
How to Find and Use a Frog Spawn Egg

A Frog Spawn Egg is a mob egg that spawns a Frog. It cannot be crafted and can only be obtained in creative mode or via a command. Learn more about the Frog Spawn Egg, how to get it, and what it's used for.

Frog Spawn Egg Overview

Frog Spawn Egg Basic Information

Frog Spawn Egg IconFrog Spawn Egg
Type Mob Eggs
Stack 64

The Frog Spawn Egg is a 1.19 Item that can be used to instantly spawn Frogs.

How to Get a Frog Spawn Egg

Like all Mob Eggs used for spawning, the Frog Spawn Egg cannot be crafted. It is only available in the Creative Mode Inventory or by using commands.

Find in the Creative Inventory

Minecraft - Mob Eggs Inventory
Go into Creative Mode and find the Frog Spawn Egg under the Mob Eggs list or search for it in the search bar. Select it and it will be placed in to your inventory.

Give it to Yourself by Command

To use the commands function, type the command listed below into the chat box. The Frog Spawn Egg will automatically be placed in your inventory.

Frog Spawn Egg Command /give @p frog_spawn_egg 1

How to Use a Frog Spawn Egg

Spawn a Frog

Minecraft - Frog
To use the Frog Spawn Egg, select the item in your Hotbar and aim for the desired location you want to spawn the Frog in. Select ''Place'' and the Frog will automatically appear where you aimed.

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List of All Mob Eggs

List of Items
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