FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    9 ominous187about 1 yearReport

    after doing several runs it's random. The least i have gotten is 2 medals most was 5 in one run plus several hi potions antidotes phoenix downs and so on

    8 ominous187about 1 yearReport

    there are 2 medals in the boxes! just keep following the path shooting the boxes you will get the other its kinda near the 2k gil. to respawn the boxes just save and reload...yw!

    7 ominous187about 1 yearReport

    forgot to add if you leave and come back the boxes respawn allowing you to gain all the items again including the moogle medal so you can farm them here!!!

    6 ominous187about 1 yearReport

    during the Shinra Underground Test Site when you fall and gain control of berret you blast the debris away (the same pic that shows where the 2k gil is its near the location they are at in it) like 6 steps in you will notice a lot of metal boxes on the shelves shoot all of them. there is a moogle medal and other potions etc in them this site fails to mention! i edited the pic to show you

    5 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    if only you could speak proper eng

    1 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Arter fighting with the bloodhouds as barreto Theresa is a contar that u shoot yo get yo a crest with 2 mega potions.

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