Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Conall Curach Map and Dungeon Walkthrough

Conall Curach.png
This is a guide to the dungeon Conall Curach in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to see our guide about Conall Curach and a list of all obtainable items, artifacts, scrolls, and monsters you can encounter in this dungeon on each cycle.

Normal Hard
Conall Curach Foggy Swamp

Conall Curach Map


In an area with a lone treasure chest with a nearby tree, search to the north of said tree until you find the Moogle House in this area.

All Moogle House Locations

Item List

Area 1

1 Phoenix Down
2 Master's Weapon/Mighty Weapon/Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
3 Lightning Shield/Mythril Shield
4 Lightning Sallet/Mythril Sallet
5 20 Gil/30 Gil/50 Gil/100 Gil

Area 2

1 20 Gil/30 Gil/50 Gil/100 Gil
2 Main Gauche/Main Gauche
3 Candy Ring/Faerie Ring/Mage Masher/Red Slippers
4 Eternal Armor/Mythril Armor
5 Lightning Gloves/Mythril Gloves
6 Eternal Armor/Mythril Armor
7 Lightning Belt/Mythril Belt
8 Ring of Cure/Star Pendant
9 Green Beret/Kaiser Knuckles/Loaded Dice
10 Eternal Armor/Mythril Armor
11 Soul of the Lion

Area 3

1 Master's Weapon/Mighty Weapon/Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
2 Eternal Armor/Mythril Armor
3 Mythril Sallet/Lightning Sallet/Mythril Belt/Lightning Belt
4 Lightning Belt/Lightning Sallet/Mythril Belt/Mythril Sallet
5 Phoenix Down
6 Lightning Gloves/Mythril Gloves

Area 1

1 Phoenix Down
2 Master's Weapon/Mighty Weapon/Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
3 Holy Shield/Lightning Shield/Magic Shield
4 Eternal Sallet/Lightning Sallet/Time Sallet
5 50 Gil/100 Gil/200 Gil/400 Gil

Area 2

1 50 Gil/100 Gil/200 Gil/400 Gil
2 Main Gauche/Teddy Bear
3 Candy Ring/Noah's Lute/Red Slippers/Sage's Staff
4 Eternal Armor/Holy Armor/Mythril Armor/Pure Armor
5 Gold Gloves/Lightning Gloves
6 Mythril Armor/Pure Armor/Eternal Armor/Holy Armor
7 Lightning Belt/Pure Belt
8 Ring of Cure/Star Pendant
9 Flametongue/Green Beret/Loaded Dice/Mjollnir
10 Eternal Armor/Holy Armor/Mythril Armor/Pure Armor
11 Soul of the Dragon/Soul of the Lion

Area 3

1 Master's Weapon/Mighty Weapon/Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
2 Eternal Armor/Holy Armor/Mythril Armor/Pure Armor
3 Lightning Sallet/Time Sallet/Lightning Belt/Pure Belt
4 Lightning Belt/Lightning Sallet/Pure Belt/Time Sallet
5 Phoenix Down
6 Gold Gloves/Holy Shield/Lightning Gloves

Area 1

1 Phoenix Down
2 Mighty Weapon/Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
3 Holy Shield
4 Diamond Sallet/Eternal Sallet/Time Sallet
5 200 Gil/400 Gil/1000 Gil/1200 Gil

Area 2

1 200 Gil/400 Gil/1000 Gil/1200 Gil
2 Chicken Knife/Teddy Bear
3 Dark Matter/Noah's Lute/Sage's Staff/Tome of Ultima
4 Diamond Armor/Holy Armor/Pure Armor
5 Gold Gloves
6 Pure Armor/20 Gil/Holy Armor/Diamond Armor
7 Diamond Belt/Pure Belt
8 Ring of Cure/Star Pendant
9 Flametongue/Giant's Glove/Heavy Armband/Mjollnir
10 Diamond Armor/Holy Armor/Pure Armor
11 Soul of the Dragon

Area 3

1 Valiant Weapon/Victorious Weapon
2 Diamond Armor/Gold Armor/Pure Armor
3 Time Sallet/Diamond Sallet/Pure Belt/Diamond Belt
4 Diamond Belt/Diamond Gloves/Lightning Sallet/Pure Belt/Time Sallet
5 Phoenix Down
6 Diamond Gloves/Diamond Shield/Gold Gloves/Holy Shield

Conall Curach Walkthrough

Recommended Starting Stats

HP Strength Defense Magic
6 45 35 35

Conall Curach is one of the two dungeons alongside Rebena Te Ra that will start off the final stretch of your journey. Enemies and bosses are strong so you need to be powerful enough to match.

The final dungeon's enemies are even stronger so you should use these dungeons to collect better gear and artifiacts. If you're having difficulty clearing the dungeons, add +10 to the recommended stats and aim for that.

Artifacts Guide

Defeat All the Entrance Enemies for Magicite

While most dungeons you could get by with just Cure, Conall Curach is the only dungeon that absolutely requires Raise. Your goal is to be able to cast Holy so you will also need at least one elemental magicite.

The Sahagin that spawns above the bridge drops a Raise magicite so plow on through until you reach that monster. Once you've prepared Holy and Cure you should be all set to take on the dungeon.

List of Magicite and its Effects

Ignore the Rest of the Enemies

Ignore Rest of Enemies.jpg

Conall Curach is loaded with enemies so if you try to take them all on you won't make much progress. It's recommended to ignore the vast majority of the enemies as you make your way to the end of the dungeon.

However, when you come across the small bridges guarded by a monster, you should take them out. You could try and go around them but there's always a chance Mog will get aggro'd.

If You Killed the Bomb in Daemon's Court...

If you've been following this wiki you will likely have used the Bomb to destroy the log bridge twice in Daemon's Court allowing you to find a treasure here. The logs from the bridge will have collected in Conall Curach's second map to the northwest allowing access to go further in.

This area is the only way you can get the Soul of the Lion scroll required to make Lilties' strongest accessory, the Lion's Heart.

Daemon's Court Dungeon Walkthrough

Watch Out for Weak Bridges

Certain bridge sections are weak, and will collapse if too many characters and/or monsters are on them. So, be careful in multiplayer, as the obvious strategy to stay close together could send you in the Miasma-filled water.

How to Play Multiplayer

Use Gravity on Stone Sahagins

Most magic are ineffective against the Stone Sahagins, except for Gravity, which will cut their HP in half. After that, finish them off with physical attacks.

How to Use Gravity

Use Thunder against Behemoths

Behemoths can be a handful, especially when surrounded by Stone Sahagins. Paralyze them with Thundaga and damage them with other Thunder spellls.

How to Use Thunder

Conall Curach Boss Guide

Dragon Zombie

Dragon Zombie.png

How to Beat Dragon Zombie

Conall Curach Monsters

Cycle: All
Cycle: All
Dark Flan
Cycle: All
Flan (Conall Curach)
Cycle: All
Cycle: All
Gigan Toad (Conall Curach)
Cycle: All
Ice Bomb
Cycle: All
Magic Plant
Cycle: All
Cycle: All
Sahagin Lord
Cycle: All
Snow Mu
Cycle: All
Stone Sahagin
Cycle: All
Thunder Bomb
Cycle: All

Conall Curach Obtainables

The alphabets and numbers refers to the items/monsters where those items can be obtained respectively.

Scrolls List

Soul of the Lion
Soul of the Dragon
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Wind Belt
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Pure Belt
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Mythril Belt
(Cycle 1)
Lightning Belt
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Diamond Belt
(Cycle 3)
Time Sallet
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Mythril Sallet
(Cycle 1)
Lightning Sallet
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Eternal Sallet
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Diamond Sallet
(Cycle 3)
Mythril Gloves
(Cycle 1)
Lightning Gloves
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Gold Gloves
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Diamond Gloves
(Cycle 3)
Mythril Shield
(Cycle 1)
Magic Shield
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Lightning Shield
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Holy Shield
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Diamond Shield
(Cycle 3)
Pure Armor
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Mythril Armor
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Holy Armor
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Gold Armor
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Eternal Armor
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Diamond Armor
(Cycle 3 & Boss)
Victorious Weapon
Valiant Weapon
Mighty Weapon
Master's Weapon
Lunar Weapon
Legendary Weapon
(Cycle 3)


Chilly Gel
Jagged Scythe
Pressed Flower
Toad Oil
Dragon's Fang
(Cycle 1)
Blue Silk
(Cycle 1 & 2)
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Soul of the Lion
(Cycle 1 & 2)
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Diamond Ore
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Soul of the Dragon
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Ancient Potion
(Cycle 3)
(Cycle 3)
White Silk
(Cycle 3)


Sage's Staff
(All & Boss)
Star Pendant
(All & Boss)
Gobbie Pocket
Rat's Tail
Gold Hairpin
Ice Brand
Wonder Wand
Wonder Bangle
Rune Bell
Sasuke's Blade
Twisted Headband
Ring of Raise
Faerie Ring
(Cycle 1)
Kaiser Knuckles
(Cycle 1)
Mage Masher
(Cycle 1)
(Cycle 1)
Sparkling Bracer
(Cycle 1)
Candy's Ring
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Green Beret
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Main Gauche
(Cycle 1 & 2)
Loaded Dice
(Cycle 1 & 2 & Boss)
Red Slippers
(Cycle 1 & 2 & Boss)
Ring of Cure
(Cycle 1 & 2 & Boss)
(Cycle 2 & 3)
Noah's Lute
(Cycle 2 & 3)
(Cycle 2 & 3 & Boss)
Teddy Bear
(Cycle 2 & 3 & Boss)
Chicken Knife
(Cycle 3)
Dark Matter
(Cycle 3)
Heavy Armband
(Cycle 3)
Giant's Glove
(Cycle 3 & Boss)
Ultima Tome
(Cycle 3 & Boss)

Crystal Chronicles Related Guides

FFCC_Banner Story.png

Story Walkthrough Guides

All Story Guides
Story Walkthrough Post-Game Dungeons

All Dungeon and Town Guides

Tipa Peninsula
Tipa Port Tipa
River Belle Path Goblin Wall
Iron Mine Downs
Marr's Pass Jegon River (East)
The Mushroom Forest The Mine of Cathuriges
Vale of Alfitaria
Alfitaria Tida
Moschet Manor -
Veo Lu
Shella Veo Lu Sluice
Plains of Fum
The Fields of Fum Jegon River (West)
Daemon's Court Selepation Cave
Kilanda Islands
Kilanda -
Rebena Plains
Conall Curach Rebena Te Ra
Lynari Isle
Leuda Lynari Desert
The Abyss
Mag Mell Mount Vellenge
The Nest of Memories -


1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

In cycle 3, Chest 3 contained a Scroll for Magic Shield when I went through it just now


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