Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

Secret Boss: How to Beat Ludo

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DQM Dark Prince - How to Beat Ludo Secret Boss

The secret boss in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is Ludo. Learn how to beat Ludo by reading through the secret boss strategy guide, recommended Monster parties, and secret boss information.

DQM - Slime Attention! This article is translated from the Japanese Game8 site, so some names and terms might not be the correct ones in the English version.
If you found any terms that need to be corrected, make sure to let us know in the comments!

Secret Boss Ludo Strategy


Purchase Recovery and Buff Items

When fighting the secret boss, Ludo, it is important to prepare items that recover HP and MP, as well as items that buff your stats. In addition to stocking up on recovery and buffing items, you'll also need to bring items that cleanse status effects.

Ludo has a very high agility stat which makes him act faster. By using items like Acceleratonic that increase your agility on healer Monsters, it will allow them to keep up with Ludo's high damage potential.

In addition, items which lower the enemy's attack power like Oomph Powder is useful for reducing damage from physical attacks such as Brightsplitter which inflict heavy damage.

Items You Should Buy

Item Effect
Sag Powder Reduces enemy attack power
Panacea Recovery from Paralysis and Antimagic
Oomph Powder Significantly increases the attack power of one ally for 2 to 5 turns
Pingium Significantly increases the spell power of one ally for 2 to 5 turns
Acceleratonic Significantly increases the agility of one ally for 4 to 7 turns
Sage's Elixir Restores 90 MP for one ally

Attack with Dark, Explosive, Earth, and Non-Attribute Skills

Ludo has no resistances against Dark, Explosive, Earth element skills as well as skills with no elemental attributes. Other elemental damage against him will have its damage reduced and Ice and Light element attacks are completely nullified.

It is best to use MP-efficient attacks like Kazammle and Multifists to conserve resources.

Use Reflect Skills to Cover Weaknesses

The secret boss, Ludo, uses a variety of attacks ranging from slashing attacks like Parallax, spells like Kazammle, and breath attacks like Ice Age so it is difficult to counter all of them with Special Skills.

When using spell reflect skills, Ludo will not cast Kasizzle and when using breath reflect skills, he will not cast Ice Age.

If there are Monsters in the party that are weak to Light, use a skill like Bounce; if there are Monsters in the party that are weak to Ice, use a skill like Brake Wind to cover that weakness.

Recommended Monsters with Strong Attacks

Can Be Scouted
DQM Dark Prince - Wing SlimeWing Slime DQM Dark Prince - Restless ArmourRestless Armour DQM Dark Prince - ArchdemonArchdemon
Hatching Only
DQM The Dark Prince - The Time BeingThe Time Being DQM The Dark Prince - Great KeeperGreat Keeper DQM The Dark Prince - Jasper UnboundJasper Unbound

Recommended Monsters with Bounce Skill

Can Be Scouted
DQM Dark Prince - Vampire CatVampire Cat DQM Dark Prince - PeeperPeeper DQM The Dark Prince - Crabber Dabber DooCrabber Dabber Doo
Hatching Only
DQM The Dark Prince - BelialBelial DQM The Dark Prince - PazuzuPazuzu DQM The Dark Prince - AamonAamon

Lower Ludo's Accuracy with Bedazzlement

Lowering his accuracy is an effective strategy against the secret boss, Ludo. If you lower his hit rate using skills like Sandy Sigh or Dazzle, it makes Ludo's high damage attacks like Shining Shot or Brightsplitter have a higher chance to miss.

However, Ludo has access to Wave of Relief which can cleanse debuffs that are placed against him.

So, even if Ludo is hit with an accuracy debuff, he has the chance to cleanse it and continue his double attack pattern. It is recommended to keep your Monsters' HP above 600 for this reason.

Skills that Inflict Bedazzlement

Skills with Bedazzlement
Sandy Sigh Dazzleflash
Dazzle Sandstorm

Gigacross Damage is Reduced by Increasing Electric Resistance

Gigacross is a Physical skill, so using skills that lower accuracy is not recommended. The only way to effectively counter this attack from Ludo is by increasing your resistance to this attack.

As this attack is of Electric element, you can prioritize equipping Monsters with accessories that strengthen their resistance to Electric attacks.

Have Two Monsters That Can Heal

Ludo will attack twice using two actions and will greatly damage your party with AoE and single-target attacks. In the case of his single-target attacks, he can reduce a Monster's HP from 800 to 600 in one turn.

Bringing at least two Monsters who can heal using skills like Omniheal which heals the entire party can alleviate this pressure.

Recommended Monsters with Healing Skills

Can Be Scouted
DQM Dark Prince - Flutter SlimeFlutter Slime
Hatching Only
DQM Dark Prince - SlionheartSlionheart DQM The Dark Prince - King CureslimeKing Cureslime DQM The Dark Prince - BelialBelial

Recommended Level and Party

Recommended Level and Rank

Recommended Level/Rank
3 A-Rank Monsters / 1 or more S-Rank Monsters

Recommended Parties

Party 1

Monster Talent
Supreme Healer
Uberkilling Machine

This is a party that utilizes Slionheart who can act twice in its turn and is a dedicated healer. This party aims for a short fight with three aggressive attackers.

Uberkilling Machine has Multifists, while Barbarus has Kazammle, and Belial has Kaboomle. These three attacks have equal power and are elements that Ludo is not resistant to.

Belial and Barbus have low resistance to Electric attacks and will take heavy damage from Gigacross, so it is recommended to equip either Lightning Earrings and Lightning Charms to reduce the damage.

Party 2

Monster Talent
Storm Chaser
Supreme Healer
Supreme Healer

Equip Light Guard and Sealing Guard to one of the healers and Archdemon respectively to reduce damage and counter Ludo's use of Fizzle. Overkilling Machine has specializes in physical attacks and can learn Attack Booster III and Attack Booster IV

By utilizng two healers, it is easy to offset Ludo's damage and keep your party at a comfortable HP threshold. Panacea can be used to prevent harmful status effects such as paralysis.

Secret Boss Ludo Skills and Resistances

Secret Boss Ludo Skills

These are the attacks Ludo will use against the player. He acts twice each turn and will use two of the listed skills below.

Skill Name Description
Normal Attack Ludo's basic attack
Parallax Inflicts heavy slashing damage on a single enemy and occasionally paralyses it for 2 to 5 turns.
Kazammle Inflicts extreme dark-elemental spell damage on a single enemy.
Gigacross An extreme sword attack that inflicts extreme electrical damage 2 times in a row on all enemies. The higher the user's level, the greater the damage that will be inflicted.
Kasizzle Inflicts extreme light-elemental spell damage on all enemies.
Ice Age Inflicts outrageous ice-elemental breath damage on all enemies and occasionally stuns them for 1 turn.
Brightsplitter Inflicts minor light-elemental slashing damage on all enemies.
Shining Shot Inflicts light-elemental damage on enemies at random, 4 to 12 times in total.
Fizzle Prevents all enemies from casting spells for 4 to 7 turns. The higher the caster's wisdom, the more likely the spell is to succeed.
Disruptive Wave Removes most beneficial effects from all enemies.
Wave of Relief Cures of allies of their status ailments.

Secret Boss Ludo Resistances

Elemental Resistances

Fire Water Wind Earth Explosive
Very Strong Very Strong Strong Normal Normal
Ice Electric Light Dark
Null Strong Null Normal

Status Effect Resistances

Debilitation Bedazzlement Antimagic MP Absorption Confusion
Strong Normal Null Null Null
Sleep Paralysis Stun Poison Instant Death
Null Null Null Null Null

Secret Boss Ludo Basic Information

Location Elven Utopia
Experience Gained 200000
Money Gained 0

Post-Game Content: How to Get 100% Clear

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