Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

How to Add Friends

The online features of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC) can be a little confusing, so if you're wondering how exactly you can add your friends to play together check out our guide!

How to Add Friends

Follow People You've Played With

Friends List.jpg

You can follow anyone you've previously played with online. If you both follow each other you'll become friends.

GIve Them Your Friend Code

Friend Code.jpg

If you want to play with someone you know rather than joining a random person's room you can give them your invite code that appears under the status message.

You can also use a one-time friend code

One-Time Friend Code.jpg

There's also a one-time friend code option that only lasts 30 minutes so you can create and give it out as necessary to play with others.

What Can You Do With Friends?

Directly Invite to Dungeons

Once you've added someone to your friends list, you can directly invite them to a dungeon rather than them having to join a room you've hosted. This also applies to dungeons they have yet to unlock or aren't in the right area for!

Related Links

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All Multiplayer Guides
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