Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Is Multiplayer Region-Locked?

This page will go into detail on region-locking in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC). If you're curious about whether or not you can play with your friends in other regions, keep on reading!

Is Multiplayer Region-Locked?

At the Moment, Yes

Unfortunately, it appears that multiplayer is indeed region-locked as of writing this article. We tested with one player on the US version of the game and the other player on the Japanese version of the game and received the Couldn't find that player. error code no matter which friend code we tried. We don't know if this will change at all in the future, but we're crossing our fingers! If the region-locking is removed at some point we'll be sure to update this article so keep checking back for updates!

Related Links

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All Multiplayer Guides
Online Multiplayer Local Multiplayer
Crossplay and Cross Saves How to Add Friends
Is Multiplayer Region-Locked? Multiplayer Tips and Each Race's Role

How to Play Multiplayer


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