Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Get Supreme Healer Talent

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This is an article on how to get the Supreme Healer Talent in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince. Read on to learn about the special skills to learn Supreme Healer, how to obtain it, and how to obtain it through scrolls.

DQM - Slime Attention! This article is translated from the Japanese Game8 site, so some names and terms might not be the correct ones in the English version.
If you found any terms that need to be corrected, make sure to let us know in the comments!

How to Get Supreme Healer

Combine Two Skills with Maximum Skill Points


Supreme Healer can be created by combining one Monster with the Healer or Paramedic Talent and another Monster with the Cure-All Talent in Synthesis.

Monsters with Healer

DQM Dark Prince - HealslimeHealslime DQM Dark Prince - SpritebulbSprite Bulb DQM Dark Prince - CureslimeCureslime

Monsters with Paramedic

DQM Dark Prince - Cosmic ChimaeraCosmic Chimaera DQM Dark Prince - Tree FellerTree Feller DQM Dark Prince - GremlinGremlin

Monsters with Cure-All

DQM Dark Prince - Flutter SlimeFlutter Slime DQM Dark Prince - King CureslimeKing Cureslime
DQM Dark Prince - Slime SnackSlime Snack DQM Dark Prince - HadesHades' Condor

Obtained Through Scrolls

Scroll How to Get
Supreme Healer Scroll Random drop from Totsugeki Fish in the Elven Utopia

Special Skills of Supreme Healer Talent Monsters

Skills / Traits SP Effect
Moreheal 10 Restores 285 or more HP to a single ally.
Dodgy Dance 20 Raises the user's evasion for 4 to 7 turns.
Hustle Dance 30 A dance that heals allies at random, 2 to 6 tiems in total. The higher the user's level, the greater the healing amount.
Multiheal 50 Restores 76 or more HP to all allies.
Mist Me 70 Negates all damages 1 time only. Ineffective against certain attacks.
Kerplunk Dance 100 A dance that heals or resurrects all allies, including reserves, but at the cost of the user's life. The user cannot be resurrected in the same battle.
Kazing 150 Is guaranteed to resurrect a fallen ally.
Omniheal 200 Restores 237 or more HP to all allies.

Evolution Skills That Can Be Made From Supreme Healer

No available skills can be created.

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