Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Farm Eggs and List of Locations

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DQM 3 - How to Farm Eggs and List of Locations

This is a guide on how to farm eggs in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince and a list of their locations. Read on to learn about egg respawn conditions, egg-only monsters, and how to find eggs and when they appear.

DQM - Slime Attention! This article is translated from the Japanese Game8 site, so some names and terms might not be the correct ones in the English version.
If you found any terms that need to be corrected, make sure to let us know in the comments!
Monsters Obtained From Eggs
DQM The Dark Prince - Rainbow EggRainbow DQM The Dark Prince - Gold EggGold DQM The Dark Prince - Silver EggSilver DQM The Dark Prince - White EggWhite

How to Reroll Eggs

Rerolling Eggs

  1. Determine which map you wish to farm and collect all eggs in the area.
  2. Go into battle 10 or more times in the same area.
  3. Fast Travel to other maps
  4. Turn off auto-save, then save.
  5. Return the same map chosen in 1
  6. Look for eggs.
    If there are no eggs, repeat step 5 and reset. It is much quicker to reset than to spend time searching.
  7. If the egg hatches and it isn't the desired monster, return to the Title Screen.
  8. Repeat step 4

You can meet the egg respawn conditions by doing battle in the chosen area 10 times or more.

There are confirmed cases where eggs do not respawn when immediately moving to another map. If that does not work, it is recommended to wait for about 5 minutes after completing step ②.

Go to the Upper Echelon of Circle of Caprice

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Upper Echelon Recommendation
If you have no specific map that you wish to farm on, we recommend doing this method in the Circle of Caprice (Upper Echelon Level).

This is because the visibility for searching for eggs is good as it is easy to see the entire field from a high vantage point (as shown in the image).

Circle of Caprice Upper Echelon Egg Reroll Route

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Reference Route

Egg Positions
Check from ② Check from ③
Check from ④, east side Check from ④, south side
Check from ⑤ Check from ⑥, west side
Check from ⑥, lower layer Check from ⑥, directly below

This is a reference route when rerolling at the advanced level of Circle of Caprice. After completing the preparations for rerolling, go to the Aamon's Sanctum (①), and check for the egg position (②,③, and④) without getting off the hill.

Once the egg location is confirmed, Fast Travel to the item and collect it.

Any season is fine for rerolling, but Autumn is particularly recommended. The eggs near Rosehill's tower are submerged in water, so if you are lucky, you might be able to see them from a distance.

Reference Video for Egg Routes

This video will showcase the route and line-of-sight confirmations for the Upper Echelon of the Circle of Caprice.

Once you familiarize yourself with the route, the checks take about a minute or so. If you do not find any eggs, just reset the area and try again. The maximum number of eggs that can spawn on the map is 3.

Autumn is the recommended season as during this season, there are submerged eggs. But because there can be weather changes, it can be troublesome as Lunaticks and Soulspawns can chase you.

If you save in the Summer, move to the Circle of Caprice, then change the season to Autumn using an item like Seasonings or the Seasonal Flute and weather changes are less likely to occur.

Although not shown in the video, you can look at both east and west from the high ground where Rosehill Tower is located. There you can see almost all the remaining egg locations that cannot be seen from near the hideout.

Circle of Conquest and Fortitude Are Recommended Places to Create X-Rank Monsters

Psaro's Pawn, which is an item required to combine X-rank monsters, has a high chance to appear in Circle of Conquest (Upper Echelon) and Kandata in the Circle of Fortitude (Upper Echelon).

Each monster is limited to eggs, so if you get tired of rerolling in the temple, you can try changing areas.

Get the Seasonal Flute to Farm Efficiently

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Get Seasonal Flute
There are eggs that cannot be obtained unless the game is currently in a particular season. So, it is recommended to get the Seasonal Flute.

It is an important item that allows the player to advance through the seasons at any time and can be obtained in the dungeon after beating it.

Although it is a consumable item, if you have 4 Seasonings, the player may continue to use it without having to reset as the item allows you to advance the seasons 4 times.

If you do not get the desired results, you can reset the game back to the point where you used the Seasonings to try again.

List of Egg Locations

Upper Echelon Egg Locations

[Circle of Conquest] Upper Echelon [Circle of Temper] Upper Echelon
[Circle of Indulgence] Upper Echelon [Circle of Caprice] Upper Echelon
[Circle of Fortitude] Upper Echelon

Middle Echelon Egg Locations

[Circle of Conquest] Middle Echelon [Circle of Temper] Middle Echelon
[Circle of Indulgence] Middle Echelon [Circle of Caprice] Middle Echelon
[Circle of Fortitude] Middle Echelon

Lower Echelon Egg Locations

[Circle of Conquest] Lower Echelon [Circle of Temper] Lower Echelon
[Circle of Indulgence] Lower Echelon [Circle of Caprice] Lower Echelon
[Circle of Fortitude] Lower Echelon [Terrestria] Lower Echelon

List of Egg-Only Monsters

No. Monster Family Rank Color
77 Dragon Family Image F Image White Image
100 Dragon Family Image C Image Gold Image
164 Nature Family Image E Image Silver Image
166 Nature Family Image E Image Silver Image
171 Nature Family Image D Image Silver Image
187 Nature Family Image C Image Gold Image
265 Beast Family Image B Image Gold Image
266 Beast Family Image B Image Gold Image
272 Beast Family Image A Image Rainbow Image
306 Material Family Image E Image Silver Image
387 Demon Family Image D Image Silver Image
414 Demon Family Image B Image Gold Image
453 Undead Family Image E Image Silver Image
457 Undead Family Image E Image Silver Image
468 Undead Family Image D Image Silver Image
497 ??? Family Image C Image Gold Image

How to Farm Eggs Efficiently

Explore the World

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Farm Eggs Efficiently
Unfortunately, due to the conditions for eggs to appear, there is no choice but to explore the world. If you are not particular with the area you wish to explore, it is recommended to explore an area with a clear view.

Such examples are Circle of Caprice (Middle Echelon or Upper Echelon).

Recommend Exploring Multiple Worlds

Even if you are focus farming for a specific egg rarity, it is recommended to explore various worlds. This is because it has been confirmed that if the player only explores one specific world, eggs will eventually stop repsawning.

So it is recommended not to stay in one area too often, and collect items like Mini Medals along the way.

How to Find Eggs and When They Appear

Eggs Spawn in the Overworld After Finishing Terrestria

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Appears in the World After Terrestria
Monster Eggs will begin to appear in various areas after finishing all the quests in Terrestria. Eggs themselves will appear in the Lower Echelon, Middle Echelon and even Upper Echelon Levels.

Eggs in the Overworld Are White

Eggs in the overworld will appear as white. After obtaining it, the rarity may increase to Silver, Gold, or Rainbow, with Rainbow being the rarest type of egg.

In other words, the player cannot determine the rarity of an egg until it is picked up. So it is recommended to pick it up as soon as they appear.

Egg Rarity and Spawn Conditions

Spawn Conditions Egg Rarity Rank
After clearing Terrestria DQM The Dark Prince - White EggWhite
DQM The Dark Prince - Silver EggSilver
DQM The Dark Prince - G Rank / DQM The Dark Prince - F Rank
DQM The Dark Prince - E Rank / DQM The Dark Prince - D Rank
After clearing [Cradle of Corruption] Lower Level DQM The Dark Prince - Gold EggGold
DQM The Dark Prince - C Rank / DQM The Dark Prince - B Rank
After clearing [Cradle of Corruption] Middle Level DQM The Dark Prince - Rainbow EggRainbow DQM The Dark Prince - A Rank

Go to Upper Echelon Levels for Gold or Rainbow Tier Eggs

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Upper Echelon Levels For Higher Rarity
Among the three available levels, Silver, Gold, and Rainbow Eggs are more likely to appear in the Upper Echelon Levels.

Egg-Only Traits such as Holy Warder will also have a higher chance of appearing as Monster Traits in Upper Echelon Level areas.

Rare Eggs Appear as Difficulty Increases

Lower Echelon Middle Echelon Upper Echelon
White 78 (62.90%) 40 (43.01%) 75 (19.95%)
Silver 38 (30.65%) 45 (48.39%) 178 (47.34%)
Gold 7 (5.65%) 6 (6.45%) 88 (23.40%)
Rainbow 1 (0.81%) 2 (2.15%) 35 (9.31%)
Total 124 (100.00%) 93 (100.00%) 376 (100.00%)

The rarity of eggs increases as the difficulty level increases. For Gold and Rainbow Eggs, it is highly likely that the Upper Echelon levels spawn these eggs frequently.

The appearance of Silver Eggs does not change significantly, so it is most efficient to go directly to the Upper Echelon.

Egg Respawns

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Check Label 1Eggs are determined the moment they respawn.
Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Check Label 2After 10 battles, the respawn condition will be met.

This is a rough hypothesis based on testing. Please view this page for reference only. However, it is confirmed that you can meet the egg repsawn conditions by fighting enemies.

Monster Talents from Eggs

Some Monsters Can Only Be Obtained From Eggs

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Egg Only Monsters
There are some monsters that can only be obtained by hatching from eggs. These monsters are incredibly rare and difficult to obtain, so it will require some grind to get them.

Some Talents Can Only Be Obtained From Eggs

Monsters that are hatched from eggs may obtain rare skills like Freeze Popper and Wisdom Booster II.

There are also egg-only Talents such as Sparkling Warder, so if you want to raise more powerful monsters, carefully selecting Talents is essential.

Egg-Only Traits

Sparkling Warder
Hard Warder
Holy Warder
Skill / TraitSPEffect
Ultra Drain Blocker10Greatly increases resistance to MP absorption.
Ultra Frizz Ward20Greatly increases resistance to fire-elemental attacks.
Ultra Antioxidant30Greatly increases resistance to poison and severe poison.
Ultra Visionary50Greatly increases resistance to bedazzlement.
Ultra Zap Ward75Greatly increases resistance to electrical attacks.
Ultra Fidget100Greatly increases resistance to paralysis.
Ultra Sizz Ward150Greatly increases resistance to light-elemental attacks.
Ultra Tough Customer200Greatly increases resistance to debilitation.
Skill / TraitSPEffect
Ultra Drain Blocker10Greatly increases resistance to MP absorption.
Ultra Splish Ward20Greatly increases resistance to water-elemental attacks.
Ultra Granite Chin30Greatly increases resistance to being stunned.
Ultra Visionary50Greatly increases resistance to bedazzlement.
Ultra Crag Ward75Greatly increases resistance to earth-elemental attacks.
Ultra Clear Thinker100Greatly increases resistance to confusion.
Ultra Crack Ward150Greatly increases resistance to ice-elemental attacks.
Ultra Spellbinder200Greatly increases resistance to antimagic.
Skill / TraitSPEffect
Ultra Drain Blocker10Greatly increases resistance to MP absorption.
Ultra Antioxidant20Greatly increases resistance to poison and severe poison.
Ultra Zam Ward30Greatly increases resistance to dark-elemental attacks.
Ultra Death Defier50Greatly increases resistance to instant death.
Ultra Bang Ward75Greatly increases resistance to explosive attacks.
Ultra Visionary100Greatly increases resistance to bedazzlement.
Ultra Whoosh Ward150Greatly increases resistance to wind-elemental attacks.
Ultra Insomniac200Greatly increases resistance to being put to sleep.

Special Message When Hatching Monsters With Rare Traits

For Egg-Only Monsters with rare Traits, a message will pop up saying I feel strong power from this Monster!. The message will be sparkly, but it is unrelated to the Glittering Monster.

Large Monsters Can Be Hatched

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Large Size Monsters
Large sized Monsters can also potentially hatch from eggs. Once you find the Monster you want, you can reset it by repeatedly saving and loading in front of the egg.

Differences from Past Games

Eggs Will Hatch as They Are Obtained

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Special Message
The egg hatching process in previous games used to have the player obtain the egg, wait for time to pass, and then the egg will eventually hatch.

But in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, eggs will hatch instantly as they are obtained.

Eggs No Longer Have Names

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince - Nameless Eggs
In previous games, eggs used to have names with prefixes (e.g., Dazzling Dark Haired Egg).

This naming system was placed to help predict the characteristics of the Monsters that would hatch, but in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, eggs do not have this naming system.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

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5 Fenrirabout 1 year

I don't know if I just have a negative luck or if it's you, but I feel like the upper echelon stats are fake... when I tried farming silver eggs in the upper echelon of the lava circle, I got the following results: White eggs - 9 Silver eggs - 2 Golden eggs - 24 Rainbow eggs - 7 Aq said before, I don't know if I'm just unlucky or if it's the person that farmed the 300+ eggs for the stat that was, but...

4 Anonymousabout 1 year

The reference to Kandata should be updated to Robbin' 'Ood


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