Gundam UC Engage

Top Ranked Arena Teams and Counters


Best Arena Teams and Counters - Gundam UC Engage

Wondering what the highest-ranked Arena teams look like? Read on to learn about the five highest-ranked teams of the last PvP season, why they work, and how to beat them.

Best Arena Teams and Counters

The teams used in this page are from the highest ranked teams of Arena Season 46. Updated as of 2024/9/2.

Rank 1

RaeL Team - Gundam UC Engage

The highest-ranked Arena player of Season 46 Standard uses a lineup consisting of the Gundam Full Armor, Qubeley, Hamma-Hamma, Sazabi, Zaku I with Big Gun, and the Gundam GP02A. It features a beefy lineup with 2 armored units, big AOE damage, good crowd control and buffs, and an executor as well. A well-rounded team that's tough to beat without the right counters.

How To Counter

RaeL Team Counter

You'll want to take out the GP02A before it uses its devastating EX skill, so place a strong counter like the ZZ Gundam or the Dijeh (Luio & Co.), as these enjoy both a type/category advantage over it. Next, you'll need a strong yellow-type unit (better if 2) to deal with RaeL's Full Armor Thunderbolt (FATB), Qubeley, and the Zaku I BG.

In particular, the Zeta Gundam is a great yellow unit to have when countering purple types. The Yellow Sazabi is also really good, especially against the Qubeley as it ignores its evasion.

Keep in mind that the Qubeley can stun your units and open them up to big damage from the Hamma-Hamma, so quickly taking it out can benefit your team a lot in the long run. You can use whatever strong PvP units you have to fill in the remaining slots.

Rank 2

BoatJa Team  - Gundam UC Engage

The runner-up's lineup consists of the Zeta Gundam, Gundam GP02A, Blue Destiny Unit-1, The-O, Gundam Full Armor, and the Qubeley. This team is also quite hard to take down as it features 2 armored units and a lot of evasion. Units to look out for are the Qubeley, which can lower your entire team's evasion, and the Blue Destiny Unit-1, which hard counters Newtype Machines. AOE damage isn't lacking either thanks to BoatJa's The-O and GP02A. It's a strong team overall that can counter both Newtype Machines and evasion team comps.

How To Counter

Rank 2 Counter - Gundam UC Engage

The Zeta Gundam and The-O's EX Skills all benefit from powerful bonuses when targeting opponents inflicted with the Unavoidable status effect. However, this team does not have an AOE debuffer that can inflict this status effect. Only The-O can do this, and can only inflict it on one opponent for every time it uses its EX Skill. That said, try to take this unit out first, along with the GP02A because of its devastating AOE EX skill damage.

Just like with the top-ranked team, take out the GP02A with the ZZ Gundam or the Dijeh (Luio & Co.). Meanwhile, The-O can be countered by the Banshee Norn and the Gundam GP04. Bringing your own Qubeley into this match can also help you deal with The-O and the BDU-1's high evasion.

Despite the Zeta Gundam being weak to the Blue Destiny Unit-1, we still recommend that you bring it along as there are 3 Purple-types in BoatJa's team. Position it away from the Blue Destiny Unit and face it off with the Qubeley or the FATB. You can use the Yellow Sazabi to take out the Blue Destiny unit instead. Finally, use either your own Blue Destiny Unit-1 or the Zaku I BG to deal with the Zeta Gundam. Again, just use whatever strong PvP units you have to fill in the remaining slots.

Rank 3

Katrick Team - Gundam UC Engage

The third highest ranked Arena team of Katrick uses the Banshee (NT-D), Dag Doll, Varguil, Gaplant Trainer, Hyaku Shiki, and the Doven Wolf (Commander Type). This team will hard counter any team comps centered around strong Raid units, as the Dag Doll will render them useless for the first 12 seconds of combat by inflicting Jamming on them.

This team can also deal strong damage at a consistent rate, since the Hyaku Shiki will inflict the Unavoidable debuff on their opponent's team, opening them up to attacks from the other high DPS Raid units in this comp. Finally, their entire team also benefits from Absolute Evasion for 5 seconds whenever the Doven Wolf uses its EX skill.

How To Counter

Rank 3 Counter - Gundam UC Engage

One unit that could carry a fight against a team comp like this is the Dag Doll. With it, you can inflict Jamming for 8 seconds on the Banshee, the Varguil, the Gaplant Trainer, and the Hyaku Shiki 4 seconds into the match, severely limiting their combat power. That's 4 out of the 6 opponents on the enemy team who'll be weakened, so take them out when they're vulnerable.

You could just use the typical AOE meta team comp alongside the Dag Doll and use their EX skills to burst down foes when they're Jammed. Alternatively, you could field in units that have a type/category advantage over the opposing units and they'll have a rather easy time taking out their targets.

Yellow Sazabi would also do well here, as its bullseye self-buff can hit units with the absolute evasion buff, which the Doven Wolf grants its team.

Note that while testing out the counters in Mock Battle, we didn't have the Gaplant Trainer available to us, so we used the Kshatriya in its place as they're both Red-type Raid units who can inflict debuffs with their EX.

Rank 4

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K' who sits at rank 4 of Arena Season 46 uses a lineup of S Gundam, Yellow Sazabi, Zock, Gundam GP02A, Gundam Full Armor (Thunderbolt), and the ZZ Gundam. When facing this lineup, you'll have to get through 3 armored units, a high damage anti-evasion Yellow Sazabi, 2 of the strongest Bombardment units, and the GP02A's massive burst damage.

How To Counter

Rank 4 Counter - Gundam UC Engage

In this matchup, the key to winning all comes down to type/category advantages. Just like with every other featured team that included a GP02A, one of the win conditions is defeating the unit before it can use its EX Skill. Again, use units like the ZZ Gundam to take it out. The Yellow Sazabi can also be tough to deal with, but you could field in a ranged Purple attacker like the Zaku I BG to chunk it down from afar or a Banshee (NT-D) to skirmish with. Use a green Raid unit like the Gaplant to deal with the S Gundam and use a red one like the Kshatriya to deal with the ZZ Gundam.

If possible, you should avoid placing anyone in front of the Zock since it's a defensive unit that does not have much use other than to take hits. Instead of bringing in another unit to counter the Zock, we chose to add the S Gundam for more firepower and to help take down the GP02A quickly.

Rank 5

傲雪凌霜 counter - Gundam UC Engage

To round out our top 5 list, we have a team made up of the Yellow Sazabi, Sisquiede Titans Color, Gundam GP02A , Gundam GP04, Char's Zaku II, and The-O. Once again, you have a team composition with strong AOE damage and tanking thanks to the GP02A and The-O, consistently accurate beam damage with the Yellow Sazabi and the GP04, crowd control from the CZII, and damage amplifying debuffs from the Sisquiede Titans Color.

How To Counter

Rank 5 Counter - Gundam UC Engage

The GP02A needs no introduction and should always be a priority target. Take it out quickly with the ZZ Gundam. The Zeta Gundam can make quick work of the Sisquiede and prevent it from debuffing your units. After that, it'll snowball and go for even more until it's taken down.

The Banshee Norn hard counters The-O, so strategically position it to exploit that mismatch. Next, you'll want to beat the Sazabi, which is quite hard given how strong of a skirmisher it is, but just going even is okay as this delays the fight until your other units can help out. The Banshee NT-D can put up a prolonged fight with the Yellow Sazabi as they're both self-sustaining duelists. Use whatever strong units you have to take up the remaining spots.

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Tips n Tricks - UC Gundam Engage

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