Honkai: Star Rail

Star Rail Pass Guide - How to Get and Use

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - How to Get Star Rail Pass

Here's how to get and use Star Rail Passes in Honkai: Star Rail. See all Star Rail Pass sources for farming in this guide!

How to Get Star Rail Passes

Purchase Using Stellar Jades

Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Jade Purchase
Players can get Star Rail Passes by purchasing them from the Cash Shop for 160 Stellar Jades.

Purchase with Undying Currency

Currency Cost Location
x90 Embers Exchange Store
x20 Starlight Exchange Store

Star Rail Passes can be purchased using Undying Currency from the stores listed above!

Pre-Registration Rewards

Star Rail - Get Free Passes from Pre-Registration Rewards

The Pre-Registration rewards include 20 Star Rail Passes. You can find this in your Mailbox in-game.

Pre-Registration Guide and Rewards

Trailblazing Will Rewards

Honkai Star Rail - Trailblazing Will

You can get free Star Rail Passes and Stellar Jades simply by leveling up your Trailblaze Level to levels 5, 15, 25, and 35.

Trailblazing Will Level Up Event

How to Use Star Rail Passes

Used On Permanent Warp Banners

All Permanent Warp Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar WarpStellar Warp Honkai Star Rail - Departure WarpDeparture Warp

Star Rail Passes are used to pull for characters and light cones on permanent banners such as Stellar Warp and Departure Warp.
All Warp Banners

Star Rail Pass Information

Star Rail Pass
Star Rail - Star Rail Pass Item
Rarity ★★★★★
Effect Astral Express Universal Pass. Travel as far as the Star Rail stretches.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Items

All Item Types

Item Type
Upgrade Materials Valuable Items Consumables
Mission Items Synthesis Materials

All Items List

All Valuable Items

Valuable Items
First VoyageFirst Voyage's Blessing Herta Bond ItemHerta Bond Jade Feather ItemJade Feather
Star Rail Pass ItemStar Rail Pass Star Rail Special Pass ItemStar Rail Special Pass Superimposer (Custom Made) ItemSuperimposer (Custom Made)
Undying Starlight ItemUndying Starlight Clockwork Inspiration Notebook ItemClockwork Inspiration Notebook Exorcismal Fulu ItemExorcismal Fulu
Immersifier ItemImmersifier LilLil' Twisty Bubble Gum Lucent Afterglow ItemLucent Afterglow
Music Disc ItemMusic Disc SparkleSparkle's Wondrous Pack The Big Sleep ItemThe Big Sleep
Unclaimed Valuable Parcel ItemUnclaimed Valuable Parcel Undying Embers ItemUndying Embers A Duel of Connecting Blades ItemA Duel of Connecting Blades
A GentlemanA Gentleman's Fantasy A Star Is Born ItemA Star Is Born A Trap With No Return ItemA Trap With No Return
Against The Day ItemAgainst The Day Aideen Tokens ItemAideen Tokens An Actor Prepares ItemAn Actor Prepares
Anthropic Domain ItemAnthropic Domain Arteria Inceptionis ItemArteria Inceptionis Ave Astra et Viator ItemAve Astra et Viator
Blade Abracadabra ItemBlade Abracadabra Celestial Ambrosia ItemCelestial Ambrosia Chaine Signifiante ItemChaine Signifiante
Challenge to the Reader ItemChallenge to the Reader Citizen Hanunue ItemCitizen Hanunue City Upon a Hill ItemCity Upon a Hill
Clock Credits ItemClock Credits Cloudwide Voyage ItemCloudwide Voyage Color Your Dreams ItemColor Your Dreams
Cosmic Sacrifice for Love ItemCosmic Sacrifice for Love Credbits ItemCredbits Credit ItemCredit
Crises ItemCrises Cumulus Formations ItemCumulus Formations Dancing Fantasms ItemDancing Fantasms
Dawn of Disaster ItemDawn of Disaster Deerstalker ItemDeerstalker Eight Great Cold Hells ItemEight Great Cold Hells
Embers ItemEmbers Erstwhile Resonance ItemErstwhile Resonance Evanescent Dreams ItemEvanescent Dreams
Everwinter ItemEverwinter Exquisite Ingenuity ItemExquisite Ingenuity Fabulous Foresight ItemFabulous Foresight
Faded Sun ItemFaded Sun Fatal Clash of Swordgraves ItemFatal Clash of Swordgraves Fate ItemFate
fReeStyLE ItemfReeStyLE Frozen March ItemFrozen March Ghost From the Past ItemGhost From the Past
Gleaming Cash ItemGleaming Cash Godfather ItemGodfather Golden Land ItemGolden Land
Had I Not Seen the Sun ItemHad I Not Seen the Sun Hearthfire ItemHearthfire Hertareum ItemHertareum
Hi, Dolly ItemHi, Dolly Hope Is The Thing With Feathers (Overture) ItemHope Is The Thing With Feathers (Overture) Hosanna in Excelsis ItemHosanna in Excelsis
HunterHunter's Intuition If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking ItemIf I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking If One Wakes at Midnight ItemIf One Wakes at Midnight
Inner Beast Vanquished ItemInner Beast Vanquished Inspiration ItemInspiration Into the Breach ItemInto the Breach
Into the Desolate ItemInto the Desolate Into the Yawning Chasm ItemInto the Yawning Chasm Kindling ItemKindling
King Father of All ItemKing Father of All La Messe de lLa Messe de l'athee LifeLife's Suffering, An Endless Tide
Living Flame ItemLiving Flame Lustrous Moonlight ItemLustrous Moonlight Lux Aeterna ItemLux Aeterna
Merchant GuildMerchant Guild's Funds Mokshasatya ItemMokshasatya Moonhowl Stampede ItemMoonhowl Stampede
Morns Like These ItemMorns Like These Nesting Avians ItemNesting Avians Nevermore ItemNevermore
Now, Voyager ItemNow, Voyager Obscured Pearls ItemObscured Pearls Oed und leer das Meer ItemOed und leer das Meer
Omerta ItemOmerta On The Disintegration of Evermemoria ItemOn The Disintegration of Evermemoria Order ItemOrder
Origin and Finale ItemOrigin and Finale Paean of Indulgence ItemPaean of Indulgence Pedujara: Demiseless Existence ItemPedujara: Demiseless Existence
Pedujara: Ephemeral Cycle ItemPedujara: Ephemeral Cycle Pedujara: Even Immortality Ends ItemPedujara: Even Immortality Ends Plantlife Euthys ItemPlantlife Euthys
Realitatsprinzip ItemRealitatsprinzip Return of None ItemReturn of None Samudrartha ItemSamudrartha
Sanctus Medicus Dharani ItemSanctus Medicus Dharani Shield ItemShield Sleep Tight ItemSleep Tight
Speedy Hamz ItemSpeedy Hamz Spellbound ItemSpellbound Strale ItemStrale
Stranger Than Paradise ItemStranger Than Paradise Streets Abuzz ItemStreets Abuzz Supplies Material Box (Standard) ItemSupplies Material Box (Standard)
Synchronicity Points ItemSynchronicity Points Takeoff At Dusk ItemTakeoff At Dusk The City In the Sea ItemThe City In the Sea
The Midnight Special ItemThe Midnight Special The Player on The Other Side ItemThe Player on The Other Side Theomakhia ItemTheomakhia
This Side of Paradise ItemThis Side of Paradise Thundering Chariot ItemThundering Chariot To All Things Strifeful ItemTo All Things Strifeful
To Naraka We Sink ItemTo Naraka We Sink Unclaimed Parcel ItemUnclaimed Parcel Underground ItemUnderground
Undying Glory ItemUndying Glory Upon the Firmament ItemUpon the Firmament Warden of Jade ItemWarden of Jade
Warm Sun ItemWarm Sun Weightless ItemWeightless WelkinWelkin's Advent
Wheel of Fate ItemWheel of Fate Wildfire ItemWildfire With My Heartstring as Bow ItemWith My Heartstring as Bow


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