Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Aamon: Best Party Members and Weakness

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Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Aamon
Aamon is a boss in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about Aamon's strengths, weaknesses, and recommended party members to beat Aamon here!

How to Beat Aamon

Aamon List of Attacks

Aamon has 3 powerful offensive spells, and 2 miscellaneous spells that reflects magic spells back to the caster and reduces attack power among many other debuffs due to a trait he possesses.

Apart from that, Aamon has 2 Drooling Ghouls fighting alongside him.

Look Out for the Bounce Spell

Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Aamon - Reflecting Spells

One of Aamon's spells is Bounce, which reflects magic spells back to whoever cast them. Paradoxically, he himself mostly relies on magic spells to deal damage.

Therefore, you can use his own tactic against him by casting Bounce on yourself, too! Do take note that Bounce can only be applied to the caster, so if you plan on using this tactic, be sure that all of your monsters have this spell.

Monsters that Can Learn Bounce

Peeper ImagePeeper Night Sneaker ImageNight Sneaker Vampire Cat ImageVampire Cat

Use Wave of Relief to Cure Debuffs

Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Aamon - Major Downer
Another thing you really need to watch out for is whenever Aamon casts Kablunt, which dramatically lowers your party's attack power.

When this spell is paired with his Trait, Major Downer, it also silences your party, sealing off all their magic spells and breath attacks for several turns. The Wave of Relief skill will work wonders for counteracting this.

Monsters that Can Learn Wave of Relief

Gremlin ImageGremlin Chimaera ImageChimaera

List of Skills

Fight Back with Physical Attacks

Dragon Quest Monsters 3 - How to Beat Aamon - Use Physical Attacks

Since Aamon's Kablunt spell and Major Downer trait seals off magic and breath attacks, it's recommended that you rely on physical attacks that cannot be sealed off.

Additionally, if your party's attack power has been lowered, you can use the Panacea item to negate the debuff.

List of All Medicines

Electric Attacks are Also Effective

Aamon is weak to electrical attacks. If you have skills like Gigagash and Lightning Storm on hand, and if you are able to cast them, you can opt to use them for immense damage.

Monsters that Can Learn Electric Attacks

Togre ImageTogre Cyber Slime ImageCyber Slime
Charge Leader Lightning Rod

Best Monsters Tier List

Recommended Party

Sample Party

Monster Main Talent
Flamethrower ImageFlamethrower Lvl. 48
Shogum ImageShogum Lvl. 37
Leading Light

This party consists of members that provide both powerful restorative spells and physical attacks, as well as other spells that will make for a much easier boss battle!

Best Monsters Tier List

Aamon Overview

Aamon Location and Drops

Location Circle of Caprice, Upper Echelon
Exp. Points 36000
Money 0

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

Lower Echelon Boss List
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Middle Echelon

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Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
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DQM - Lady VinezziaLady Vinezzia DQM - Sir SabrefangSir Sabrefang DQM - Sir BeefdrakeSir Beefdrake
DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

Post Game and Secret Bosses

Post Game & Secret Bosses
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DQM - Post Game BossesSecret Boss


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