Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Ash, Blaise, and Bernie (Brimstone Boys): Best Party Members and Weakness

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Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Ash, Blaise, and Bernie - The Brimstone Boys

Ash, Blaise, and Bernie, known collectively as the Brimstone Boys, are bosses in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about the Brimstone Boys' weaknesses and recommended party members to beat Ash, Blaise, and Bernie here!

How to Beat Brimstone Boys

Brimstone Boys List of Attacks

Ash (Left)
Blaise (Center)
Bernie (Right)

Of all 3 of the Brimstone Boys, Blaise is the only one who can act twice per turn. Ash and Bernie both have powerful spells that target all of your monsters, and can even make them skip a turn.

Weak to Water Elemental Attacks

Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Ash, Blaise, and Bernie - Use Water Attacks
The Brimstone Boys are all weak against water attacks and will take significantly more damage from it. If you have a monster with the Splash Afficionado Talent, you can progress it to the higher Splash Virtuoso Talent for more powerful water attacks!

Additionally, if you have a monster that possesses the Splishmeister Trait, have them cast Kasplashle. Doing so can defeat one of the Brimstone Boys in two turns.

How to Level Up Fast

Monsters with Splash Afficionado and Splishmeister

Toady ImageToady Puffpoise ImagePuffpoise

Best Monsters Tier List

Defeat Blaise First

Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Ash, Blaise, and Bernie - Magma Blast
All three Brimstone Boys have the same amount of HP (roughly around 900 HP), but Blaise's Magma Blast and Kafrizz spells are extremely dangerous if you're not careful, especially since he can attack twice.

There will be another, more difficult battle after this, so get in gear and defeat Blaise before your party collapses!

Adjust Your Experience Value

HP and MP Fully Restores Upon Leveling Up

Experience Gained from
the Brimstone Boys

Right after defeating the Brimstone Boys, you will be up against an even stronger boss. This could mean trouble if you've taken a considerable amount of damage from the previous battle.

In order to negate this, be sure to garner just enough experience in advance. Once you defeat the Brimstone Boys, all of your monsters will level up, leading to fully restored HP and MP!

Recommended Party

Sample Party

Monster Main Talent
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 38
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 38
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 38

This party has the Heal spell in every member, which is extremely necessary, considering that you will be going up against two boss battles consecutively.

Additionally, you will have 3 units that can use water attacks to deal as much damage as possible.

Best Early Game Monsters

Brimstone Boys Overview

Brimstone Boys Location and Drops

Location Circle of Temper, Upper Echelon
Exp. Points 12000
Money 0

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

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Middle Echelon

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Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
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DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

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Post Game & Secret Bosses
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