Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Azabel in Whispwoods

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DQM - How to Beat Azabel

Azabel is one of the bosses in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about Azabel's weaknesses and recommend party members to beat Azabel here!

How to Beat Azabel

Azabel List of Attacks

Use Wave of Relief and Items That Remove Status Ailments

Azable uses a wide variety of skills that apply status ailments, so be sure to be ready with multiple options for removing negative status. The skill Wave of Relief allows your monsters to recover from all status ailments, so bring monsters with the skill.

You can also bring items such as Panacea and Smelling Salts in case your monsters with Wave of Relief become incapacitated as well.

Recommended Monsters With Wave of Relief

From Scouting
Gremlin ImageGremlin
From Synthesis
Slionheart ImageSlionheart Prism Peacock ImagePrism Peacock Great Keeper ImageGreat Keeper

Recommended Items

Item Effect
Panacea Cures a single ally of any ailments that afflict them.
Smelling Salts Cures a single ally of confusion and sleep.
Moonwort Bulb Cures a single ally of paralysis.
Antidotal Herb Cures a single ally of poison and severe poison.

Avoid Light Elemental Attacks as They Heal Azabel

Light-elemental damage from skills such as Kasizzle and Shining Shot heals Azablel's HP instead of dealing damage. Instead, use attacks with other elements aside from light.

Use Bounce to Reflect Spells

Azabel has powerful spells, such as Kasplashle and Pearly Gates, as well as spells that inflict status ailments such as Blessed Breath. To help your monsters survive the battle, bring a monster that can utilize Bounce to reflect Azabel's spells. If the Bounce was negated by Disruptive Wave, simply trigger it again.

Big Banga, however, cannot be reflected, so be sure to utilize items and abilities that will increase your monsters' explosion resistance as well.

Bounce Skill Effect

Recommended Monsters

From Scouting
Vampire Cat ImageVampire Cat Peeper ImagePeeper Crabber Dabber Doo ImageCrabber Dabber Doo
From Synthesis
Belial ImageBelial Pazuzu ImagePazuzu Aamon ImageAamon

Recommended Party

Monster Talent
Slionheart Image Slionheart Lv. 76 Supreme Healer
Uberkilling Machine Image Uberkilling Machine Lv. 60 Uberkilling Machine
King Hydra Image King Hydra Lv. 76 Bad Breather
Belial Image Belial Lv. 66 Heretic

Best Monsters Tier List

Azabel Overview

Azabel Location and Drops

Location The Whispwoods
Exp. Points 160000
Money 0

Complete Story Walkthrough

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

Lower Echelon Boss List
DQM - Bernie IconBernie DQM - Raph IconRaph DQM - Penteratic Guardian IconPenteratic Guardian
DQM - Percival IconPercival DQM - Foo Dog IconFoo Dog DQM - Abracadabrador IconAbracadabrador
DQM - King Foo Dog IconKing Foo Dog DQM - Cheater Cheetah Rhinoceraxe and Hellion IconCheater Cheetah, Rhinoceraxe, & Hellion DQM - General Chayne IconGeneral Chayne

Middle Echelon

Middle Echelon Boss List
DQM - Darius the ShadethrowerDarius the Shadethrower DQM - AshAsh DQM - Dessert Demon Boss Troll and Chocolate GolemDessert Demon, Boss Troll, & Chocolate Golem
DQM - Cane CustodianThe Cane Custodian DQM - ClaudioClaudio DQM - PetrarchPetrarch
DQM - Circle of Conquest BossGrimglow Cave Boss DQM - Whiteworl the WatcherWhiteworl the Watcher DQM - SuccubatSuccubat

Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
DQM - Ash Blaise and BernieAsh, Blaise, and Bernie DQM - The Ifreann EagleThe Ifreann Eagle DQM - MassimusMassimus
DQM - PruslasPruslas DQM - HacksaurusHacksaurus DQM - WarhogWarhog
DQM - EscudogreEscudogre DQM - Metal DragonMetal Dragon DQM - BarbatosBarbatos
DQM - Estark IzmahEstark Izmah DQM - AamonAamon DQM - Sir GoolahadSir Goolahad
DQM - Lady VinezziaLady Vinezzia DQM - Sir SabrefangSir Sabrefang DQM - Sir BeefdrakeSir Beefdrake
DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

Post Game and Secret Bosses

Post Game & Secret Bosses
DQM - Post Game BossesEstark Venjah DQM - Post Game BossesWyrmsworth DQM - Post Game BossesAzabel
DQM - Post Game BossesSecret Boss


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