Super Mario RPG

All Secrets and Easter Eggs

Super Mario RPG Remake - All Secrets and Easter Eggs Top Banner
Super Mario RPG Remake contains a multitude of secrets and easter eggs that players can check out. Read on to learn about where to find all secrets, easter egg, cameo, and more!

List of Secrets

Notable Secrets

Angry or Dejected Mario in the Save Screen

In the Save Screen, upon saving your game, you'll get the typical cap raise animation from Mario. However, there's a way to make Mario have an angry or dejected animation instead.

To do this, select a different save file in the save screen that you don't mind overwriting. The text on the popup should be 'this is a different slot...'. Select No to overwriting the file or press B to go back. Select that file again, go back again, and repeat this at least ten times.

Finally, select the file again, then select Yes to overwriting the file this time. If you did the repetition in an even amount of tries (e.g. 10, 12, 14, etc), Mario will have a dejected expression. If you did the repetition in an odd amount of tries (e.g. 11, 13, 15, etc.), Mario will have an angry expression instead.

How to Save

Secret Code

Super Mario RPG Remake - Secret Code
In other games, cheat codes are usually entered by going to the menu and pressing a certain sequence of buttons. There's one such code in this game; to enter it, bring up the menu by pressing the + button on the Switch, then press the following sequence of buttons:

↓, ↑, →, ←, ZL, ZR, ZL, ZR, B

When you successfully press the buttons in that order (carefully not pressing anything else), Toad will appear on the screen and confirm that you entered the secret code! He'll check your stats and EXP, which is a nod to cheats in other games that increase stats or give experience. He concludes that the code didn't do anything (except for making Toad pop up for this funny gag), and also says that there's no other secret code in the game.

Mario Gets Dizzy on the Running Toad Kid

In the southern part of the Mushroom Kingdom, there's a Toad kid running in circles. Jump to the top of his head (you'll have to time your jump correctly) and stay there; after a few seconds, Mario will jump off, get dizzy, then fall down.

Angry Mushroom Kingdom Vendor

When you jump to the top of the shelf in the Mushroom Kingdom Item Shop, Mario will do a spin; the vendor will then get angry and force you to come down.

Peach's ???

Super Mario RPG Remake - Peach
Peach's ??? is a mysterious item found in Peach's bedroom in the Mushroom Castle. Go to the spot between the fireplace and chair, and the Look prompt should appear. The Grandma Toad or Peach, depending on your progress in the game, will then angrily react if you decided to look and find Peach's ???.

There's no confirmation to what this mysterious item is, but many fans think that it involves a dirty joke.
What is Peach's ???

Trying to Leave Mallow Behind

When you are about to enter the pipe to the Kero Sewers for the first time, Mallow will go in first. If you try to leave the area back to the map, a humorous scene will play where Mallow will come out of the pipe and panickingly runs towards you. You can't see this scene anymore if you have already entered the Kero Sewers in your playthrough.

Kero Sewers Walkthrough

Offended Frog Sage

Super Mario RPG Remake - Offended Frog Sage
If you talk to Frog Sage while standing on his table instead of the ground, he will have a different dialogue, calling you rude for standing there. He won't say anything else until you go down from the table.

Bowser Throws a Mario Doll

If you have Bowser equipped with a Hurl Glove, he will normally toss Mario toward the opponent to deal damage.

However, if Mario is afflicted with a negative status effect or knocked out, Bowser will use a small Mario doll instead to perform the attack.

Hurly Gloves - Stats and How to Get

Jump on the Organ in Marrymore

Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump on Organ

Booster's marriage with Peach isn't the only marriage that you can ruin! After you rescue Peach from getting married to Booster in Marrymore, return to the wedding hall to find a Toad couple getting married. Jump on the organ to see the organist and the couple reacting.

Jumping on the organ when you haven't rescued Peach yet will do nothing.

Marrymore Map and Walkthrough

Jump on Johnny's Head

Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump on Johnny
Most NPCs in the game don't care if you jump on their heads. The exception is Johnny, who will react when you do it to him.

You can do this any time after you defeat Johnny in the Sunken Ship; unlike many other bosses, he'll simply stay there for you to talk to and bother.
How to Beat Johnny and Rewards

Apprentice Snifsters get Promoted

Super Mario RPG Remake - Promoted Snifster
In Booster Pass, you'll find the Apprentices, Snifsters that wish to serve Booster.

To access their location, you'll have to go into Booster Tower and press the green switch there (you can't miss it when going up the tower). Back in Booster Pass, you'll then find the entrance to the training area where the Apprentices are.

How to Promote Apprentices

Make Your Party Lose to the Apprentices

Super Mario RPG Remake - Lose to Snifster
The requirement to getting the Apprentices promoted is to lose to them, which is a tall order since they fight alone and have very weak stats. Have your party's HP get lowered elsewhere, then battle the Apprentice and make your whole party lose to it. The Apprentice will happily claim that it's now Snifster No. 4. You'll find it now in Booster Tower, just a couple of rooms before where you find Booster.

You can help five Apprentices achieve this (the succeeding ones will have higher numbers, e.g., Snifster No. 5). Leave the training area then return to find the next Apprentice. After helping the fifth and final apprentice (Snifster No. 8), you won't see anyone in the training area anymore, they're all in Booster Tower.

Aside from some chests in the training area, there are no rewards to this quest except for making these guys happy.

Apprentice Weakness and Where to Find

Secret Dream with Dream Cushion

Super Mario RPG Remake - Dream Cushion

The Dream Cushion is an item that can be bought for 30 Coins from the Innkeeper at the Nimbus Land Inn whenever choosing to rest there. Using it will give Mario dreams in the Inn.

There is one secret dream that will give Mario one Red Essence every time it is encountered!

Dream Cushion Secret and Rewards

Hatch the Mystery Egg into the Lamb's Lure with the Nurture Ring

Super Mario RPG Remake - Use Mystery Egg with Peach with Nurture Ring Ten Times
The Mystery Egg can be purchased from the treasure-hunting Toad in Moleville for 200 coins. It is an item that you can use in battle, but it won't have an effect except under specific conditions.

To hatch the egg, you'll need to equip the Nurture Ring to Peach, then make Peach use the egg ten times to hatch it into the Lamb's Lure.

If Peach is not equipped with the ring or another character uses it, the count to ten for the Lamb's Lure resets.

Mystery Egg - Effects and How to Get

Transform the Lamb's Lure into the Sheep Attack

Super Mario RPG Remake - Turns Enemy into Sheep
The Lamb's Lure is another item usable in battle; when used, it instantly turns an enemy into a sheep, instantly defeating them but not yielding any coins or experience. This item can't be used against bosses and large enemies.

When Lamb's Lure is used 48 times, it transforms into the more powerful Sheep Attack item. Sheep Attack is similar to the Lamb's Lure, but affects all enemies instead.

Sheep Attack - Effects and How to Get

Find the Seed and Fertilizer to get the Lazy Shells

Super Mario RPG Remake - Gardener Plant

In Rose Town, there is a gardener Toad looking for a specific Seed and Fertilizer.

You can get the Seed just after defeating Megasmilax in Bean Valley. Meanwhile, the Fertilizer is obtainable by walking on air at the rightmost part of Nimbus Land after defeating Valentina.

Give the Seed and Fertilizer to the gardener in Rose Town, which he will use to make a huge plant grow. Climb the plant to reach another area, where you'll find two chests containing the Lazy Shells (weapon and armor).

How to Get the Lazy Shell Armor and Weapon

Super Jump Consecutively to get the Attack Scarf and Super Suit

Super Jump is one of Mario's special moves, and has the effect of allowing you to do another timed hit infinitely as long as successfully perform the previous timed hit. In higher amounts of consecutive jumps, the difficulty becomes much harder.

When you Super Jump 30 times consecutively, you'll be able to get the Attack Scarf from Chow in Monstro Town. Doing it 100 times consecutively will give you the Super Suit.

Both equipment are two of the best equipment in the game.

How to Super Jump 100 Times

Get 6 Flowers When You Return to Booster Hill Without a Beetle Box

Super Mario RPG Remake - Free Flowers in Booster Hill

You can revisit Booster Hill without a Beetle Box and collect up to 6 Flowers along the course. However, if you return after collecting all the available flowers, Toad will stop you and mention that there are no more Flowers left.

Booster Hill (Beetle Race) Guide and Rewards

Become a Bellhop in the Marrymore Hotel

Super Mario RPG Remake - Bellhop Minigame

In the Marrymore Hotel, you'll be forced to work as a bellhop if you are unable to pay for your stay in the hotel. To do so, sleep in the deluxe suite bed many times without going downstairs in the lobby; each day will be added to the total cost you need to pay.

If you finally go to the lobby and try to leave, and the cost exceeds your current funds, you'll go bankrupt and will be made to work as a bellhop until you pay off your debt.

In your job as a bellhop, you'll get tips from the guests, which can be healing items, coins, and occassionally, valuable Flower Tabs.

Marrymore Hotel Bellhop Minigame

Farm Yoshi Cookies in the Belome Temple Fortune

Super Mario RPG Remake - Getting Fortune Told

Order Reward
Left - Middle - Right Max Mushroom or Yoshi Cookie
Left - Right - Middle Yoshi Cookie
Middle - Left - Right Battle with monsters
Middle - Right - Left Battle with monsters
Right - Left - Middle 1 Frog Coin or 100 Coins
Right - Middle - Left 100 Coins

In Belome Temple, talk to the Shaman beside the buttons. For 50 coins, you can have your fortune told for a reward, depending on the order you press the buttons provided. This isn't random; pressing a certain sequence will always yield the same result.

If you press left → right → middle order, you'll get a Yoshi Cookie as a reward. Aside from winning Yoshi Races, this is the only way to get Yoshi Cookies in the game.

Belome Temple Fortune and Best Order

Jump on the Belome Temple Fortune Shaman

Related to the Belome Temple fortune above, try jumping on the Shaman instead of talking to it. It will float up and disappear. To make it appear again, just exit the area and return.

It's not very interesting and you won't get anything from it, but it's still a unique interaction.

Valentina and Booster in Booster Tower

Super Mario RPG Remake - Valentina and Booster
After you defeat Valentina in Nimbus Land, she escapes by flying away with Dodo. You can find out what happened to her by going to the top of Booster Tower, where Booster is.

The cutscene that you'll see gives a bit of context to the ending credits scene with Valentina and Booster.

How to Beat Valentina and Rewards

Battle Secret Boss Culex

Super Mario RPG Remake - Culex

Culex is a secret boss hidden away behind a sealed door in Monstro Town, and is the strongest enemy you can battle in the game. His design is unique and doesn't belong in the game he's in, with the first battle with him being a 2D pixellated sprite.

Culex is a homage to the Final Fantasy series; his design is similar to the final bosses in the earlier Final Fantasy games, and his battle theme is a remixed version of the Final Fantasy IV final boss theme.

Gaining access to the boss requires a Shiny Stone, which can be obtained from Moleville by buying a Fireworks then trading it to a mole girl there. During the post-game, he is one of the bosses that can be rematched; he becomes 3D and becomes much more powerful than his 2D form.

Culex Secret Boss: How to Unlock and Beat

Secret Ending Fireworks

Super Mario RPG Remake - Star Fireworks
During the ending credits of the game, there will be fireworks fired to the sky that will be of a certain shape. Typically, the fireworks will be in a shape of a mushroom, but when you fulfill certain conditions, you can have it shaped as either a Fire Flower or a Star!

The shape depends on the amount of Fireworks in your inventory at the end of the game. 0-2 Fireworks gets you the normal Mushroom shape, 3-4 Fireworks gets you the Fire Flower, while 5 or more gets you the Star shape.

You initially can only buy one Fireworks for 500 Coins from the guy that sells it in Moleville. To be able to buy more, you'll need to do a series of trades with various mole girls in Moleville until you get the Frog Coin. Afterwards, you can now buy as many Fireworks as you want.

How to Get the Secret Ending

List of Easter Eggs

Notable Easter Eggs

Turn Mario into 2D Retro Mario

In Booster Tower, you'll find a room with two curtains. Go behind the curtain to turn Mario's model into the classic 2D Super Mario Bros. sprite. Unfortunately, this is only limited in this room, and can only be done once.

Booster Tower Map and Treasure Chests

Duck and Slide in the Pipe Vault

In the Pipe Vault, you'll find a Frog Coin underneath a gap that you can only reach by performing a duck and slide maneuver, a mechanic that you might recognize from 2D Mario games. In fact, the whole level is a reference to the underground levels of the old 2D Mario games; you can only go backward and forward.

To perform the duck and slide maneuver, run up and right (↗) towards the coin, then as you reach the gap, run down and right (↘). This is the only place in the game where you can do something like this.

How to Duck and Slide to in the Pipe Vault

Link Sleeping (Legend of Zelda)

Super Mario RPG Remake - Link Sleeping

After you defeat Bowyer, sleep in the inn at Rose Town. Upon waking up, you'll find Link from the Legend of Zelda series in the other bed sleeping.

If you interact with him, he won't wake up, but you'll hear the classic 'secret found' sound effect from the Zelda games.

Link Cameo and How to Find

Samus Sleeping (Metroid)

Super Mario RPG Remake - Samus Cameo
You'll spot a couple of references from the Metroid series in the game. After defeating Speardovich, in the Mushroom Kingdom guest room, you'll find Samus herself sleeping. Interacting with her will make her mumble about the Mother Brain. You can only find this cameo before moving on to Land's End.

Samus Cameo and How to Find

Magitek Armor (Final Fantasy)

Super Mario RPG Remake - Magitek from FF6
Upon entering the Booster Tower, you'll see a receptionist Snifster behind a desk. On the left side of its desk, you'll see a Magitek Armor figure from the Final Fantasy series, very likely from the sixth installment (FFVI).

This was present even in the original Mario RPG game, but it was hard to tell back then; the remake with its improved graphics made it clear what this figure was referencing.

Various Figures (Metroid, Stunt Race FX, Famicom)

Samus Doll

In the final room of Booster Tower where the Curtain Minigame is held, there is a box full of dolls or figures. Aside from the Peach figure, you'll find Samus from Metroid, a car from Stunt Race FX, and Diskun, the Famicom mascot.

Curtain Minigame and Rewards

Airships (Star Fox, F-Zero)

Super Mario RPG Remake - Airships

On some crates at the back of Cinder Toad's room at Barrel Volcano, there are three airships, from different game series.

The left one is the Arwing from the Star Fox series, the middle one is Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon from the F-Zero series, and the right one is Goroh's Fire Stingray, also from the F-Zero series.

Barrel Volcano Map and Treasure Chests

Super Mario RPG Remake Related Guides

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