Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Warhog: Best Party Members and Weakness

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DQM The Dark Prince - How to Beat Warhog

Warhog is one of the bosses in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about Warhog's weaknesses and recommended party members to beat Warhog here!

How to Beat Warhog

Warhog Is an Optional Boss

The Circle of Fortitude, Upper Echelon area is a maze and there are many routes to the end that allow you to avoid the bosses, including Warhog.

Choosing to avoid fighting some bosses here will not affect anything, so feel free to choose another route if you don't want to fight Warhog.

In the map image above, following the orange route will avoid the fight with Warhog.

Warhog List of Attacks

  • Regular Attack
  • Earthsplitter: Deals earth damage to all monsters
  • Sword Dance: Damages random targets 3-7 times
  • Act Twice or Thrice

Warhog can potentially perform a move 1-3 times in one turn.

Lower its Attack or Increase Your Defenses

DQM The Dark Prince - Warhog Attack Down Defense Up.jpg
All of Warhog's attacks deal physical damage, so counter it by lowering its attack with the Sag Powder item, or skills like Blunt or Attack Attacker. You can also increase the defense of your whole party with Kabuff. With one Sag Powder and two Kabuffs, you can negate almost all the damage it deals.

Note that Warhog can attack up to three times in one turn, so if you're unlucky, some of your monsters might get defeated in the first turn. Try to finish applying your buffs and debuffs in the first turn.

In addition, even if Warhog is inflicted with Bedazzlement which lowers the accuracy of physical attacks, he will still continue to attack, so this strategy is not recommended.

If you wish to reduce the damage you take, consider debuffing the enemy with Attack Down and buffing your team with Defense Up.

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Blunt

Monsters with Dazzleflash
DQM3 - Shadow
DQM3 - Toady
DQM3 - Scallop Slime
Scallop Slime
Hexcommunicator Splash Afficionado

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Attack Attacker

Monsters with Attack Attacker
DQM3 - Bunicorn
DQM3 - Komodo
DQM3 - Leery Lout
Leery Lout
Naturalist Defender

Examples of Monsters That Can Learn Kabuff

Monsters with Attack Attacker
DQM3 - Eggsoskeleton
DQM3 - Komodo
DQM3 - Leery Lout
Leery Lout
Materialist Defender

Recommended Party

Sample Party

Monster Main Talent
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 39
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 39
Trauminator ImageTrauminator Lvl. 28
Leading Light

In this sample party, we added a couple of Briny Broncos for their healing skills to withstand Warhog's attacks. They also have ice skills, which are Warhog's elemental weakness.

Warhog Overview

Warhog Location and Drops

Location Circle of Fortitude, Upper Echelon
Exp. Points 2900
Money 600

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

Lower Echelon Boss List
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Middle Echelon

Middle Echelon Boss List
DQM - Darius the ShadethrowerDarius the Shadethrower DQM - AshAsh DQM - Dessert Demon Boss Troll and Chocolate GolemDessert Demon, Boss Troll, & Chocolate Golem
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DQM - Circle of Conquest BossGrimglow Cave Boss DQM - Whiteworl the WatcherWhiteworl the Watcher DQM - SuccubatSuccubat

Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
DQM - Ash Blaise and BernieAsh, Blaise, and Bernie DQM - The Ifreann EagleThe Ifreann Eagle DQM - MassimusMassimus
DQM - PruslasPruslas DQM - HacksaurusHacksaurus DQM - WarhogWarhog
DQM - EscudogreEscudogre DQM - Metal DragonMetal Dragon DQM - BarbatosBarbatos
DQM - Estark IzmahEstark Izmah DQM - AamonAamon DQM - Sir GoolahadSir Goolahad
DQM - Lady VinezziaLady Vinezzia DQM - Sir SabrefangSir Sabrefang DQM - Sir BeefdrakeSir Beefdrake
DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

Post Game and Secret Bosses

Post Game & Secret Bosses
DQM - Post Game BossesEstark Venjah DQM - Post Game BossesWyrmsworth DQM - Post Game BossesAzabel
DQM - Post Game BossesSecret Boss


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