FF7 Remake

Hellhound Weaknesses and Obtainable Items


This page contains the stats and weaknesses of Hellhound, an enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). Read on to learn the items dropped from this enemy, as well as AP, gil, abilities, and locations, as well as tips on how to beat Hellhound!

Hellhound Stats and Information

Hellhound Basic Information

Hellhound Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Artificial Life Grounded Normal


A species that is the product of a particularly deranged species of experiments. These two-headed creatures have limbs and tails that ignite when provoked. Savage and ravenous, they leave nothing behind after catching their preyーnot even bones.

Assess (Tips)

Extinguish either flame to weaken their attacks. Ice attacks will extinguish their red flame, while healing spells and items will extinguish their purple flame.

Hellhound Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 19156~28519 34829~51852 68382
Attack 97~138 193
Magic Attack 168~242 355
Defense 25~34 45
Magic Defense 159~234 312

Hellhound Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Ice
Lesser Resistances Proportional Damage
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements Fire

How to Stagger Hellhound

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×No effect
×1.5 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds

Hellhound Abilities

Unholy Howl
Fatal Fangs
Hellish Smash
Infernal Eruption


Rewards for Defeating

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 162~315 656
AP 5 15
Exp 198~381 1584
Items Dropped -
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal -

Areas Encountered

Locations Sector 6 Slums (Post Collapse)

Related Links

List of Artificial Life Enemies

List of Artificial Life Enemies
Monodrive Mark II Monodrive Zenene Brain Pod
Swordipede Varghidpolis Byobapolis Hellhound
Bomb Specimen H0512 H0512-OPT Hell House
Failed Experiment Unknown Entity Type-0 Behemoth Diabolic Creation

See All Enemies


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