Super Mario RPG

All Hidden Treasure Chest Locations

Super Mario RPG Remake - All Hidden Treasures

Super Mario RPG Remake has 39 Hidden Treasure Chests that will give you items for jumping at their secret location. Read on to see the location and contents of each Hidden Treasure in each area, as well as changes from the original game.

How to Find Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)

Equip Signal Ring to Sense Hidden Treasure Chests

Super Mario RPG Remake - Signal Ring Indicator

Unlock and equip the Signal Ring to receive a notification if there's a Hidden Treasure in your current area. You will still need to jump around the area to find the hidden treasure.

A more powerful version, the Echo Signal Ring, is available later in the game and will produce a tone that increases in frequency the closer you are to the chest, making them much easier to find.

Get Signal Ring in Mushroom Kingdom Item Shop Basement

Super Mario RPG Remake - Mushroom Kingdom Item Shop

You can acquire the Signal Ring early in the game by visiting the Item Shop in Mushroom Kingdom. In the east corner of the shop will be a flight of stairs leading to the basement where you'll find a Toad who will teach you about Hidden Treasures and provide you with the Signal Ring.

Signal Ring Guide

Get Echo Signal Ring after Defeating Valentina

Super Mario RPG Echo Signal Ring.png

After defeating Valentina in Nimbus Land on the way to the 6th Star Piece, you'll be able to get the Echo Signal Ring by going into a room in the bottom-right corner of the map, where Croco will drop the Ring for you.

Echo Signal Ring Guide

Keep Track of Opened Hidden Treasure Chests in Monstro Town

Super Mario RPG Remake - Keep Track of Opened Hidden Treasure Chests in Monstro Town

There is an NPC on the second floor of Monstermama's house in Monstro Town that tells you how many hidden treasure chest that are left unopened in the game. You can talk to it at any time to keep track of the hidden treasure chests that you have found.

Monstro Town Map and Walkthrough

Mushroom Kingdom Region Treasure Chests

Mushroom Kingdom Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Mushroom Kingdom Castle
Mushroom Kingdom Town
Mushroom Kingdom Total Chests

Mushroom Kingdom Castle Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 1/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Area before the throne room

When you enter the Mushroom Castle for the first time while being escorted by Toad, hop on Toad's head.

When he reaches the throne room door, jump towards the area above the doorway. Jump again to reveal the chest and the hidden treasure inside.

This hidden treasure chest is no longer missable unlike in the original game.

Mushroom Kingdom Town Hidden Chest #1: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 2/39
Item Flower
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom Town Item Shop Basement

In the Mushroom Kingdom shop, go downstairs and talk to the Toad there, who will be giving you a tutorial about hidden chests.

He orders you to stand before him and jump. Do as he says to reveal the chest.

Mushroom Kingdom Town Hidden Chest #2: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 3/39
Item Flower
Location Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom Town Item Shop Basement

Go to the Mushroom Kingdom Item Shop and head down the basement. Do what the Toad says in this area to reveal the first hidden chest.

Once he starts walking around the room, wait for him to move to the rightmost corner of the room and jump on top of his head. Jump up to reveal the second hidden treasure chest.

Mushroom Kingdom Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Bandit's Way Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Bandit's Way Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Bandit's Way Hidden Chest #1: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 4/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Bandit's Way
2nd Area

In the second area of Bandit's Way, go to the red Spinning Flower with a blue flower to the right of it. Stand on the Spinning Flower, face the blue flower, then jump slightly to the right to reveal the chest.

Bandit's Way Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Tadpole Pond Region Treasure Chests

Rose Town Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Rose Town Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Rose Town Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 5/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Rose Town
Above the shelf behind the shopkeeper of the Item Shop

In the Rose Town shop, go on top of the bookshelf behind the counter. Jump on the northernmost corner to reveal the chest.

Rose Town Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 6/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Rose Town
On top of the bed, 2nd Floor of Northernmost House

Go to the house on the elevated ground at the northern part of the town; you can reach it by jumping on the Toad walking nearby. In the house, go upstairs then jump on the bed to reveal the chest.

Rose Town Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Forest Maze Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Forest Maze Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #1: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 7/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Forest Maze
West of the Entrance

Upon entering the starting area of the Forest Maze, go to the western corner and jump to reveal the chest.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 8/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Forest Maze
Area after emerging from the tree stump

Upon getting out of the tree stump after traversing the first cavern in the Forest Maze, walk northwest towards the trees then jump to reveal the chest.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #3: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 9/39
Item Flower
Location Forest Maze
Wiggler tree stump area

In the area with Wigglers coming out of stumps, enter the easternmost stump. In the cavern, walk towards the patch of light by the southernmost part of the area then jump to reveal the chest.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #4: Empty

Hidden Chest No. 10/39
Item Empty
Location Forest Maze
Wiggler tree stump area

In the area with Wigglers coming out of stumps, enter the left stump in the second row. Walk northwest to the corner just near the jumping platform and jump to reveal the chest; it's an empty chest, though.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #5: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 11/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Forest Maze
Wiggler tree stump area

In the area with Wigglers coming out of stumps, enter the westernmost stump. Go to the westernmost corner of the cavern, behind the sleeping Wiggler, then jump to reveal the chest.

Forest Maze Hidden Chest #6: Red Essence

Hidden Chest No. 12/39
Item Red Essence
Location Forest Maze
Forest Maze Junction

Go through the Forest Maze Junction (Take the path: ↘︎, ↗︎, ↗︎, ↘︎, ↗︎, ↖︎), then in the next room, go to the bottom corner of the first area before reaching the save block. Note that this is the only block in a different location from the original game.

Forest Maze Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Pipe Vault Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Pipe Vault Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Pipe Vault Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 13/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Pipe Vault
Underground Corridor Area

When you reach the area with six pipes with Piranha Plants in them, enter the second pipe from the left. In the next area, jump to the spot before the floating brown row of bricks to reveal an invisible platform. Hop onto it then get on top of the second brown brick, then jump to reveal the chest.

Pipe Vault Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 14/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Pipe Vault
Underground Corridor Area

On the same row of brown bricks as Chest #13, go on the fourth brown brick from the left and jump to reveal the chest.

Pipe Vault Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Yo'ster Isle Hidden Treasure Chest

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Yo'ster Isle Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Yo'ster Isle Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 15/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Yo'ster Isle
Savepoint Area before Yo'ster Isle

In the area with the pipe and the Save Block, go by the bushes to the northwest of the Save Block. Jump at the corner to reveal the chest.

Yo'ster Isle Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Booster Pass Region Treasure Chests

Booster Pass Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Super Mario RPG - Booster Pass Map
Booster Pass Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Booster Pass Hidden Chest #1: Flower

Hidden Chest No. 16/39
Item Flower
Location Booster Pass
First Area

Upon entering the first area of Booster Pass, keep jumping north until you reach the highest ground of the hill near the entrance. Get on top of the cactus there and jump to reveal the chest.

Booster Pass Hidden Chest #2: Rock Candy

Hidden Chest No. 17/39
Item Rock Candy
Location Booster Pass
First Area

In the same area as Chest #16, head east and go up to the highest point of the next hill. Jump on the left northernmost corner to reveal the chest.

Booster Tower Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Booster Tower Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Booster Tower Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 18/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Booster Tower
Area with the running Snifits

In the area with the Snifits walking down the stairs, climb to the highest ground. Go to the northernmost corner, walk one tile to the west (you should be standing on a dark tile), then jump to reveal the chest.

Booster Tower Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 19/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Booster Tower
Area after launching from the seesaw Thwomp

Upon reaching the next area after getting launched by the Thwomp on a seesaw, walk to the west corner, then jump to reveal the chest.

Booster Tower Hidden Chest #3 Mushroom

Hidden Chest No. 20/39
Item Mushroom
Location Booster Tower
Savepoint room before the curtain room

In the area with the Save Block before Booster's room, go to the southeast corner near the exit and jump to reveal the chest.

Booster Tower Hidden Chest #4: Goodie Bag

Hidden Chest No. 21/39
Item Goodie Bag
Location Booster Tower
Savepoint Room before the curtain room

In the same area as Chest #20, jump from orange block to orange block to reach the northern corner of the room, where you can see the visible chest. Get on top of this chest and jump to reveal the hidden chest above it.

Booster Tower Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Star Road Region Treasure Chests

Marrymore Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Super Mario RPG - Marrymore Map
Marrymore Total Chests

Marrymore Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 22/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Marrymore
Regular Suite Hotel Room at Marrymore Hotel

Stay at Marrymore Hotel's regular suite room. Get on top of the bookshelf at the west corner of the room and jump to reveal the chest.

Marrymore Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Sunken Ship Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Sunken Ship First Part
Sunken Ship Second Part
Sunken Ship Total Chests

Sunken Ship Hidden Chest #1: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 23/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Sunken Ship
Mario doppelganger room

In the room with the Mario doppelganger, jump on the middle bright spot to reveal the J block and the hidden chest. To reach the hidden chest, aim to get on top of the Mario doppelganger, then jump to open the chest.

Sunken Ship Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Land's End Region Treasure Chests

Land's End Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Land's End
Belome Temple
Land's End Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Land's End Hidden Chest #1: Red Essence

Hidden Chest No. 24/39
Item Red Essence
Location Land's End
First Area

In the first area of Land's End, get inside the cannon and aim to get on the yellow platform bobbing up and down. Walk on the northern part of the platform and jump when the platform is at its highest point to reveal the chest.

Land's End Hidden Chest #2: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 25/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Land's End
Second Area

In the second area of Land's End, go beside the hole in the hill at the northwest spot and jump to reveal a yellow platform. Go back to the cannon and launch yourself to that second platform. Jump towards the hilltop, walk to the west corner, then jump to reveal the chest.

Land's End Hidden Chest #3: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 26/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Land's End
Fourth Area

Get to the cave beneath the Sky Bridge to enter the passage to Kero Sewers. Proceed through the path in the first area until you reach the steps; there should be a Chow nearby. Go to the north corner near the steps while avoiding the Chow and jump to reveal the chest.

Land's End Hidden Chest #4: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 27/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Land's End
Cave Beneath Sky Bridge

Get to the cave beneath the Sky Bridge to enter the passage to Kero Sewers. Proceed through the path in the first area until you reach the steps; there should be a Chow nearby. Go to the north corner near the steps while avoiding the Chow and jump to reveal the chest.

Land's End Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Belome Temple Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 28/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Belome Temple
Area after entering the gate

In Belome's Temple, upon entering the gate that appears after having the first part of your fortune revealed, you'll reach an area with two visible chests. Get on top of the left visible chest, then jump to reveal the hidden chest above it.

Belome Temple Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 29/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Belome Temple
Area after entering the gate

In Belome's Temple, in the same area as Chest #28, go down the stairs. Walk northeast towards the middle corner then jump to reveal the chest.

Belome Temple Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Monstro Town Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Monstro Town Total Chests

Monstro Town Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 30/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Monstro Town
Rightmost door that leads to the exit.

In the room by the area's exit, go beside the bush at the northwest spot then jump to reveal the chest.

Monstro Town Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Bean Valley Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Bean Valley Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Bean Valley Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 31/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Bean Valley
First Area

Upon entering the valley, jump into the pipe to the right. In the next area, get to the corner beside the westernmost hill and jump to reveal the chest.

Bean Valley Hidden Chest #2: Croaka Cola

Hidden Chest No. 32/39
Item Croaka Cola
Location Bean Valley
Lower-Right Piranha Plant Area

When you reach the area with five pipes with Piranha Plants in them, defeat the Piranha Plant at the lower right pipe and enter it. Get to the far side of the hallway, stand around the middle of that side, then jump to reveal the chest.

Bean Valley Hidden Chest #3: Red Essence

Hidden Chest No. 33/39
Item Red Essence
Location Bean Valley
Easternmost Piranha Plant Area

Go to the first savepoint area in Bean Valley that contains 5 green pipes with Chewys on it. Enter the eastern green pipe.

At the undeground area, head to the northeastern gap south of the yellow bricks. Go south one tile, then jump to reveal the chest containing a Red Essence.

Bean Valley Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Nimbus Land Region Treasure Chests

Nimbus Land Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Nimbus Land
Nimbus Castle
Nimbus Land Total Chests

Nimbus Land Hidden Chest #1: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 34/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Nimbus Land
Shopkeeper area

In the Nimbus Land shop, get on top of the boxes behind the shopkeeper. At the middle of the highest boxes, jump to the south direction to reveal the chest.

Nimbus Land Hidden Chest #2: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 35/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Nimbus Land
Hallway with three doors

Inside Nimbus Castle, in the hallway with three doors, accessible only after defeating Valentina, go to the northwestern corner of the room; you should be beside the bird in a cage. Jump at the corner to reveal the chest.

Nimbus Land Hidden Chest #3: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 36/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Nimbus Land
Hallway with three doors

Inside Nimbus Castle, in the same hallway with three doors, enter the middle doorway to the next room. Proceed further to the next area (accessible only after defeating Birdo) then get on top of the visible chest. Jump on this chest to reveal the hidden chest above.

Nimbus Land Hidden Chest #4: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 37/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Nimbus Land
Hallway with three doors

Inside Nimbus Castle, in the same hallway with three doors, enter the left doorway and proceed through the area until you get down the second set of stairs. Near the entrance of the room with a Save Block, go to the edge of the wall nearby and jump to reveal the chest.

Nimbus Land Hidden Chest #5: Frog Coin

Hidden Chest No. 38/39
Item Frog Coin
Location Nimbus Land
Invisible path at the end of the hallway with three doors

From Chest #37, go west where you'll be able to find an invisible path allowing you to walk outside the boundaries. Get to the end of this path and jump to reveal the chest.

Nimbus Land Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Bowser's Keep Region Treasure Chests

Weapon World Hidden Treasure Chests

All 39 Hidden Chest Locations
Mushroom Kingdom (3) Bandit's Way (1) Rose Town (2)
Forest Maze (6) Pipe Vault (2) Yo'ster Isle (1)
Booster Pass (2) Booster Tower (4) Marrymore (1)
Sunken Ship (1) Land's End (6) Monstro Town (1)
Bean Valley (3) Nimbus Land (5) Weapon World (1)
Weapon World Total Chests

All Hidden Treasure Chests are marked with a yellow number on the map.

Weapon World Hidden Chest #1: Mushroom

Hidden Chest No. 39/39
Item Mushroom
Location Weapon World
Second Savepoint Area

In the Gate area where the second Save Block is, go to the corner west of the Save Block and jump to reveal the chest.

Weapon World Maps
Map and Walkthrough Hidden Treasure Details

Reward for Opening All Hidden Treasure Chests

No Reward for Opening All Hidden Treasure Chests

Super Mario RPG No Reward for Opening All Hidden Treasure Chests.jpg

There is unfortunately no reward for opening every hidden treasure chest in the game.

During your journey, you can talk to an NPC named Chester in Monstro Town to find out how many hidden treasure chests are left to be found. When you talk to him after opening them all, he'll simply say "Wow, you found all the Hidden Treasures.", but will not give you anything.

How to Get 100% Clear

Hidden Treasure Chest Changes from Original Game

  1. Mushroom Kingdom Castle
  2. Forest Maze

Mushroom Kingdom Castle Hidden Treasure is No Longer Missable

In the original game, if you fail to stand on Toad's head as they walk through the doorway in the Mushroom Kingdom castle, you will miss out on this Hidden Treasure.

In the remake, Toad remains in the area if you return at a later time, giving you a chance to reach the platform and the Hidden Treasure.


Last Forest Maze Hidden Treasure Changed Location

The location of the last Hidden Treasure in Forest Maze changed in the remake. In the original game, the treasure can be found in a corner further east.

Forest Maze Guide

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How to Get Last Forest Maze Hidden Chest -
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All Secrets and Easter Eggs What is Peach's ???
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All Wishes on Star Hill How to Open the Door in Monstro Town
What Does the Dream Cushion Do? How to Get the Secret Ending
Samus Cameo and How to Find Link Cameo and How to Find
How to Promote Apprentices -
FAQs and Tricky Points
What is the Max Flower Points Total? What is the Max Level?
Can You Increase Max Coins? Can You Increase Inventory Size?
How to Go Into Pipes Should You Give Back the Wallet?
Should You Confess to Stealing Treasures? Booster Tower Trap Room Guide
Where to Get Frogfucius's Snack How to Knock Down the Marrymore Church Door
Should You Give the Star to Speardovich? How to Duck and Slide to Get the Pipe Vault Frog Coin
Super Mario RPG Remake Review: Is it Worth It? Can You Respec?
How to Get Secret Chest in Kero Sewers Can You Get the 7th Star Piece?
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Useful NPCs
Frog Coin Emporium Items and How to Get All Cards Moleville Swap Shop: What to Trade Points For
Treasure Hunting Toad Guide Mushroom Boy Shop: All Rare Mushrooms

Super Mario RPG Minigames

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

Number 12 is just not true lol


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