Super Mario RPG

Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course Walkthrough and Rewards

Super Mario RPG Remake - Bowser

In Super Mario RPG Remake, Bowser's Keep has three types of minigames, one of which is the puzzle course. Read on to find out how to play, how to unlock, and the rewards of the puzzle courses in Bowser's Keep!

Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course Rewards

Both Puzzle Courses Reward Rock Candies

Unlike the other courses with impressive weapons as rewards, the rewards for both Puzzle Courses are both a single Rock Candy.

Rock Candy - Effects and How to Get

How to Play Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course

How to Play Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course
 ・Room 1
 ・Room 2
 ・Room 3

 ・Room 1
 ・Room 2
 ・Room 3

Puzzle Course 1

Room 1: Multiple Choice Quiz

Super Mario RPG - Dr. Topper Questions

The first room in Puzzle Course 1 is a multiple choice quiz consisting of 12 questions from a pool of 40, all about various trivia in the game. You have to reach the goal by having your platform reach the top by answering questions; the goal is 8 steps high. You'll be able to select the answer from a set of three choices.

When you answer correctly, the platform goes up one step, while answering wrong will cause it to go down two steps. There's a 5 second time to each question, and you'll go down 1 step if you fail to answer within the time limit.

Question and Answer Pool
# Question Answer
1 The boy getting his picture taken at Marrymore can't wait 'til which season? Skiing
2 What technique does Bowser learn at Level 15? Crusher
3 What is Hinopio in charge of at the middle counter? The inn
4 Who helped you up the cliff at Land's End? Sky Troopas
5 What does the Red Essence do? Gives you strength
6 What does Belome really like to turn people into? Scarecrows
7 What is the 4th selection on the Menu screen? Equip
8 What did Carroboscis turn into? A carrot
9 Who is the leader of the Axem Rangers? Red
10 Which monster does not appear in Booster Tower? Terrapin
11 What color are the curtains in Mario's house? Blue
12 Johnny loves WHICH beverage?... Currant Juice
13 What's the full name of the boss at the Sunken Ship? Jonathan Jones
14 What's the password in the Sunken Ship? Pearls
15 What was Peach doing when she was kidnapped by Bowser? She was looking at flowers
16 What's the first monster you see in the Pipe Vault? Lava Bubble
17 How many legs does Wiggler have? 6
18 Where was the 1st Star Piece found? Mushroom Kingdom
19 The man getting his picture taken at Marrymore hates what? Getting his picture taken
20 In the Moleville blues, it's said that moles are covered in what? Soil
21 Who is the ultimate enemy in this adventure? Smithy
22 Who is the famous sculptor in Nimbus Land? Garro
23 Booster is what generation? 7th
24 Where was the 3rd Star Piece found? Moleville
25 How long have the couple inside the chapel been waiting for their wedding? 30 Minutes
26 What words does Beezo use when he sings? La dee dah~
27 What color is the end of Dodo's beak? Red
28 The boy at the inn in Mushroom Kingdom was playing with ... What? Game Boy
29 Who is the famous composer at Tadpole Pond? Toadofsky
30 What's the chef's name at Marrymore? Torte
31 What does Birdo come out of? An eggshell
32 How much...does a female beetle cost? 1 coin
33 How many underlings does Croco have? 3
34 What's the name of Jagger's "sensei"? Jinx
35 What was Mallow asked to get for Frog Sage? Cricket Pie
36 Mite is Dyna's...WHAT? Little Brother
37 Speardovich is what? A boss
38 What do Culex, Goomba, and Jinx all have in common? They live in Monstro Town
39 What is Raini's husband's name? Raz
40 What's the name of the boss at the Sunken Ship? Johnny

Dr. Topper Quiz Answers

Room 2: Counting Barrels

Super Mario RPG - Dr. Topper Barrels

The next puzzle is where you need to count the barrels in the current room twice in a row. The first is easy and will give you 10 seconds to count the barrels in the room, while the second one has more barrels and 20 seconds to guess.

You must also count the barrels hidden by the camera angle! Some are under the other barrels meaning that you have to count them too. The amount of barrels differ for each playthrough, so the answer can't be provided here.

To make counting barrels easier, the first set of barrels have a fixed number of 7 barrels in the first row, while the 2nd set have a fixed number of 40 barrels from the first to third row.

Barrel Counting Puzzle Solution

Room 3: Solve Riddle

Super Mario RPG - Dr. Topper Triathlon Riddles

The third puzzle is a riddle. There are four monsters in the room that went in a triathlon and you have to interview each of them to determine the order they finished in based on the answers they give.

After you figure out the answer, talk to them in the order that you think they came in. You can determine their rankings based on their answers when you talk to them.

1st Place I outrode ____ on my bike, and ____ was never able to pass me!
2nd Place I fell into 4th place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event.
3rd Place I placed the same in the swimming and cycling events, but 2 others beat me in the marathon.
4th Place I came in 3rd for swimming...

Triathlon Puzzle Solution

Puzzle Course 2

Room 1: Counting Coins

The first puzzle in Puzzle Course 2 is a slightly complicated counting game. There's a chest with 21 coins between you and Dr. Topper, and you have to take turns taking coins out of it. During your turns, you can take 1-4 coins out of the chest. The one who gets the 21st coin in the chest loses.

Make sure to keep track of the coins currently taken out. When the coins remaining is nearly 21, get enough coins to reach 20, so you win the next turn no matter what.

Coin Collecting Puzzle Solution

Room 2: Magic Buttons

Super Mario RPG Remake - Magic Buttons Solution

In the next room, you'll find a bunch of buttons arranged in a 4x4 grid, and your goal is to have them all pressed simultaneously. The way the buttons work is that if you press one, all adjacent unpressed buttons will be pressed, and all unpressed buttons will be pressed.

To solve this, check the diagram below; you only press those four buttons to complete the puzzle. The blank spaces are buttons that you shouldn't press.


Magic Buttons Puzzle Solution

Room 3: Ball Solitaire

Super Mario RPG Remake - Ball Solitaire

In the final room, you'll find a bunch of iron balls arranged in a 4x4 grid. Your goal is to kick all iron balls into other iron balls to make them bounce once, until only one iron ball is left. You have to make sure that the iron ball you kick hits an iron ball, but also need to make sure that there's an empty space beside the other iron ball. The kicked iron ball will disappear after you successfully do this.

If you kick an iron ball without making them bounce you lose, and if you kick an iron ball making them bounce twice, you also lose. Check the table below for one of the solutions to the order and direction that you need to kick the iron balls.

1 - Right
7 - Right
5 - Down 6 - Left
14 - Left
12 - Right 4 - Left
2 - Up 3 - Up 13 - Up
10 - Right 8 - Up 11- Up 9 - Left

Ball Solitaire Puzzle Solution

How to Unlock Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course

Located in Bowser's Keep After Getting the Sixth Star Piece

This minigame is located in Bowser's Keep. To get to Bowser's Keep, you need to have obtained the sixth Star Piece already. Talk to the King in Nimbus Land to be able to get to Bowser's Keep.

Choose Correct Door Among Six Doors

Deep in Bowser's Keep, past Croco, you'll encounter the Trial Course, where you have to pick between six doors; each door is either an action course, a battle course, or a puzzle course, with two of each course type. You'll progress once you complete four different doors.

There's no way to tell which one is the puzzle course, so you'll simply have to be lucky in choosing. However, if you finish a course, it will get marked, so just keep picking new, unmarked doors until you get a puzzle course.

Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course Overview

Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course Summary

Bowser's Keep Puzzle Course
Location Entry Price
Bowser's Keep Free
Brief Description
Solve multiple questions, riddles, and other puzzles to complete the course!
Star Gun, Drill Claw

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