Honkai: Star Rail

Simulated Universe World 5 Guide

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 5 Guide

Check out how to beat Simulated Universe World 5 in Honkai: Star Rail! We've got information for each difficulty, best Path, best teams and characters, how to beat Kafka, and all rewards here.

Simulated Universe Guides
Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 1 World 1 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 2 World 2 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 3 World 3
Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 4 World 4 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 5 World 5 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 6 World 6
Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 7 World 7 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 8 World 8 Honkai Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 9 World 9

World 5 Difficulty Levels

World 5 Difficulty 1

How to Unlock • Complete Stars Spun, Prescience Sprung
• Complete Simulated Universe World 4 - Difficulty 1
Recommended Level Level 55
Enemy Levels
Level 54:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title

Level 60:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title

World 5 Difficulty 2

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 4
Recommended Level Level 67
Enemy Levels
Level 66:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title

Level 72:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title

World 5 Difficulty 3

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 5
Recommended Level Level 76
Enemy Levels
Level 75:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title

Level 81:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title

World 5 Difficulty 4

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 6
Recommended Level Level 80
Enemy Levels
Level 84:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title Honkai Star Rail - #{title

Level 90:
Honkai Star Rail - #{title

Best Path for World 5

The Path of the Abundance

Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 5 - Path of Abundance

You need to stack up on as much Abundance Blessings for World 5 since Kafka gets marginally stronger each phase. Prioritize on getting enough Abundance Blessings to get Path Resonance: The Abundance and Resonance Formation - Anicca.

At a low level, you don't need to be concerned about dealing DMG as long as you can survive Kafka's attacks and have the right characters to break her weaknesses.

Supplement with Preservation Blessings

Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 6 - Collect Preservation Blessings.png

You can select Preservation Blessings that provide you with a shield or enhanced durability to defend yourself from Kafka's Attacks.

List of All Paths

Best Characters for World 5

Character Merits
Blade Blade Blade performs well in World 5 who can deal a lot of Wind DMG at the cost of his HP. We advise not to collect Preservation Blessings when using him.
Dan Heng Dan Heng Dan Heng is an excellent DMG dealer who will have no problem breaking Wind Weaknesses and can inflict enemies with Slow.
Huohuo Huohuo Huohuo is a great healer whose Skill can heal and dispel debuffs from allies. Huohuo’s Ultimate also regenerates the Energy of her allies while also buffing their ATK.
Bronya Bronya Bronya is a versatile character both for breaking Wind Weaknesses and buffing your party's DMG. She can also give an extra turn by buffing the DMG dealer.
Argenti Argenti Argenti is a great DPS in World 5 because of enemies having Physical Weaknesses. He can easily deal damage to multiple enemies using his abilities, and even more damage to single targets when using his 180 Energy Ultimate.
Hanya Hanya Since most enemies have Physical Weaknesses, Hanya does well in World 5 as a support. She can restore Skill Points using the Burden debuff, and boost an ally's ATK and SPD.
Clara Clara Physical weakness is prevalent, especially during the boss fight. Clara can tank DMG from Kafka and dish it out to deal DMG and break weakness.
Sushang Sushang Sushang can beat most bosses in World 5 thanks to many Physical weaknesses. Sushang is also a decent DMG dealer.
Welt Welt Welt can deal Imaginary DMG and can slow down Kafka, allowing the DMG dealers more time to dish out more DMG.
Imbibitor Lunae Imbibitor Lunae Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae is an Imaginary DPS that can dish out single Target and also AoE DMG. He is great for World 5 since almost all enemies including the boss are weak to Imaginary.
Dr. Ratio Dr. Ratio Dr. Ratio is an Imaginary DPS who excels in single target damage. He is a solid DPS to use in World 5 since his Follow-up attacks are great against Bosses and can deal more DMG if enemies have debuffs.
Luocha Luocha Luocha can easily keep the team alive with his kit. Luocha can also remove enemy buffs which is useful for World 5.
Aventurine Aventurine Aventurine can solo sustain for World 5 since he can shield everyone using his Skill. With Aventurine being an offense-oriented Preservation unit, he can also help the DPS defeat Kafka using his Ultimate and follow-up attacks.
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Silver Wolf can apply an Elemental Weakness to enemies using her Skill, allowing you to be flexible with your team comps.
Fu Xuan Fu Xuan Fu Xuan can decrease the DMG taken by allies and help them resist Crowd Control debuffs using her Matrix of Prescience.
Lynx Lynx Lynx is a great healer who can cleanse debuffs from party members using her Ultimate.

Best Teams for World 5

Free To Play Team

Main DPS Support Healer Shielder
Dan Heng Dan Heng Yukong Yukong Natasha Natasha Trailblazer (Fire) Trailblazer (Fire)
Paths & Blessings Path: The Abundance
Blessings: Abundance, Preservation, Hunt

This F2P team revolves around using Dan Heng and Yukong to break enemy weaknesses and buff the party respectively. Natasha and the Trailblazer are enough to protect the team through healing and shields.

Optimal Teams

Argenti Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Argenti Argenti Hanya Hanya Tingyun Tingyun Huohuo Huohuo
Paths & Blessings Path: Erudition or The Hunt
Blessings: Erudition, The Hunt, Abundance, Propagation

In this team, Argenti serves as the main DPS capable of dealing heavy damage using his Ultimate to multiple enemies. Hanya can restore Skill Points using the Burden debuff while also providing Argenti SPD, more ATK, and restoring his Energy.

Tingyun can buff Argenti's ATK and DMG, while also giving him Energy. Huohuo serves as the main healer and can restore Energy to the whole party, while also being able to deal with Kafka's debuffs using her party-wide cleanse.

Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Imbibitor Lunae Imbibitor Lunae Sparkle Sparkle Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Luocha Luocha
Paths & Blessings Path: Propagation
Blessings: Propagation, Hunt, Abundance

A team of Imaginary characters can work for World 5 as long as you add Silver Wolf to the team in order to force an Imaginary Weakness on the other elite enemies.

Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae can easily defeat the adds during the boss fight against Kafka. Sparkle provides offensive buffs and SP restoration while Luocha heals the team!

Dr. Ratio Team

Main DPS Support Support Shielder
Dr. Ratio Dr. Ratio Topaz Topaz Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Aventurine Aventurine
Paths & Blessings Path: Elation or The Hunt
Blessings: Elation, Hunt, Erudition, Abundance

A team with Dr. Ratio as the DPS can work for World 5 with Silver Wolf again being part of the team to add Imaginary Weakness on the other elite enemies. She is also needed due to her debuffs because it increases Dr. Ratio's chances of dishing out Follow-Up attacks.

Aventurine can be the shielder and his Ultimate can inflict a debuff on an enemy, which increases CRIT DMG dealt to them. Topaz is part of the team to increase the Follow-Up Attack DMG taken by enemies

Blade Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Blade Blade Bronya Bronya Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Huohuo Huohuo
Paths & Blessings Path: Destruction
Blessings: Destruction, Hunt, Propagation, Elation

This Blade team focuses dealing a lot of Wind DMG to Kafka. Bronya will provide additional turns and DMG buffs for Blade to deal even more DMG. Silver Wolf can implant a Quantum weakness to Kafka so she can deplete her toughness and can also give other debuffs.

Clara Follow-Up Attack Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Clara Clara Topaz Topaz Tingyun Tingyun Lynx Lynx
Paths & Blessings Path: Destruction
Blessings: Destruction, Elation, Abundance

Clara can draw the enemy's attacks toward her to deal Counter-Attacks and deal AoE DMG using her Skill. Topaz can increase Follow-Up Attack DMG taken by enemies and Tingyun can support by buffing Clara's ATK and restoring her Energy.

Lynx as the healer allows you increase Clara's aggro since she's a Destruction character and also cleanse Kafka's debuffs. If you don't have Lynx, you can use other healers such as Natasha and Luocha.

Sushang Team

Main DPS Support Support Utility
Sushang Sushang Bronya Bronya Welt Welt Huohuo Huohuo
Paths & Blessings Path: The Abundance
Blessings: Abundance, Hunt, Preservation

Sushang is the best 4-star DPS you can use to take out most bosses in this World. Use Bronya to help Sushang deal even more DMG while Welt can slow enemies down to delay the enemy's action.

Huohuo fits well for this team since she will be able to give some Energy and ATK buffs to her allies with her Ultimate. If needed, her Skill can also dispel debuffs!

How to Beat Kafka - World 5 Boss

Take Out the Soldiers in the First Phase

Star Rail - Simulated Universe World 5 - Take Out the Soldiers

These soldiers can buff Kafka, deal additional DMG, and will last throughout the entire boss fight. Take them out on the first phase to minimize the DMG taken.

Use Path Resonance: The Abundance

The key to defeating Kafka is through surviving her attacks using Path Resonance: The Abundance. This ensures that all your party members survive and you can take out Kafka slowly but surely.

Combined with having Resonance Formation - Anicca, you can easily remove Kafka's Dominate status effects and other debuffs. The Path Resonance can also be used in case of an emergency since Kafka's attacks in the latter phases can deal even more DMG.

World 5 Rewards

Planar Ornament Rewards

World 5 Planar Ornaments
Star Rail - Celestial Differentiator Celestial Differentiator Star Rail - Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise

Relics and Planar Ornaments Guide

First Time Clearance Rewards

Difficulty 1
Difficulty 2
Star Rail - Celestial DifferentiatorCelestial Differentiator 2 pc. Set (5★)
Difficulty 3
Difficulty 4
Star Rail - Celestial DifferentiatorCelestial Differentiator 2 pc. Set (5★)

You can only claim the First Time Clearance rewards once after clearing the stage for the first time.

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Paths and Blessing Guides

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Other Simulated Universe Guides

Simulated Universe Guides
List of All Paths Simulated Universe Events
List of All Curios Resonance Interplay Guide


6 Anonymousover 1 year

under the f2p team section, should be "respectively", not "respectivelt"

5 Anonymousover 1 year

just in case anyone reads this, if u have luocha u can use him over natasha cuz he can do pretty much everything natasha can but better, especially the debuff removal cuz its a passive instead of always needing to use a skill point, idk y this page hasnt been updated at all but yea


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