Gundam UC Engage

Top Ranked Arena Teams and Counters [December 2024]


Best Arena Teams and Counters - Gundam UC Engage

Wondering what the highest-ranked Arena teams look like? Read on to learn about the five highest-ranked teams of the last PvP season, why they work, and how to beat them.

Best Arena Teams and Counters

The teams used in this page are from the highest-ranked teams of Elite Arena Season 61. Updated as of 2024/12/16.

Rank 1

Elite Arena Rank 1 - Gundam UC Engage.jpg

The highest-ranked Arena player of Season 61 Elite uses a lineup consisting of the Rick Dom (Thunderbolt), Gundam GP02A, Gyan, Char's Z'Gok, Titania, and Zeong. It features a beefy lineup with 2 armored units, big AOE damage from the GP02A and the Zeong, Gundam-Type bonus damage and target priority from the Char's Z'Gok, and a self-sustaining melee DPS unit in the Titania.

How To Counter

Key Counters
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Icon[M0251] Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Gyan Icon[M0317] Gyan Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - The-O Icon[M0105] The-O

Because we have no way of seeing exactly how the top players of the leaderboard organized their defensive deployment schemes, we can't test out counters on how to specifically beat these teams. We can, however, make an educated guess as to how these teams work and how their units synergize with one another given that we can see their roster of mobile suits.

Because this player has a Gyan, you'll need to be able to deal with his Armored units, and you have to do it quickly since you don't want his GP02A to AoE nuke your entire team. Luckily, both these units are relatively easy to take down compared to the top defensive units like the Penelope and The-O, so your strongest DPS units should be able to do that.

In particular, Green-type mobile suits like the Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility, The-O, Nu Gundam (Green), and the ZZ Gundam should do particularly well here given how he has 3 Blue-type mobile suits. These three are the strongest Green-type units in the game, though they'll all get targeted first and receive increased damage because they're Gundam-Type mobile suits. The best way to avoid that is to field in a Gyan of your own, though baiting the aggro with tanky Gundam-Type units like the FATB and the Penelope is also a viable strategy.

Because his damage dealers are Blue-type MSs and none of them are particularly accurate, a strong The-O can go ham on this player's team. A Gyan + The-O combo will do particularly well as The-O will get to spam its heals and its EX skill given that this team does not have Bullseye, Unavoidable, and not much accuracy either. Gyan also overrides the opposing Z'Gok's special targeting effects, saving your Gundam-Type DPS units from harm.

Rank 2

Elite Arena Rank 2 - Gundam UC Engage.jpg

The runner-up's lineup consists of the Alex, Zeong, Yellow Sazabi, Qubeley, The-O, and Gyan. It's a well-rounded team featuring the 2 strongest DPS units in the game, the best Support unit, one of the best Armored units, and one of the best utility and multi-hit units.

How To Counter

Key Counters
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Banshee Norn Icon[M0258] Banshee Norn Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Gundam GP04 Icon[M0123] Gundam GP04 Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Titania Icon[M0245] Titania

It's another Gyan team, so you'll have to take out the tanks quickly so you don't take too much damage from the Zeong and Sazabi. While The-O is a formidable tank that's hard to take down, it's not too tough when faced with its counters, the Banshee Norn and the Gundam GP04. These two will also do well against the Alex, given that both these units have type advantages over the opposing tanks. If you don't have these two, use units with Bullseye, Unavoidable, or just high accuracy as both these Armored units have high amounts of evasion, and are tough to take down if you don't have the necessary tools.

The Zeong and the Yellow Sazabi will spell trouble for you if you aren't able to deal with them quickly. Luckily, there's a mobile suit that can deal with both rather effectively, which is the Titania. The Zeong doesn't have the accuracy to beat this unit and might just end up charging its EX skill and healing it. On the other hand, while the Sazabi has Bullseye, the Titania's absolute evasion will cancel it out, so it'll be the Sazabi's base accuracy vs the Titania's evasion, a battle that heavily favors the Titania's side. Provided that the Zeong's EX skills won't kill the Titania and if it doesn't get hit with The-O's Unavoidable debuff, the Titania will do great in this matchup. It's also worth noting that the Qubeley is an anti-evasion unit, but that won't do much for the Titania's absolute evasion.

As for the rest of your team, opt to fill the rest of your roster with top meta picks like the Yellow Sazabi, Zeong, The-O, Penelope, Gyan, etc.

Rank 3

Elite Arena Rank 3 - Gundam UC Engage.jpg

The player who secured rank 3 of Elite Arena last season ran with a team consisting of Gyan, Penelope, Zeong, Qubeley, Hamma-Hamma, and Hyaku Shiki. It is a team with massive AoE EX skill damage, plenty of stuns, and anti-evasion, whose key units are protected by a Gyan+Penelope defensive wall.

The key damage units of this team are the Zeong and the Hamma-Hamma. The latter of which will deal bonus damage to stunned units, which the Qubeley can inflict for it. The Hamma-Hamma can also stun its opponents for 4 seconds with its EX skill if the target is inflicted with the Unavoidable debuff. In this team comp, the Hyaku Shiki takes on the role of debuffer as it will inflict Unavoidable on all enemy units with its EX skill, improving the Hamma-Hamma's EX skill and preventing all opponents from evading attacks. That said, it covers one of the Zeong's biggest weaknesses, which is its lack of accuracy.

How To Counter

Key Counters
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Gundam Ez8 Icon[M0238] Gundam Ez8 Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Qubeley Icon[M0029] Qubeley Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Zeong Icon[M0056] Zeong

It's unwise to rely too much on evasion units in this matchup as the Hyaku Shiki will just inflict Unavoidable, and the Qubeley can also reduce everybody's evasion. There's another Gyan in this team, so the same strategy applies, which is to take out the Penelope as fast as you can. Luckily, this player uses just one Armored unit, so abuse the Penelope's weakness to crit damage with units like the Ez8+Zeong and Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility. You can also wear down its guard rate quickly with high hit-count mobile suits like the Qubeley.

Most of the team's damage comes from the Zeong and the Hamma-Hamma. However, once you're able to deal with the Penelope, they're all rather easy to deal with provided you still have enough HP on your units. Alternatively, you could opt to use your own AoE team comp against this team. That way, it becomes a contest of who has the stronger AoE units, and who can use their EX skills first. Because you'll be on offense, you have the added benefit of being able to manually cast your EX skills in the optimal order, as well as being able to position your units to counter the defensive formation.

Rank 4

Elite Arena Rank 4 - Gundam UC Engage.jpg

Guts, who sits at rank 4 of Arena Season 61 Elite uses a lineup of Over.on, Hyaku Shiki, Gundam Full Armor (Thunderbolt), Zeta Gundam, Zeong, and Zaku I With Big Gun. Surprisingly, this high ranking player does not have plenty of the highest-calibre units. It's not as good defensively as the others we've discussed given the absence of Gyan and the 2 Armored units not being in the SS-tier, but it's still a formidable team.

How To Counter

Key Counters
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Icon[M0251] Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Blue Destiny Unit-1 Icon[M0252] Blue Destiny Unit-1 Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Sazabi [THE LIFE-SIZED v Gundam STATUE] Icon[M0218] Sazabi [THE LIFE-SIZED v Gundam STATUE] Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Gyan Icon[M0317] Gyan Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Zeong Icon[M0056] Zeong

This might be the easiest team to beat among the top 4 given that Gyan is not rostered, so your units won't be forced to attack Armored the Armored units first, and you're free to place your units in advantageous positions to possibly flank and get favorable matchups. There's no other Blue-type mobile suit, so it's easy to send a flanking Green-type DPS unit like the Unicorn PF to annihilate the Zeong before it gets to EX twice.

The Zeta Gundam and the BGZ (Big Gun Zaku), on the other hand, are likely protected by the Over.on and the FATB. However, these two units aren't as strong as the SS-tier Armored units like the Penelope and The-O, so fielding top DPS units like the Zeong and Yellow Sazabi should be able to beat this team's defenses without much trouble.

A notable pick that will do excellent in this matchup is the Blue Destiny Unit-1. It enjoys target priority as well as massively increased damage against Newtype Machines, and this team's two strongest units fall under this category. Once those two fall, it's game over for this team.

Having a Gyan and pairing it with a meta Armored unit or two can greatly increase the survivability of your key units, increasing your chances of winning this battle.

Rank 5

Elite Arena Rank 5 - Gundam UC Engage.jpg

To round out our top 5 list, we have a team made up of The-O, Zeong, Gundam GP04, Yellow Sazabi, Sisquiede Titans Color, and Gundam GP02A. This team features a solid defense, big AoE and single target damage, three units with far-range weapons, and anti-evasion, in the form of Bullseye, Unavoidable, high accuracy, and again, AoE damage.

How To Counter

Key Counters
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Blue Destiny Unit-1 Icon[M0252] Blue Destiny Unit-1 Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Icon[M0251] Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Gyan Icon[M0317] Gyan Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - Sazabi (Purple) Icon[M0336] Sazabi

This team also does not have a Gyan, so that should help you earn favorable matchups against units without protection from another unit with the same type. Here, the GP04, Sisquiede Titans Color, and the Sazabi can easily be dealt with by flankers with type advantages over these units. Taking them out early on significantly increases your chances of winning. However, out of these three, the Sazabi is the biggest threat, so use a Purple-type like the Purple Sazabi or the Zeta HML to deal with it quickly.

Another win condition is taking out the GP02A early, as having its EX skill go off on your team might be the reason you lose this battle. Use strong Green-type mobile suits like the Unicorn PF and the Nu Gundam (Green) to do this. Once it's done with the GP02A, it should move on to the Zeong and take it out as well.

Blue Destiny Unit-1 will also do well here given that The-O and the Zeong are both Newtype Machines that the BD-1 can easily dismantle.

As for your defense, as usual, a Gyan + any meta Armored unit combo will work well against this team composition.

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How Good is the Gyan?


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