Triangle Strategy

Milo Yuelle Abilities, Class Promotions, and How to Recruit

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Milo Yuelle, Envoy of the Saintly Seven, is a character in Triangle Strategy. Learn more about Milo, their aptitude, weapon, and abilities, as well as their default class, how to promote, and how to recruit Milo Yuelle in Triangle Strategy.

Milo Yuelle Profile

Milo Yuelle
Triangle Strategy - Milo Yuelle
Affiliation Hyzante
Aptitude A bewitching and battle-tested dancer!
Deafult Weapon Shadow Fan
Default Class Dancer
Chapter Introduced When Our Paths Part
Recruitment Joins the Party if you choose to Return to Wolffort in Chapter 15.
Role Envoy of the Saintly Seven
A dancer who appears almost out of thin air to do the Saintly Seven's bidding. She serves as their spy and can easily hold her own in a fight.

How to Recruit Milo

Return to Wolffort in Chapter 15

Milo joins the Party if you choose to Return to Wolffort in Chapter 15.

Chapter 15: A Banner's Worth Story Walkthrough, Dialogue Choices, and Item Locations

Milo Aptitude

Milo Aptitude
A bewitching and battle-tested dancer!
Description 1 Inflicts a variety of status ailments on her foes
Description 2 Slips gracefully between enemy units

With Milo, you can inflict status ailments on your enemies. She can move to distant tiles and weaken enemies with her abilities that can lower an enemy's strength and attack damage. Milo can also steal TP and prevent an enemy from dealing a fatal attack on your unit.

Milo Class Promotions

Recruit Veteran Elite
Character started as Veteran Class - Dancer
1x Medal of Valor + Lv. 20
Master Dancer
Master Dancer

Class Promotion Guide

Milo Weapons and Upgrades

All Weapons and Upgrades for Milo

Milo Weapons and Upgrades
Triangle Strategy Shadow Fan
1: Shadow Fan
2: Scarlet Fan
3: Phoenix Fan
1 Weapon Damage Up I Evasion Up I Physical Defense Up I Magic Defense Up I Speed Up I
2 Weapon Damage Up I Evasion Up II Green Mist Duration +1
Blue Night Duration +1
Speed Up II
3 Heart Stealer Sucess Rate Up Power of Love

Abilities with ▶ ◀ symbols are Exclusive Weapon Abilities.

Power of Love

An ability usable in battle that allows Milo to tempt all enemies within range for 1 turn(s).

Recommended Weapon Upgrades

Scarlet Fan

Upgrades for Milo's second weapon makes her more nimble, with upgrades available for her Evasion and Speed. Her Exclusive Weapon Abilities also extends the duration of either Green Mist or Blue Night.

Phoenix Fan

If you unlock Milo's third weapon rank, you can get the ability Power of Love. This tempts all enemies within Milo's range for one turn, and can be useful in battles where you are heavily outnumbered by enemy units.

Milo Abilities

Class Learned Ability Ability Info
Green Mist Green Mist

1-1 (Height -2 - +2)
Deal magic damage to a single enemy, and have a chance to poison them for 3 turn(s).
Blue Night Blue Night

1-1 (Height -2 - +2)
Lower an enemy's strength and magic attacks for 3 turn(s), and steal 1 TP.
Instinct Instinct

Cost: No Cost
1-2 (Height -2 - +2)
Increases your evasion when enemies are nearby.
Moon Jump Moon Jump

1-5 (Height -8 - +8)
Move to a selected square, then gain the use of 1 more command. However, you can only move once.
Heart Stealer Heart Stealer

Cost: ⬥⬥
1-1 (Height -2 - +2)
Chance to tempt a single enemy for 2 turn(s).
Evade Detection Evade Detection

Cost: No Cost
Allows you to slip past enemies and obstacles.
Stardust Stardust

Cost: ⬥⬥⬥
1-1 (Height -2 - +2)
Chance to paralyze all enemies within range for 2 turn(s).

Ability's Power may scale with Level.

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