Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

4-Way Synthesis: List of Monsters with 4 Parents

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Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - List of Monsters with 4 Parents
Some monsters in Dragon Quest Monsters 3 require 4 parents to synthesize. Here's the list of all synthesizable monsters that require 4 components, and their parent monsters!

List of Monsters with 4 Parents

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4-Way Synthesis Mechanics

Child is Determined by Grandparents

This might seem tricky at first. Unlike ordinary 2-way syntheses, 4-way syntheses are determined by the 4 “grandparent” monsters at the top of the screen. These monsters need to be specific.

Once the synthesis goes through, the 2 resulting parent monsters can be of any family, but the desired child monster will still be created regardless.

Child Monster Will Still Be Born So Long as You Have 4 Specific Grandparents

Grand Parent 1 Grand Parent 2 Grand Parent 3 Grand Parent 4
Parent 1 Parent 2
Monster of Any Family Monster of Any Family
★ Child ★

4-way syntheses are highly dependent on the Grandparent monsters. So long as these 4 monsters are specific and match the requirements, it does not matter what order you combine them in. Because of this, the resulting 2 parents may differ.

Parents Can be Any Monster

Since you can ignore the order of the Grandparents when doing a 4-way synthesis the Parent monsters could differ. However, this won't matter when synthesizing for the Child monster.

Regardles of what Parents you get, the same Child monster will still be created!

Synthesis Guide and Calculator

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