Triangle Strategy

Chapter 15c1: In the Wake of a Dream Story Walkthrough, Dialogue Choices, and Item Locations

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This is a walkthrough and guide for Chapter 15c1: In the Wake of a Dream in Triangle Strategy. Read on to learn more about the Chapter's objectives, dialogue choices, item locations, and battle strategies!

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Chapter 15:
A Banner's Worth
Chapter 15-3:

Chapter 15c1 Objectives

In the Wake of a Dream Objectives

In the Wake of a Dream Objectives
1 The chapter opens with Travis and his men at the thieves den, with the sole intent of finding the treasure hidden within the Rosellan Village.
2 After the cutscene, you will be sent to the World Map.
Main Story unlocked: Rosellan Village
3 Proceed to the Rosellan Village to inspect the area for any bandits.
Exploration Phase unlocked: Rosellan Village
4 After exploring the area, Erador informs Serenoa about a crew of bandits on their way to the village.
Main Story unlocked: Rosellan Village
5 Make the necessary preparations at the Encampment before heading out to battle.
Battle unlocked: Battle with the Bandit Travis
6 After the battle, Travis explains why he goes to such lengths to fight for the desolate village and locate the treasure.
7 With nowhere else to go, Frederica and the rest of the party offers Travis to serve House Wolffort.
Character unlocked: Travis
8 After the cutscene, you will be sent to the World Map.
Main Story unlocked: Rosellan Village
9 Head to the Rosellan Village to search for the hidden treasure using a book stolen from the Archives by Travis.
10 Hours into their search, Serenoa and his allies find a massive salt crystal, signifying the existence of salt outside of the Source.
11 Using this new knowledge, Frederica figures out that the stolen book belongs to her mother, Orlaea, and manages to remove the seal from the book to reveal its contents.
End of Chapter 15c1: In the Wake of a Dream

Chapter 15c1 Exploration Phase

Key Interactions

Geela Interaction

Where to Find Talk to Geela
Prompt Choices and Effects
Could you speak to her, Lord Serenoa? Perhaps you could cheer her up... ...I haven't any words to console her, I'm afraid. I believe you could do a better job than I.
(Increases Liberty)
I understand how she feels. Seeing the village like this brings a pain to my heart as well...
(Increases Morality)
Nothing I say will bring the Roselle back here. We must act, and act quickly.
(Increases Utility)

Frederica Interaction

Where to Find Talk to Frederica
Prompt Choices and Effects
...... ...On second thought, perhaps I should leave her be.
(Increases Liberty)
We should seal the windows and doors later - to prevent both thieves and beasts from entering.
(Increases Utility)
Jerrom put his faith in us, and we shan't disappoint him.
(Increases Morality)

Notes Locations

All Notes Locations
The Diary of Orlaea
Obtained in a cutscene after Battle with the Bandit Travis

Item Locations

All Item Locations
Disenchanting Spice
By the shelf inside the house in front of Anna
Endurance Earring
Center of the room inside the house in front of Anna
Large Thunderstone
By the weapons rack inside the house in front of Anna
2900 Coin
Center of the room inside the Elder's house
Cure-All Pellet
By the green vase inside the Elder's house
1500 Coin
Top of the house next to the ladder behind Frederica
Panacea Pellet
Top of the house right of Erador

Cat Location

Where to Find In between the village entrance and the front of the Elder's House.

You will encounter a number of cats scattered across Norzelia throughout your adventure.

These cats can be found during Exploration Phases, and interacting with all of the cats throughout the game will grant you a Secret Note.

It is not required to interact with the cat again if you have approached it from a previous Exploration Phase.

How to Get the Cat Chronicles

Chapter 15c1 Battle and Strategies

Battle with the Bandit Travis Map and Battle Information

Recommended Level: 24 Enemy Units: 15
Weather: Clear Wind: Breezy
Victory Conditions: Defeat Travis.
Defeat Conditions: Lose all allied forces.
Battle Spoils: ・Iron x3
・Quality Timber x2
・Parchment x1
・Ranged Firestone x1
・Medal of Valor x1

Recommended Deployed Units

Triangle Strategy - Serenoa Icon Serenoa
Triangle Strategy - Hughette Icon Hughette
Triangle Strategy - Rudolph Icon Rudolph
Triangle Strategy - Jens Icon Jens
Triangle Strategy - Ezana Icon Ezana
Triangle Strategy - Archibald Icon Archibald

Maximum # of Deployed Units is 10

Battle Strategies

Teleport Straight to Travis

15c1 Travis Fight

Given that the victory condition of this fight is to defeat Travis, you could easily use the Quietus Lightwave to teleport your strongest unit towards him and chip off his health until he's taken down.

In order to prevent your strongest unit from being ganged up on after teleporting, immediately move your high mobility units to the entrance. Doing this will divert the attention of enemies, as they will be given more options as to who to attack.

Take Advantage of the High Ground

15c1 Hughette

Given that your starting position is located on higher ground, this will be particularly useful for ranged units, allowing them to attack Travis' men from a safe distance.

It is recommended to situate archers and mages on higher terrain to wipe out your foes!

Get Rid of Status Changes Immediately

Heal What Ails You Heal an ally's status ailments.
Power: -
Range: 0-4 (Height-10 - +10)

Generally, enemies in this battle only deal low to moderate damage to your units. However, they will rain down status changes to your party one by one, so be sure not to make this a problem by removing any poison, immobility, or fury status changes inflicted on your party.

Should you not have the necessary items to cure these status changes, consider using Geela's ability, Heal What Ails You.

Chapter 15c1 General Tips

Take Advantage of Quietuses

Using a Quietus

Quietuses are an extremely helpful set of commands that can help your units in a multitude of ways. To name a few, certain Quitetuses can influence turn count, damage dealt, unit positioning, and more.

In this case, teleporting your strongest unit straight to Travis using the Quietus Lightwave is ideal.

Take this strategy up a notch by using another Quietus like Critical Blow to deal more damage, especially to an enemy like Travis who has high HP.

Provided that you have the Quietus Points for them, using these commands will make Serenoa and his allies a force to be reckoned with.

Quietuses Guide: List and How to Use

Triangle Strategy Related Guides

Previous and Next Chapters

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Chapter 15:
A Banner's Worth
Chapter 15-3:

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Complete Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1
A Young Hawk Soars
Chapter 2
To Arms, Brave Warriors
Chapter 3 Part 1
Whither the River Flows
Chapter 3 Part 2
A Land of Snow and Ice
(Aesfrost Route)
A Land of Sand and Sun
(Hyzante Route)
Chapter 4
A New Dawn
Chapter 5
Encroaching Darkness
Chapter 6
Remember Me
Chapter 7 Part 1
A Soul Upon the Scales
Chapter 7 Part 2
Not a Word, My Friend
(Protect Roland)
Fate in Flames
(Surrender Roland)
Chapter 8 Part 1
The Weather Vane Weather the Storm
Chapter 8 Part 2
Sleep with One Eye Open
(Accept Telliore's Proposal)
Parting Ways
(Reject Telliore's Proposal)
As the Earth Rages
(Fight Sorsley)
In the Eye of the Storm
(Attack Aesfrost)
Chapter 8 Part 3
Light and Shadow Of Hearts, Words, and Deeds
Chapter 9 Part 1
Dwindling Light
Chapter 9 Part 2
March of the Smugglers
(Transport the Illegal Salt)
To Desert's End
(Report the Illegal Salt)
Chapter 10 Part 1
Beneath a Frigid Sky In the Shadows of Suspicion
Chapter 10 Part 2
A Treacherous Soul
(Reveal Roland's Identity)
Enter the Arena
(Keep Roland's Secret)
The Carelessness of Men
(Find all Evidence)
Ask Me Naught
(Incomplete Evidence)
Chapter 10 Part 3
The Voice that Calls Us The Reward for Betrayal
Chapter 11 Part 1
Oppressions Under the Sun
Chapter 11 Part 2
The Bloodstained Conscience
(Deliver the Roselle)
To the Bitter End
(Defend the Roselle)
Chapter 12
Defiance and Despondence In the Still of the Night
Chapter 13 Part 1
Our Time Has Come
Chapter 13 Part 2
Waves of Change
(Destroy the Dam)
Time to Say Goodbye
(Infiltrate the Castle)
Born of Strife and Sadness
(Destroy the Bridge)
Chapter 14 Part 1
A Steep Cost Vengeance Burns Within Me For You, My Heart
Chapter 14 Part 2
Glory Shall Find You
Chapter 15 Part 1
A Banner's Worth
Chapter 15 Part 2
When Our Paths Part
(Return to Wolffort)
Were I King
(Remain in the Crown City)
In the Wake of a Dream
(Travel to the Rosellan Village after Delivering them in Chapter 11)
The Trot of Thieves
(Travel to the Rosellan Village after Defending them in Chapter 11)
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16
Sleep, My Friend
Chapter 17 Part 1
If Griefs Could Passions Move
Chapter 17 Part 2
Of Lords and Lineages
A River of Tears
One Last Request
Those of Aspiration
(Golden Route)
Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Part 1
Harden Thy Heart Begone, Shadow of Sadness From the Abyss Of Fire and Blood
Chapter 18 Part 2
Bound by Sorrow
Chapter 18 Part 3
For Freedom
Chapter 19
Wheresoever Passions Lead A Dream in Winter Hold Fast to Courage The Fortress That Is Faith
Chapter 20
No Turning Back
Final Chapter
Dance of the Automaton The Bell Tolls for No One Blessed Freedom For Norzelia


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