Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

How to Beat Bernie: Best Party Members and Weakness

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DQM3 - How to Beat Bernie
Bernie is one of the bosses in Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince. Learn about Bernie's weaknesses and recommended party members to beat Bernie here!

How to Beat Bernie

Bernie List of Attacks

Aside from its regular attack, Bernie has two special skills. It will also occasionally perform two attacks instead of one.

Beware Bernie's Fire-Elemental Attacks

Two of its Three Attacks are Fire-Elemental

DQM3 - Fire Breath
Bernie's attacks, aside from its regular attacks, are both fire-elemental: Fire Breath and Flame Slash.

Fire Breath is an AOE attack that hits all your monsters, while Flame Slash is a single-target attack that has higher power than normal.

Equip the Asbestos Amulet Accessory

Asbestos Amulet Location

In the Caverns of Conflagration where you fight Bernie, you can find a Asbestos Amulet that will be very useful in the battle. This item gives resistance against fire-elemental attacks.

Note that the Asbestos Amulet is an accessory, so it would only work with the monster equipping it. But it's still good to pick it up to gain an advantage against Bernie.
Circle of Temper, Lower Echelon Walkthrough

Use Monsters with the Aquapothecary Talent

Bernie has a Weakness to Water Skills

DQM3 - Water Skill vs Bernie
It's recommend to use water-elemental skills against Bernie. There are many water skills under the Aquapothecary talent, so keep this talent in mind when synthesizing monsters.

Aquapothecary Associated Skills

There are Healing Skills Under Aquapothecary

Under Aquapothecary, you can learn the Heal skill, which is a very valuable skill in the early game. Since the boss battle can get long, you'll likely need the HP recovery that Heal gives.

Best Healer Monsters

Examples of Monsters that Have Aquapothecary

DQM3 - Khalamari Kid
Khalamari Kid
DQM3 - Briny Bronco
Briny Bronco

Recommended Party

Sample Party

Monster Main Talent
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 15
Briny Bronco ImageBriny Bronco Lvl. 14
Hunter Mech ImageHunter Mech Lvl. 15
Blade Maven
Breath Taker

In this sample party, we added a couple of Briny Broncos to our party, and used their Aquapothecary skills to easily defeat Bernie.

Bernie Overview

Bernie Location and Drops

Location Circle of Temper, Lower Echelon: Caverns of Conflagration
Exp. Points 640
Money 0

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

DQM3 - Boss Partial

List of Bosses and Guides

Lower Echelon

Lower Echelon Boss List
DQM - Bernie IconBernie DQM - Raph IconRaph DQM - Penteratic Guardian IconPenteratic Guardian
DQM - Percival IconPercival DQM - Foo Dog IconFoo Dog DQM - Abracadabrador IconAbracadabrador
DQM - King Foo Dog IconKing Foo Dog DQM - Cheater Cheetah Rhinoceraxe and Hellion IconCheater Cheetah, Rhinoceraxe, & Hellion DQM - General Chayne IconGeneral Chayne

Middle Echelon

Middle Echelon Boss List
DQM - Darius the ShadethrowerDarius the Shadethrower DQM - AshAsh DQM - Dessert Demon Boss Troll and Chocolate GolemDessert Demon, Boss Troll, & Chocolate Golem
DQM - Cane CustodianThe Cane Custodian DQM - ClaudioClaudio DQM - PetrarchPetrarch
DQM - Circle of Conquest BossGrimglow Cave Boss DQM - Whiteworl the WatcherWhiteworl the Watcher DQM - SuccubatSuccubat

Upper Echelon

Upper Echelon Boss List
DQM - Ash Blaise and BernieAsh, Blaise, and Bernie DQM - The Ifreann EagleThe Ifreann Eagle DQM - MassimusMassimus
DQM - PruslasPruslas DQM - HacksaurusHacksaurus DQM - WarhogWarhog
DQM - EscudogreEscudogre DQM - Metal DragonMetal Dragon DQM - BarbatosBarbatos
DQM - Estark IzmahEstark Izmah DQM - AamonAamon DQM - Sir GoolahadSir Goolahad
DQM - Lady VinezziaLady Vinezzia DQM - Sir SabrefangSir Sabrefang DQM - Sir BeefdrakeSir Beefdrake
DQM - Dolph the DestroyerDolph the Destroyer DQM - Final BossFinal Boss

Post Game and Secret Bosses

Post Game & Secret Bosses
DQM - Post Game BossesEstark Venjah DQM - Post Game BossesWyrmsworth DQM - Post Game BossesAzabel
DQM - Post Game BossesSecret Boss


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