Honkai: Star Rail Walkthrough Comments

Luka Best Builds and RatingComment

Showing 1-17 of 17 entries


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    17 Anonymous3 daysReport

    I miss you Luka

    16 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    luka doncic

    15 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Is there no guide for Luka Break Build?

    14 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Why is Luka nihility? Why does that fit his character?

    13 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Because the bosses have higher effect res, so it increases the actual amount you need to inflict his DoT without risk of failing, and as of right now, having 67% EHR is the minimum to reach that threshold

    12 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I know it's late to ask but Why we need 67 hut rate for Luka? He already has 100% chance to bleed the enemy and 18% from his Trace!

    11 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    doesn't musketeer set rank 2 as it stack well with luka?

    10 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    break effect build luka in any team is kinda fun.

    9 NO.1 LUKA FANover 1 yearReport

    guys just to let u know im lukas no.1 fan i said it first here

    8 stezestezeover 1 yearReport

    Awesome man, I wanted him more than Kafka but got what I got :P

    7 stezestezeover 1 yearReport

    It says he will be in regular banner tho

    6 MaguMaguover 1 yearReport

    he looks so adorable. i love his vibe, his energy, colouring, and design. but i'm saving for Dragon Dan Heng. maybe next time, buddy! (waiting for the rating as well)

    5 MaguMaguover 1 yearReport

    big mood lol

    4 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    One Punch Batman

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    he so cute man i got no team for him but i love him

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport


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