Gundam UC Engage

Why Do I Keep Losing at the Arena?


Why do I keep Losing at the Arena - Gundam UC Engage

Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage's Arena mode can be tough to get into when you're just starting out, especially when you're losing to powerful enemies. Read on to learn why that happens and what you need to do to still advance through the rankings.

Why Do I Keep Losing at the Arena?

Getting Matched With Powerful Players

Matched with Powerful Players - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

The primary cause of losing at the arena will most likely be getting matched with powerful opponents with double your team's Combat Power (CP), especially if you're just starting and/or mainly playing the game as a F2P player.

Not Having the Right Units

Not the right units - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

If your enemy has similar or even less CP than you do, then you might be losing because the enemy has units that can directly counter yours in terms of type, category, or their EX Skill. For example, even if you have the Zeta Gundam in your team, it can still be beaten by either the Blue Destiny Unit-1 or the Pale Rider (Space Type).

By way of their EX Skills, both MSs have a specialization against mobile suits with the "Newtype Machine" unit category, which the Zeta Gundam has.

Your Units Have Low Investment

Low Investment Zeta Gundam - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

If your enemy had a similar CP to you and has units that you can beat but you still get defeated in the end, then it's possible that they have a one-up over you in terms of Stats, Transcendent Skills, and buffs from Modules.

If you've run into this kind of trouble, you'll have to start Transcending your units, unleashing their Potential, and farming modules that give them buffs that help them perform their roles better.

Unit Enhancement Guide

Your Deployment Scheme is Wrong

Deployment - Gundam UC Engage

Another possibility behind why your team lost in Arena is because your unit deployment did not take full advantage of your Mobile Suits' advantages over your enemies.

Sure, the Auto-Deploy function works well enough, but there are strategies where you can deploy your units to make sure their skill effects kick in because they're faced with certain units. Try to experiment with deployment and see what works best for your team.

What to Do When I Keep Losing at the Arena?

Invest in Your Mobile Suits and Pilots

Fully Transcendent Titans - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

The best way to overcome opponents in the Arena is to raise your units' stats and skills by unleashing their Potential and Transcending them. You'll need Blueprints/Pieces and Rainbow Haro Coins respectively, and there are different ways to go about getting them in-game.

Grind for Better Modules, More Resources

Modules - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

Another way to have an edge over your enemies is to get better Modules for your mobile suits, which in turn give them useful stats such as higher Evasion, higher Beam/Projectile damage, more HP, and others.

List of All Modules

Maintain Your Ranking

Ranking Rewards - Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage

Even if you keep losing, keep mindful of your ranking every Season. At the end of every Season in the Arena, you will be rewarded Diamonds, Arena Medals, and Recycle Points - which are important for strengthening your team.

As long as you maintain your rank by setting a good Defensive team and not losing, it's alright to not win outright. If you're a new player, you can even just lose six times in a row just to get ranked and still get some rewards.

How to Win at the Arena

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Tips n Tricks - UC Gundam Engage

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Haro Pass (VIP Pass) Perks and Benefits Title Guide
Unit Enhancement Guide Recycle Points Guide
Account Linking Guide Mock Battle Guide
Fragment Quest Guide Deployment Guide
Master Battle Guide Modules Guide


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