level it up. Instead, players will only be able to customize it by equipping it with Camos and Decals. Raise the JOKR to level 11 to start doing camo unlock challenges for the launcher.

JOKR Camos & Blueprints

All JOKR Camos

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Azure Fray Get 40 kills with the JOKR 11
Gold JOKR Get 2 kills without dying 5 times with the JOKR N/A
Platinum JOKR Destroy 10 enemy killstreaks, equipment or vehicles with the JOKR N/A
Polyatomic JOKR Get 15 double kills with the JOKR N/A
Orion JOKR Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A

All JOKR Blueprints

This Weapon currently doesn't have any Blueprints.

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