Super Mario RPG

How to Beat Johnny and Rewards

Super Mario RPG - How to Beat Johnny

This is a guide for Johnny, a Boss in Super Mario RPG Remake. Read on to learn how you can beat Johnny, its stats, rewards, location, weaknesses, and best party setup!

Johnny Boss Fights
Johnny Main Story Johnny Rematch

Johnny Weaknesses and Recommended Level


Bandana Blue
Super Mario RPG Remake - JohnnyJohnny
Recommended Level HP
10 820
Get Tough, Skewer, Diamond Saw, Fire Saber
Weaknesses and Resistances
Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Weak / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = OK / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Resist
Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump Jump
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fire Fire
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Lightning Lightning
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Ice Ice
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fear Fear
Super Mario RPG Remake - Weakness
Super Mario RPG Remake - Poison Poison
Super Mario RPG Remake - Weakness
Super Mario RPG Remake - Sleep Sleep
Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance
Super Mario RPG Remake - MuteMute
Super Mario RPG Remake - Weakness
Super Mario RPG Remake - Bandana BlueBandana Blue
Recommended Level HP
- 150
Weaknesses and Resistances
Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Weak / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = OK / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Resist
Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump Jump
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fire Fire
Super Mario RPG Remake - Weakness
Super Mario RPG Remake - Lightning Lightning
Super Mario RPG Remake - Weakness
Super Mario RPG Remake - Ice Ice
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fear Fear
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Poison Poison
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Sleep Sleep
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - MuteMute
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK

A Johnny Rematch version of this boss is available in the post-game! The post-game can be unlocked by clearing the main story, which involves defeating the final boss Smithy.

All Post-Game Boss Rematches


Johnny Rewards
Coins EXP Item Drops
50 90 5th Star
Thought Peek Quote
You're good. Very good. Now this is a fight!

Best Party for Johnny

Best Party Setup

Beginning Active Party
Character Role
Mario Mario ・Serves as an attacker.
・Deal damage with regular attacks.
Peach Peach ・Serves a recovery role.
・Recover overall party HP and extend each member's survivability.
Bowser Bowser ・Serves as an attacker and support.
・Deal damage with regular attacks.
・Use Terrorize to reduce enemy damage.
Standby Party
Geno Geno ・Serves as an attacker and support
・Deal damage with normal and special attacks
・Boost allies with Geno Boost
Mallow Mallow ・Serves as a healer
・Heal with HP Rain
・Damage Bandana Blues with Shocker

Recommended Equipment and Level

Active Party
Character/Level Equipment
Mario Mario
Level: 10
Peach Peach
Level: 10
Bowser Bowser
Level: 10
Standby Party
Geno Geno
Level: 10
Mallow Mallow
Level: 10

Best Equipment for Each Character

How to Beat Johnny and Attack Patterns

Avoid a One-on-One Duel with Johnny

Super Mario RPG Remake - Keep Bandana Blue Alive to Avoid Johnny

The easiest way to go about defeating Johnny is by facing him while keeping one of his Bandana Blues still alive. If all of his minions are defeated in battle, you will be forced to a duel, and cannot use your other party members besides Mario.

This way, you will not have to deal with a duel with Johnny, who becomes much more difficult to deal with when he uses Get Tough at low HP.

With Mario and Johnny not forced into a duel, you can have your other party members focus on dealing damage to him.

Alternative: Do the One-on-One Duel

Super Mario RPG Remake - Johnny One on One Fight

If ever you choose or are forced into a duel with Johnny, you will want to make sure that he has been weakened considerably by the time it happens.

There is no other strategy but to regularly heal and quickly defeat Johnny with Mario's moves and items. It is also best that you practice perfect blocks to reduce the damage you take.

Members on either side's party cannot join the duelists to fight, and the match ends when either duelist is defeated.

How to Block Attacks

Use Terrorize to Reduce their Damage

Super Mario RPG Remake - Terrorize Johnny

Special Move Effect
・Deals damage on all enemies and has a chance of Inflicting the Fear status effect.
・Increases damage dealt by rotating the left stick clockwise (counterclockwise is also possible).

Johnny will summon 4 Bandana Blues at the start of battle, which are relatively easy to deal with since they mostly use physical attacks and Pierce. All Bandana Blues are weak to both Fire and Lightning, making the elemental special moves useful here.

Bowser's Terrorize will help in reducing the damage they deal, which is helpful if you wish to avoid a duel with Johnny.

If you are aiming to avoid the one-on-one duel with Johnny, keep your special moves to Mario's Fireball or Mallow's Shocker, since those only target a single enemy.

Best Special Moves for Each Character

Use Normal Attacks on Johnny

Super Mario RPG Remake - Normal Attacks on Johnny

Unlike the Bandana Blues, Johnny has no elemental weaknesses, so it is best to reduce his attack power with Terrorize, conserve FP, and use normal attacks on him.

As his HP becomes lower, he will use his special move Get Tough to increase his defense and attack significantly. There should be no problems defeating it as long as you keep recovering and attacking.

Dangerous Boss Moves

Super Mario RPG Remake - Johnny Uses Get Tough

Get Tough is an important move to look out for when dealing with Johnny, since it amplifies his attack and defense. This is more dangerous in a one-on-one duel, with no one to back Mario up in Johnny's powered-up state.

The other noteworthy special moves to look out for is Blizzard, which is Johnny's party-wide Ice attack and Skewer, a strong but blockable physical special attacks.

Johnny and Bandana Blue Attacks

Johnny Attacks

Attack Attack Type/Effect
Diamond Saw Blockable?: Yes
Additional Effect: N/A
Get Tough Additional Effect: Increases one's own Physical and Magic defenses by 50%
Fire Saber Blockable?: Yes
Additional Effect: N/A
Skewer Blockable?: Yes
Additional Effect: N/A

Bandana Blue Attacks

Attack Attack Type/Effect
Pierce Blockable?: Yes
Additional Effect: N/A

Super Mario RPG Remake Related Guides

Super Mario RPG Remake - Bosses

All Bosses and Secret Bosses

All Bosses

1st Star Piece Bosses
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Claymorton - -
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Bowyer -
3rd Star Piece Bosses
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Punchinello -
4th Star Piece Bosses
Booster Knife Guy and Grate Guy Bundt and Raspberry
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6th Star Piece Bosses
Speardovich Belome
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Birdo Dodo Valentina
Czar Dragon Zombone Axem Rangers
7th Star Piece Bosses
Wizakoopa Boomer Exor
Count Down and Ding-a-Ling Cloaker and Domino Clerk
Manager Director Gunyolk and Factory Chief
(Final Boss)
- -

Non-Story Bosses

Non-Story Bosses
Jinx Jagger Culex

Post-Game Rematch Bosses

Post-Game Rematch Bosses
Mario-Style Jinx Scratchy-Throat Belome Leveled-Up Punchinello
Engine 023 Booster Extra Fancy
Bundt & Raspberry
Duel-Ready Johnny
Culex 3D - -


1 DarkWesternover 1 year

I can't believe Johnny was just a regular dude in a shark costume this entire time...


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