Super Mario RPG

Johnny Rematch: How to Beat and Unlock

Super Mario RPG Remake - Duel-Ready Johnny Top Banner

This is a guide for Rematch Johnny, known in-game as Duel-Ready Johnny, a post-game rematch boss of Johnny in Super Mario RPG Remake. Read on to learn how you can beat Rematch Johnny, its stats, rewards, location, weaknesses, and best party setup!

How to Unlock Johnny Rematch

Unlocked in Post-Game

Super Mario RPG Remake - Post-Game After Main Story

The post-game of Super Mario RPG Remake is unlocked by completing the main story, which requires defeating Smithy, the final boss found in his Weapon World.

Walkthrough and All Chapters

Revisit Sunken Ship

Super Mario RPG Remake - Accept Rematch Johnny

After reaching the post-game, revisit the Sunken Ship and talk to Johnny. You can choose to accept or decline this challenge.

Johnny Weaknesses and Recommended Level


Duel-Ready Johnny (Rematch Johnny)

Super Mario RPG Remake - Duel-Ready JohnnyDuel-Ready Johnny
Recommended Level HP
25 2000
Get Tough, Skewer, Diamond Saw, Fire Saber
Weaknesses and Resistances
Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Weak / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = OK / Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance = Resist
Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump Jump
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fire Fire
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Lightning Lightning
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Ice Ice
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Fear Fear
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Poison Poison
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK
Super Mario RPG Remake - Sleep Sleep
Super Mario RPG Remake - Resistance
Super Mario RPG Remake - MuteMute
Super Mario RPG Remake - OK

This is a post-game rematch version of the original Johnny. Post-game bosses are stronger variants of the main story, and may have significant changes to stats.

How to Beat Johnny and Rewards


Super Mario RPG Remake - Get Extra-Shiny Stone from Rematch Johnny

Defeating Rematch Johnny will give you the Extra-Shiny Stone, which you need to fight Culex 3D.

Once you have the Extra-Shiny Stone, enter the door where you fight Culex in Monstro Town to get a chance to fight his 3D version!

How to Unlock the Extra-Shiny Stone

Best Party for Johnny Rematch

Best Party Setup

Active Party (Duelist)
Character Role
Mario Mario ・Main duelist
・Deal damage with normal attacks and specials whenever possible
・Reduce damage with blocks
Active Party (Cheering)
Geno Geno ・Provides Attack Up and Speed Up Ally Buff
Peach Peach ・Provides Magic Defense Up Ally Buff

Recommended Equipment and Level

Active Party
Character/Level Equipment
Mario Mario
Level: 23
Alternative Armor:

Exchange equipment with other party members when needed.

Take note that Mario will be fighting alone in this battle. Make sure to give him the best equipment before the fight!

It is recommended to defeat Rematch Johnny as quick as you can since each of his attacks can still be devastating without perfect blocks. You can try out the Lazy Shell Armor for reducing damage at the cost reduced damage that you deal.

Remember that you cannot recover your HP and use items in this fight, so choosing higher attack or higher defense is a matter of whether you can endure Johnny and if you need more time to make or correct battle decisions.

Best Equipment for Each Character

How to Beat Johnny Rematch and Strategy

Equip the Quartz Charm from Culex

Accessories Effect
・Prevents instant death, halves enemy attack damage received, and adds 50% damage to attacks performed.

It is best that you have the best equipment available for Mario. Obtaining and equipping the Quartz Charm is highly recommended since it gives you access to buffs that you normally cannot have without other support buffs (like Geno's Geno Boost).

This will make the fight less demanding in terms of using Action Commands, since you will have to rely on well-timed blocks to survive.

Best Accessories

Can Mitigate Lazy Shell Armor Debuffs

Super Mario RPG - Armor to Use Against Duel-Ready Johnny

Left: Hero Shirt, Right: Lazy Shell Armor. Tested at Lv. 29 with Balanced Build.

Equipping the Quartz Charm will also mitigate the debuffs given by the Lazy Shell Armor (which increases your defense tremendously) when it is equipped. At Lv. 29, with a Mario Balanced Build, you should be able to take around 5 direct hits from Skewers, compared to the Hero Shirt which will put you at risk of 2-3 direct hits depending on Mario's health (around 190+ at that level).

The Lazy Shell Armor will also help reduce damage from special attacks like Fire Saber and Diamond Saw to 1 damage on block.

This can make it more comfortable in dealing with Rematch Johnny at higher levels, enabling you to receive more punishment from his damaging Skewers and giving you more chances for a come back if you make mistakes. If you can hold on to the fight with good but not consistent perfect blocks, the Lazy Shell Armor is an ideal alternative to use.

Purely a One-on-One Duel

Super Mario RPG Remake - One-on-One with Rematch Johnny

Unlike his fight alongside his Bandana Blues in the main story, this post-game boss battle with him is purely a one-on-one duel. This is the ultimate test in knowing Mario's and Johnny's moves.

Make sure to have the best equipment ready before taking this fight. If needed, switch out equipment with other party members! It would be good also to grind levels if you want to make the fight more convenient.

Set Your Active Party for Ally Buffs

Super Mario RPG Remake - Set Up Active Members for Cheering

Your active party in this boss battle will not be fighting alongside you. Instead, they will be on the sidelines cheering for you and providing you their passive Ally Buffs.

It is recommended to have Geno for a boost in Attack and Speed, and Peach for Magic Defense in the active party slot.

Use Normal Attacks on Rematch Johnny

Super Mario RPG Remake - Use Physical Attacks Against Rematch Johnny

Rematch Johnny is resistant to specials, so it best you focus on dealing damage to him with normal attacks! Time Mario's attacks as much as you to consistently deal extra damage.

Practice Block Timing

Super Mario RPG Remake - Time Blocks Against Johnny

Since this battle is a one-on-one with Johnny, making sure you can survive his attacks is extremely important!

Johnny's Skewer this time around can be particularly devastating since it can cause enough damage for a 1-hit KO. Make to block this one, especially when he is buffed with Get Tough.

Make sure to time your blocks to reduce damage receive. If needed, heal yourself with Max Mushrooms!

You Cannot Use Items

Super Mario RPG Remake - Cannot Use Items Against Rematch Johnny

During the fight against Rematch Johnny, the Item button will be faded out, meaning that you will be unable to use any items.

This locks you out in any recovery items for the fight. Make sure that you have replenished your HP prior to duelling with Johnny.

Johnny Rematch Attacks

Rematch Johnny Attacks

Normal Attack

Rematch Johnny will pull back the trident in his hand to perform a stab. To time a block on this, it is best press right as he extends the weapon with his hand.


Rematch Johnny's signature Skewer is the more damaging for of his regular attack, signalled by the rotating tip. To block this, time your button press right as the trident extends.

Take note that he will not do a pull animation on this one (instead he will lower and position his weapon.)

Diamond Saw

Two crystal snowflakes will be launched right behind Mario in a movement similar to a boomerang.

You will want to wait momentarily and listen in as the snowflakes get closer from behind, then time your button press.

Fire Saber

Time your button press just right after he shakes the sword for the third time (it will look the slowest compared to his first two sword shakes).

Vigor Up

Vigor Up is used to increased its user's attack power, so Duel-Ready Johnny's attacks will hit harder.

Make sure to practice your Action Command blocks well since doing perfect blocks to reduce your damage to the minimum will help!

Get Tough

Get Tough increases its user's defense power, and will be used by Duel-Ready Johnny when his HP is low enough. This signals the second-half of the battle.

Super Mario RPG Remake Related Guides

Super Mario RPG Remake - Bosses

All Bosses and Secret Bosses

All Bosses

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(1st Fight)
Claymorton - -
2nd Star Piece Bosses
(1st Fight)
Bowyer -
3rd Star Piece Bosses
(2nd Fight)
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4th Star Piece Bosses
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6th Star Piece Bosses
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(2nd Fight)
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7th Star Piece Bosses
Wizakoopa Boomer Exor
Count Down and Ding-a-Ling Cloaker and Domino Clerk
Manager Director Gunyolk and Factory Chief
(Final Boss)
- -

Non-Story Bosses

Non-Story Bosses
Jinx Jagger Culex

Post-Game Rematch Bosses

Post-Game Rematch Bosses
Mario-Style Jinx Scratchy-Throat Belome Leveled-Up Punchinello
Engine 023 Booster Extra Fancy
Bundt & Raspberry
Duel-Ready Johnny
Culex 3D - -


5 Anonymous12 months

Yeah, I’m noticing errors like this throughout the Game8 for this game. I usually expect better from this website

4 Anonymousabout 1 year

"Use Max Mushroom to heal", right below that statement... cannot use items. lmao


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