Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Walkthrough Comments

How to Farm Eggs and List of LocationsComment

Showing 1-5 of 5 entries


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    5 Fenrir11 monthsReport

    I don't know if I just have a negative luck or if it's you, but I feel like the upper echelon stats are fake... when I tried farming silver eggs in the upper echelon of the lava circle, I got the following results: White eggs - 9 Silver eggs - 2 Golden eggs - 24 Rainbow eggs - 7 Aq said before, I don't know if I'm just unlucky or if it's the person that farmed the 300+ eggs for the stat that was, but...

    4 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    The reference to Kandata should be updated to Robbin' 'Ood

    3 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    the new update made this easier, but I haven't seen anyone mention that there are also more egg locations

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    the monster in the egg and it's talents don't change if the egg has been spawned, but the size and stats do change, so if you want an L version of a monster you can reset. (I have only tried with saving in another zone.)

    1 Princess_Eevee9about 1 yearReport

    If you're gonna mention the Existence of the Spoiler Item, then put in the Location&Conditions ta obtain it too. Much Appreciated. Thank you for all the Work thus far!

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