Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Barbatos: Best Party Members and Weakness

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DQM The Dark Prince - How to Beat Barbatos

Barbatos is one of the bosses in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about Barbatos's weaknesses and recommended party members to beat Barbatos here!

How to Beat Barbatos

List of Enemy Attacks

Barbatos Attacks

Hypothermion Attacks

Defeat Hypothermion With AoE Attacks

DQM The Dark Prince - Barbatos and Hypothermion

Barbatos and Hypothermion's Weaknesses are Electric and Explosion

In the boss battle against Barbatos, he will be accompanied by two Hypothermion. Barbatos uses powerful debuffs like Kasap which lowers your defense and Kasnooze which inflicts sleep on your party. Barbatos is a priority because of these reasons, so focus on defeating him first!

In addition, Barbatos and the Hypothermion conveniently have weaknesses to Electric and Explosion element attacks, so bring Monsters that can take advantage of this.

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Electric and Explosion Attacks

Monster Talent Skills
Storm Chaser Kaboomle
Wrecker Big Banga
Leading Light Kazapple
Just Ruler Lightning Storm
Duelist Gigagash

Bring Monsters with Brake Wind

Black Breath Can Prevent Spells

Barbatos possesses a breath attack named Black Breath that deals major dark-elemental damage and can prevent your party from casting spells. This is highly dangerous for Healer Monsters if they are hit as they lose access to their healing skills.

If you use Brake Wind which can reflect Breath attacks, it can completely nullify the attack and protect your party.

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Brake Wind

Monsters with Brake Wind
DQM3 - Awebergine
DQM3 - Restless Armour
Restless Armour
DQM3 - Stark Raven
Stark Raven
Vexologist Breath Taker Blusterer

Bring Monsters with Omniheal

Barbatos uses powerful attacks that hit your entire party like Black Breath and Kaboom, so to offset the damage, bring Healer Monsters with Omniheal to keep your HP close to full.

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Omniheal

Monsters with Omniheal
DQM3 - Flutter Slime
Flutter Slime
DQM3 - King Cureslime
King Cureslime
DQM3 - Slime Snack
Slime Snack

Omniheal is available to the Monsters above and is only available to Monsters A-Rank or higher. Flutter Slime is simple enough to synthesize.

However, King Cureslime, while taking longer to create, has high healing potential and is a synthesis material for even stronger Monsters down the line, so we recommend getting it.

Steps to Create King Cureslime

To create a King Cureslime, we first need to synthesize Cosmic Chimaera as its ingredient.

After doing so, synthesize the Cosmic Chimaera with any Slime Family Monster and the resulting Monster will be a King Cureslime.

Synthesizing a Cosmic Chimaera

Steps to Create Cosmic Chimaera
  1. Scout a Mandrake Major located in Fort Nox at the Circle of Fortitude, Middle Echelon.
  2. Scout an Odd Cob located in Hotcake Heap at the Circle of Indulgence, Lower Echelon.
    (Though any Nature Family Monster will do)
  3. Create a Chimaera by synthesizing both Mandrake Major and Odd Cob.
  4. Scout a Togre located in the Cradle of Corruption, Middle Level.
  5. Scout an Odd Cob (or any Nature Family Monster) again.
  6. Create a Drackyma by synthesizing Togre and Odd Cob.
  7. Create Cosmic Chimaera by combining Chimaera and Drackyma
Synthesis Table
Nature Family ImageNature Family Dragon Family ImageDragon Family
(E Rank)
Demon Family ImageDemon Family Nature Family ImageNature Family
(C Rank)
DQM3 - Chimaera
DQM3 - Drackyma
DQM3 - Cosmic Chimaera
Cosmic Chimaera

Synthesizing King Cureslime

Steps to Create King Cureslime
  1. Scout a Scallop Slime located in the Gleaming Grotto at the Circle of Caprice, Lower Echelon.
    (Though any Slime Family Monster will do)
  2. King Cureslime can be created by synthesizing Scallop Slime and Cosmic Chimaera.
Synthesis Table
- - DQM3 - Chimaera
DQM3 - Drackyma
Slime Family ImageSlime Family DQM3 - Cosmic Chimaera
Cosmic Chimaera
DQM3 - King Cureslime
King Cureslime

Recommended Party

This party is based on our playtesting team's Monsters during the time of the boss's defeat.

Monster Main Skill
Trauminator Image Trauminator Lv. 34 Leading Light
Hacksaurus Image Hacksaurus Lv. 41 Paragon
Archdemon Image Archdemon Lv. 42 Storm Chaser
King Cureslime Image King Cureslime Lv. 40 Cure-All

Best Monsters Tier List

Barbatos Overview

Location Circle of Fortitude (Upper Echelon)
Experience 20000
Money 0

Circle of Fortitude (Upper Echelon) Walkthrough: Chart 17

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQ3) Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

Lower Echelon Boss List
DQM - Bernie IconBernie DQM - Raph IconRaph DQM - Penteratic Guardian IconPenteratic Guardian
DQM - Percival IconPercival DQM - Foo Dog IconFoo Dog DQM - Abracadabrador IconAbracadabrador
DQM - King Foo Dog IconKing Foo Dog DQM - Cheater Cheetah Rhinoceraxe and Hellion IconCheater Cheetah, Rhinoceraxe, & Hellion DQM - General Chayne IconGeneral Chayne

Middle Echelon

Middle Echelon Boss List
DQM - Darius the ShadethrowerDarius the Shadethrower DQM - AshAsh DQM - Dessert Demon Boss Troll and Chocolate GolemDessert Demon, Boss Troll, & Chocolate Golem
DQM - Cane CustodianThe Cane Custodian DQM - ClaudioClaudio DQM - PetrarchPetrarch
DQM - Circle of Conquest BossGrimglow Cave Boss DQM - Whiteworl the WatcherWhiteworl the Watcher DQM - SuccubatSuccubat

Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
DQM - Ash Blaise and BernieAsh, Blaise, and Bernie DQM - The Ifreann EagleThe Ifreann Eagle DQM - MassimusMassimus
DQM - PruslasPruslas DQM - HacksaurusHacksaurus DQM - WarhogWarhog
DQM - EscudogreEscudogre DQM - Metal DragonMetal Dragon DQM - BarbatosBarbatos
DQM - Estark IzmahEstark Izmah DQM - AamonAamon DQM - Sir GoolahadSir Goolahad
DQM - Lady VinezziaLady Vinezzia DQM - Sir SabrefangSir Sabrefang DQM - Sir BeefdrakeSir Beefdrake
DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

Post Game and Secret Bosses

Post Game & Secret Bosses
DQM - Post Game BossesEstark Venjah DQM - Post Game BossesWyrmsworth DQM - Post Game BossesAzabel
DQM - Post Game BossesSecret Boss


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