Super Mario RPG

Mushroom Kingdom Hidden Treasure Locations

Mushroom Kingdom has 3 Hidden Treasures in Super Mario RPG Remake. Read on to see the location of each Mushroom Kingdom Hidden Treasure and their contents.

Mushroom Kingdom Hidden Treasure Locations and Map

Treasure Map

Mushroom Kingdom Castle

Mushroom Kingdom Castle Total Chests

Mushroom Kingdom Town

Mushroom Kingdom Town Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Treasure Locations

Mushroom Kingdom Castle

Hidden Treasure Chest Item
Hidden Chest #1 Frog Coin

Mushroom Kingdom Town

Hidden Treasure Chest Item
Hidden Chest #1 Flower
Hidden Chest #2 Flower

Mushroom Kingdom Hidden Treasure Chests Location Details

Mushroom Kingdom Castle Hidden Treasure #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 1/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Area before the throne room

When you enter the Mushroom Castle for the first time while being escorted by Toad, hop on Toad's head.

When he reaches the throne room door, jump towards the area above the doorway. Jump again to reveal the chest.

This hidden treasure chest is no longer missable unlike in the original game.

Mushroom Kingdom Town Hidden Treasure #1: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 2/39
Item Flower
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom Town Item Shop Basement

In the Mushroom Kingdom shop, go downstairs and talk to the Toad there, who will be giving you a tutorial about hidden chests. He orders you to stand before him and jump. Do as he says to reveal the chest.

Mushroom Kingdom Town Hidden Treasure #2: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 3/39
Item Flower
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom Town Item Shop Basement

Go to the Mushroom Kingdom Item Shop and head down the basement. Do what the Toad says in this area to reveal the first hidden chest.

Once he starts walking around the room, wait for him to move to the rightmost corner of the room and jump on top of his head. Jump up to reveal the second hidden treasure chest.

Mushroom Kingdom Map

Super Mario RPG Remake Related Guides

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All Hidden Treasure Chest Locations

All Hidden Treasure Chest Locations

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