FF7 Remake

Zenene Weaknesses and Obtainable Items


This page contains the stats and weaknesses of Zenene, an enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). Read on to learn the items dropped from this enemy, as well as AP, gil, abilities, and locations, as well as tips on how to beat Zenene!

Zenene Stats and Information

Zenene Basic Information

Zenene Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Artificial Life Grounded Normal


A species created by Shinra's R&D division via the synthesis of parts from other life-forms. Physically powerful and extremely intelligent, they refuse to obey human commands, and thus are kept in quarantine.

Assess (Tips)

Tactical data not available.

Zenene Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 4488 8160 11790
Attack 174 283
Magic Attack 174 283
Defense 31 45
Magic Defense 132 194

Zenene Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Fire
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -

How to Stagger Zenene

Stagger Rates

×1 ×1 ×1 ×1
×1 ×1 ×1 -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 10 seconds

Zenene Abilities

Mephitic Shower


Rewards for Defeating

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 98 257
AP 5 15
Exp 357 1890
Items Dropped Ether (8%)
Rare Items Dropped Hazardous Material (5%)
Steal Remedy (5%)

Areas Encountered

Locations Shinra Building

Related Links

List of Artificial Life Enemies

List of Artificial Life Enemies
Monodrive Mark II Monodrive Zenene Brain Pod
Swordipede Varghidpolis Byobapolis Hellhound
Bomb Specimen H0512 H0512-OPT Hell House
Failed Experiment Unknown Entity Type-0 Behemoth Diabolic Creation

See All Enemies


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