Triangle Strategy

Travis Abilities, Class Promotions, and How to Recruit

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Travis, Bandit Leader, is a character in Triangle Strategy. Learn more about Travis, their aptitude, weapon, and abilities, as well as their default class, how to promote, and how to recruit Travis in Triangle Strategy.

Travis Profile

Triangle Strategy - Travis
Affiliation -
Aptitude Utilizes sticky fingers to steal items from enemies!
Deafult Weapon Thief's Cudgel
Default Class Boss
Chapter Introduced A Young Hawk Soars
Recruitment Joins the Party if you choose to Visit the Roselle in Chapter 15 (And if you kicked out the Roselle in Chapter 11).
Role Bandit Leader
The head of a band of thieves that appears all across Norzelia to steal from the rich. His thieving skills are second to none, as is his luck to escape the trouble they land him in.

How to Recruit Travis

Kick the Roselle Out in Chapter 11 and Visit the Roselle on Chapter 15

Travis joins the Party if you choose to Visit the Roselle in Chapter 15 (And if you kicked out the Roselle in Chapter 11).

Chapter 15: A Banner's Worth Story Walkthrough, Dialogue Choices, and Item Locations

Travis Aptitude

Travis Aptitude
Utilizes sticky fingers to steal items from enemies!
Description 1 Deals damage while picking pockets
Description 2 Packs powerful offensive abilities

Travis boasts high defensive stats while also dealing a lot of damage to an enemy. Furthermore, he can steal items from enemies.

Travis is a bit slow but don't fret since he takes less damage when he has no allies nearby!

Travis Class Promotions

Recruit Veteran Elite
Character started as Veteran Class - Boss
1x Medal of Valor + Lv. 20
Big Boss
Big Boss

Class Promotion Guide

Travis Weapons and Upgrades

All Weapons and Upgrades for Travis

Travis Weapons and Upgrades
Triangle Strategy Thief
1: Thief's Cudgel
2: Spiny Cudgel
3: Crow's Cudgel
1 Weapon Damage Up I HP Up I Physical Defense Up I Magic Defense Up I Luck Up I
2 Weapon Damage Up I HP Up II Mug Damage Up
Backward Toss TP -1
Luck Up II
3 Weapon Damage Up II Fire Resistance II Heavy Smash

Abilities with ▶ ◀ symbols are Exclusive Weapon Abilities.

Recommended Weapon Upgrades

Spiny Cudgel

Travis' Backward Toss can disrupt the flow of enemy units that are trying to gang up on of your units. If you like throwing your enemies around, getting Backward Toss TP -1 from Travis' second weapon rank can be a good upgrade.

Crow's Cudgel

After unlocking Travis' third weapon upgrade, you can learn Heavy Smash, which is a great way to deal damage to multiple enemies in a single attack.

This ability needs to be charged for one turn, but you can bypass the waiting game by using Benedict's Now...! or using the In Tandem Quietus.

Travis Abilities

Class Learned Ability Ability Info
Backward Toss Backward Toss

Cost: ⬥⬥
1-1 (Height -2 - +2)
Deal physical damage to a single enemy and hurl them behind you.
Steelback Steelback

Cost: No Cost
Decreases damage when being hit from behind.
On Your Guard On Your Guard

Cost: No Cost
1-2 (Height -2 - +2)
Decreases damage taken when no allies are nearby.
Impeding Strike Impeding Strike

Cost: ⬥⬥
1-1 (Height-2 - +2)
Deal physical damage to enemies across 3 horizontal squares, and delay their turn(s).
Mug Mug

1-1 (Height-2 - +2)
Deal physical damage to a single enemy, and have a chance to steal an item.
Fortuitous Follow-Up Fortuitous Follow-Up

Cost: No Cost
Chance to steal an item during a follow-up attack.
Trial by Fire Trial by Fire

Cost: No Cost
Increases your strength when on a square that is set ablaze.

Ability's Power may scale with Level.

Triangle Strategy Related Guides

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