Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Farm Talent Points and What to Spend Them On

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DQM3 - How to Farm Talent Points
You can farm Talent Points for your monsters in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince by leveling them up. Read on to learn how to farm Talent Points, what to spend Talent Points on, how Talent Point transfer works during synthesis, and how to allocate Talent Points.

How to Farm Talent Points

Talent Points are the points you need to gain new skills or stat boosts, depending on the talent. Here are the few ways you can get Talent Points for your monsters.

  1. Earn by Leveling Up
  2. Inherit Talent Points Through Synthesis
  3. Use Skill Seeds

Earn by Leveling Up

Level Points (2 Talents) Points (3 Talents)
3 6 9
5 6 9
7 6 9
9 8 12
12 6 9
14 6 9
17 6 9
20 6 9
Total 50 75

At certain levels, your monster will gain a set amount of Talent Points. To farm Talent Points, the best way is to level your monsters up quickly to reach the levels where they gain Talent Points.
How to Level Up Fast

Points Earned Depends on Number of Talents

The amount of Talent Points your monster earns depends on the number of talents it has; it gets more points with three talents compared to two, as shown in the chart above.

Stick to using monsters with three talents; you can get them from two-talent monsters by synthesizing them.
List of Talents

Inherit Talent Points Through Synthesis

DQM3 - Synthesis
During synthesis, your new monster inherits half of the talent points that its parents had before the synthesis.

When your monster has reached the max level to gain points (level 20), you can choose to synthesize the monster again to revert it to level 1, gain the inherited points, then level it up again to gain the Talent Points gained by leveling up.
Synthesis Guide and Calculator

Use Skill Seeds

Talent Points can also be obtained by using Skill Seeds, a consumable item. One Skill Seed will give you 3 Talent Points.

Synthesis Talent Point Transfer Guide

In this section, we detail the mechanics of how Talent Points get transferred from parents to child during synthesis.

  1. Child Inherits Half of its Parents' Talent Points
  2. Half of the Unused Talent Points are Carried Over
  3. Half of the Uninherited Talent Points are Carried Over
  4. No Talent Points are Lost after Synthesis

Child Inherits Half of its Parents' Talent Points

Example of Talent Point Transfer Mechanics
Let's have an example of how talent point transfer works. Here, we have two parents with 38 and 26 points respectively, totalling 64 combined.
You can see that the inherited points for Power Player and Attack Booster I (13 and 5) is halved from when it was with Antguzzler (26 and 10).
Here, we selected Dancer, Power Player, and Spicy Slasher.
When we look at the points that the child has, it has a total of 32 points, half of the combined total of the parents' points.

When inheriting a talent with allocated points, half of the points will remain allocated to the child, as seen in Step 2.

Half of the Unused Talent Points are Carried Over

You don't need to worry if you haven't allocated the talent points for the parents; they will also get halved and get inherited by the child. In the example above, the 26 unused points of the She-Slime got halved to 13 and got inherited by the child.

Half of the Uninherited Talent Points are Carried Over

If you have a parent with points allocated to a talent, and you didn't choose that talent for the child, you will still get half of those points, becoming added to your available points.

In the example above, Attack Booster I had 10 points and didn't get selected for the child. The 5 points from that is added to the available points that can be allocated again.

No Talent Points are Lost after Synthesis

The simple conclusion to get from all these is that no Talent Points are lost during point transfer from parents to child, except for the exact half deducted during synthesis.

If you count the total points that the parents and child had, you'd find that the points are halved no matter what.

How to Make Talents Evolve

Talents Evolve with Maximum Talent Point Value

Players can evolve their monster's Talents by getting the maximum Talent Points for it from the sum of the parents' points during synthesis. Once you start synthesizing, you'll be able to see the evolved version of the Talent.

Example of How to Evolve Talents
[Example for Getting the Bang Virtuoso Talent]
• Parent 1 has 100 Points invested in Bang Afficionado
• Parent 1 has 30 Points while Parent 2 has 70 Points in Bang Afficionado
Both ways are valid in getting the Evolved Talent

Talent Evolutions and How to Evolve Talents

Evolve Further with Certain Combinations

You can evolve talents further if you combine talents in a certain combination during synthesis. Doing so will give you a stronger version of that talent with better benefits.

Example of Combination Talents

Combination Talent Talent 1 Talent 2
Impactor Frizz Virtuoso
Crag Virtuoso
Bang Virtuoso
Zam Virtuoso
+ Frizz Virtuoso
Crag Virtuoso
Bang Virtuoso
Zam Virtuoso

What to Spend Talent Points On

When allocating Talent Points, since monsters have two or three Talents, you'll have a few choices on where you choose to allocate them. You can either choose to aim to get special skills or to get stat boosts.

  1. Prioritize Skills in Unique Talents or Evolved Talents
  2. Prioritize Skills Over Stat Boosts
  3. Recommended Talent Combination Examples

Prioritize Skills in Unique Talents or Evolved Talents

Unique Talents ・Some monsters have talents and skills unique only to them.
・Choose attack, healing, status, etc. depending on the monster's stats
Examples: Duelist, Strong Speller, Healer
Evolved Talents ・Some evolved talents are better than unique talents
・Many are especially powerful early to midgame
・Might be difficult to tell them apart in-game, so you need to check them
Examples: Splash Afficionado, Shallow Breather, Soggy Slasher
Ward Talents ・The last skill under the Ward Talents (e.g. Zap Ward) is Castslasher, which halves MP consumption.
・The halved MP consumption makes it extremely useful mid to late game.
・Some Ward Talents can be evolved
Examples: Bang Ward, Frizz Ward, Sizz Ward
Booster Talents ・Prioritize Attack or Wisdom Booster talents for your attackers
・Support monsters might benefit from defensive Boosters
・These talents evolve from I to IV
Examples: Attack Booster I, Wisdom Booster I

When picking talents, we recommend having a combination of three types above: a unique or evolved Talent, a Ward Talent, and a Booster Talent.

Best Talents Tier List by Family

Prioritize Skills Over Stat Boosts

When it comes to the order in allocating Talent Points, we recommend going for usable skills first over stat boosts. It's pointless to have a monster with high stats but can only use the basic attack.
List of Skills

Recommended Talent Combination Examples

Example Talents
DQM3 - Cannonbrawler

Special Attacker
・Bang Afficionado
・Zap Ward
・Wisdom Booster II
Bang Afficionado for powerful skills, Zap Ward to reduce MP consumption, and Wisdom Booster to increase the firepower of special skills.
DQM3 - Killing Machine
Killing Machine

Physical Attacker
・Attack Booster III
Duelist is the premier physical damage talent, while Attack Booster increases it further; you won't be getting enough points for the third talent, so just choose anything for that.
DQM3 - King Cureslime
King Cureslime

・Crag Ward
・Wisdom Booster III
Paramedic for the healing skills, Crag Ward to reduce MP consumption, and Wisdom Booster to increase healed amount.

The examples above are for different monster roles, but notice the pattern that we mentioned earlier: one specialty talent, one Booster talent, and one ward talent. This is a general rule that you can follow when selecting talents for your synthesized monsters.
Best Talents for Story and PVP

How to Allocate Talent Points

Talent Points can be allocated through the Talents Points screen, which you can access through a few different ways. The easiest way should be opening the Talent Points option in the menu.

  1. Talent Points Option in the Menu
  2. In the Post-Battle Screen
  3. Before Synthesis

Talent Points Option in the Menu

Press X to bring up the menu, and you should find the Talent Points option at the bottom, above the Handy Heal option.

In the Post-Battle Screen

After you finish a battle, you should spot the Talent Points button above the Done button. Select it or press Y to open the Talent Point screen.

Before Synthesis

Upon selecting two monsters for synthesis, you'll find the Talent Points option in the confirmation screen.

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