Gundam UC Engage

What Upgrade Should I Do First?


what upgrade should I do first - gundam uc engage

There are many different ways to enhance and upgrade your mobile suit. There's Transcendence, Potential Unleashed, Custom Up, and Skill Rate Up, each of which enhances different aspects of the suit and requires different upgrade materials to perform. In this article, we'll explain which ones you should prioritize working towards achieving first and why.

What Upgrade Should I Do First?

Priority Upgrade
1 Transcendence
2 Potential Unleashed
3 Custom Up
4 Skill Rate Up


How to Transcend Step 4 - Gundam UCE

Transcending your mobile suit should be your top priority, especially if the said mobile suit is a key unit in your team. This is because a lot of the skills that make a unit strong are Transcendent Skills that are locked behind Transcendence levels.

For example, the S Gundam receives a 25% accuracy buff and a 36% increase in critical ATK when transcended fully, as well as starting the battle with its EX gauge already half full. These buffs help make the S Gundam better at its job as a backline DPS threat. Starting a battle with the EX gauge halfway drastically improves the mobile suit, as the S Gundam enjoys a massive critical rate buff of 50% whenever it activates its EX Skill. Having this MS transcended fully will mean that it can activate this buff much earlier in the battle.

The catch with Transcending is that it requires Rainbow Haro coins, which can be extremely hard to get in the game, often requiring you to set up a Haro Farm to be able to reliably earn these. Because of this, only transcend units that you think will be a mainstay in your team.

How to Transcend Your Mobile Suits? Transcendence Guide

Potential Unleashed

How to Potential Unleash Step 5 - Gundam UCE

Unleashing your mobile suit's potential should be your next priority after transcending as this improves all of the effects of your suit's EX Skill. It will increase the damage you'll deal with it, as well as improve the buff percentages you receive and the duration of your debuffs/buffs if applicable.

For example, the Hamma-Hamma's known for its high damage against stunned targets, and the stun it inflicts against opponents with the Unavoidable status effect. Unleashing its potential allows the Hamma-Hamma to immobilize foes with its stun for a longer duration, as well as increases the damage it deals both at base and against stunned opponents.

Like Transcending, unleashing your suit's potential is rather difficult, as this requires you to get blueprints of the mobile suit you wish to upgrade. You'll have to pull multiple copies of the mobile suit you want to unleash its maximum potential. Some blueprints are available in the shop, while some can be earned through Fragment Quests.

How to Raise Potential? Potential Unleashed Guide

Custom Up

How to Switch Worlds Step 9 - Gundam UCE

Raising your Mobile Suit's custom level unlocks and improves the capabilities of your MS' skill 1 and skill 2, as well as improves its stats and unlocks the slots. It's important that you prioritize getting your MSs to at least Custom 4 as this unlocks both their skills. However, it's ideal to keep increasing your custom level whenever you can, as your mobile suit will benefit greatly from their leveled-up skill 1 and 2, as well as their improved stats and module slots.

Your maximum custom level is tied to your Player Rank, which automatically increases the more you play the game. You'll need alteration materials or custom tickets to increase the custom level. Luckily, these aren't as hard to accumulate as the Rainbow Haro coins or MS blueprints.

How to Custom Up? Unit Alteration Guide

Skill Rate Up

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Skill Rate Up is yet another way to strengthen your mobile suit. Unlike the other upgrade systems discussed above, this one is not tied to any skill upgrades. Instead, it boosts your MS's CP, HP, ATK, and DEF. A mobile suit's Skill Rate is the easiest to level up, as it automatically does so incrementally with every battle you do. Alternatively, you could increase your MS' Skill Rate by purchasing Skill Rate Data I discs from the shop, but this isn't really recommended as there are items there better worth your in-game currencies.

Skill Rate Level Up Guide

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