Super Mario RPG

Sunken Ship Secret Room and Map Guide

Sunken Ship is a location in Super Mario RPG Remake. See a map and walkthrough of Sunken Ship, secret room hidden treasure chest location, enemies and bosses, what to do in Sunken Ship and minigames, as well as where to go after Sunken Ship.

Things to Do in Sunken Ship

Sunken Ship Secret Room Hidden Chest

Super Mario RPG Remake - Mirror Mario Chest

Hidden Chest No. 23/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Sunken Ship
Mario doppelganger room

The Sunken Ship Hidden Chest can be found in the secret room where you encounter the Mirror Mario, right after defeating King Calamari!

You need to activate the hidden J Block nearby, then jump on top of Mirror Mario to reach the Hidden Chest, which will give you a Croaka Cola!

Sunken Ship Hidden Treasure Locations

Sunken Ship Puzzle Solutions

Super Mario RPG - Sunken Ship Puzzle Text Speech.png
The Sunken Ship has 6 different puzzles that must be solved in order to progress through and claim the 5th star piece!

All Sunken Ship Puzzle Solutions

Defeat Whuhoh to Obtain Safety Badge

Super Mario RPG - Sunken Ship 10

In the room with the Save Point, there is a floating chest north of the Save Block. If you try to open it, you will engage in combat against Whuhoh.

Once you defeat Whuoh and his Mini-Goombas, you will obtain the Safety Badge!

Safety Badge - Effects and How to Get

Sunken Ship Map and Hidden Chests

Sunken Ship Map

Red Numbers: Normal Chests, Yellow Numbers: Hidden Chests, Blue Numbers: Other Items

Sunken Ship Hidden Chests and Items

Hidden Treasure Chests

No. Hidden Chest Location
1 Hidden Chest #23
Croaka Cola
In the room with the Mario doppelganger, jump on the middle bright spot to reveal the J block and the hidden chest. To reach the hidden chest, aim to get on top of the Mario doppelganger, then jump to open the chest.

All Hidden Chest Locations

Normal Treasure Chests

1 Coin x10 2 Coin x10
3 Coin x10 4 Coin x10
5 Frog Coin 1 6 Mushroom
7 Enemy 8 Safety Ring
9 Mushroom

Other Items

1 Flower
2 Mushroom
3 Flower
4 Royal Syrup
5 Coin
6 Mushroom
7 Mushroom

Sunken Ship Walkthrough

Following Sea.
Enter through the door on the left to proceed, or save first in the room to the right.
Follow the path and go through the door at the end.
Go straight into the door at the back.
Go downstairs and go inside the door to go to the next room.
Behind the boxes at the top of the stairs are Flowers, while the chest floating next to the stairs contains 10 coins.
Get the clues inside the three rooms guarded by Greapers. Luckily, you can avoid fighting the Greapers and sneak past them!

Note: You can also go straight through the door if you already know the password for the Treasure Room.
Sunken Ship Puzzle Solutions
Go down the boxes and through the door at the lower floor. Open the treasure chest that will give you 10 Coins.
There's a shop before the second door that you can check out if you need to buy items.
There's another set of doors here that contains clues for the Treasure Room password. When you're done, or if you already know the password, go through the next door.
Sunken Ship Puzzle Solutions
This next room is actually a puzzle room with the final clue. Save your progress at the save point and go through the door.
Sunken Ship Puzzle Solutions
Finally, the password room. Hit the boxes to change their letters to form a word based on the clues you've gathered.
▶︎ Sunken Ship Password
Defeat King Calamari (Recom. Level: 10)
Enter the next room and defeat King Calamari. Make sure to have the Fearless Pin equipped to prevent thie Fear status ailment from affecting a party member.
▶︎ How to Beat King Calamari
Go through the door ahead.
Go to the top of the room and enter the door to the next room. The door on the lower area leads to the next room too but doesn't lead to anywhere.
Follow the path while avoiding the Bullet Bills coming out of the cannons and enter the room at the end.
Go downstairs and through the next door.
Super Mario RPG - Sunken Ship 8Enter the door on the right. Do not interact with the Mario Doppelganger yet if you want to get the Hidden Treasure.
Talk to the doppelganger once you have gotten the chest and exit through the other door on the left. Move to the next room by continuing left.
Treasure: Jump on the middle bright spot to reveal the J block and the hidden chest. To reach the hidden chest, aim to get on top of the Mario doppelganger, then jump to open the chest containing a Croaka Cola.
Super Mario RPG - Sunken Ship 9Go down the stairs to the next room.
There's a secret passage behind the blocks on the left where you can open a Treasure Chest containing a Frog Coin.
Super Mario RPG - Sunken Ship 10Hop onto the wall of blocks immediately to your right and use them to cross to the right side of the room to reach the door.
The chest on the left contains a Mushroom while the one on the right contains a Safety Badge, but you'll have to fight Whuhoh first.
Ignore the pool and head straight to the next room.
Now jump into the pool and use the vortex to sink, then go through the door on the upper left.
The path on the lower right corner leads to a room with 4 Frog Coins.
Dive downstairs and go through the door at the base.
Use the barrels on the right side as platforms to get to the door on top.
There is a door hidden behind the barrels on the left which has a chest that contains a Safety Ring.
You'll be facing 4 Bandana Reds in battle. Defeat them and head up the stairs and go to the next room.
5 Bandana Reds will fight you when you reach the top of the stairs. Defeat them and go through the door in front of you.
Defeat Johnny (Recom. Level: 10)
Defeat Johnny, the Sunken Ship's boss, in battle.
▶︎ How to Beat Johnny
Continues into Seaside Town.

5th Star Piece Walkthrough (Chapter 5)

Where to Go After Sunken Ship

Return to Seaside Town

Go to Seaside Town after defeating Johnny and getting the 5th Star Piece. As you arrive in Seaside Town, Speardovich, masquerading as the village elder, will attempt to steal the star piece from you and you will be given the choice to give him the star piece or not.

Seaside Town Elder Choice: Should You Give the Star to Speardovich?

Sunken Ship Bosses and Enemies

All Bosses

Boss HP Weakness
JohnnyJohnny 820 Fear, Poison, Mute
King CalamariKing Calamari 800 Fire

All Bosses and Secret Bosses

All Enemies

Enemy HP Weakness
Alley RatAlley Rat 105 -
Bandana BlueBandana Blue 150 Fire, Lightning
Bandana RedBandana Red 120 Fire, Lightning
BlooperBlooper 130 Fire, Lightning
CrustyCrusty 80 Fire, Lightning
Dry BonesDry Bones 0 Lightning
EnigmaEnigma 150 Jump
Mini GoombaMini Goomba 100 Jump, Fire, Lightning
EnigmaxEnigmax 140 Lightning
GreaperGreaper 148 -
WhuhohWhuhoh 600 Jump
WhuhohWhuhoh 600 Jump
Mr. KipperMr. Kipper 133 Fire, Lightning
ReacherReacher 184 Lightning
Straw HeadStraw Head 131 Lightning
Tentacle (Left)Tentacle (Left) 200 Fire
Tentacle (Right)Tentacle (Right) 260 Fire

List of All Enemies

Sunken Ship Shops

There are no shops in this location.

All Shops and Locations

Super Mario RPG Remake Related Guides

Super Mario RPG Remake - Maps and Locations

Maps and Locations

All Locations

First Star Piece
Bowser's Keep Mario's House Mushroom Way
Mushroom Kingdom Bandit's Road -
Second Star Piece
Kero Sewers Midas River Tadpole Pond
Rose Way Rose Town Forest Maze
Third Star Piece
Pipe Vault* Yo'ster Isle* Moleville
Fourth Star Piece
Booster Pass Booster Tower Booster Hill
Marrymore Star Hill -
Fifth Star Piece
Seaside Town Sea Sunken Ship
Sixth Star Piece
Land's End Monstro Town Bean Valley
Grate Guy's Casino* Nimbus Land Barrel Volcano
Seventh Star Piece
Bowser's Keep Weapon World -
*Optional Areas


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