Gundam UC Engage

List of All Items


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Here is a list of all Items in Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage. Check out our list to see all of the game's items and what their functions are.

List Of All Gundam UC Engage Items

Gundam UC Engage Consumables

Item Category Description
AP Consumable AP is immediately restored when claimed.
Friend Medal Consumable A medal that can be exchanged in the Friend Shop.
Recycle Pt. Consumable
Skip Ticket I Consumable A ticket to skip the battle(s) for a quest that has its mission(s) completed.
Arena Medal Consumable
Silver Haro Coin Consumable A coin that can be exchanged in the Silver Haro Coin Shop.
Gold Haro Coin Consumable A coin that can be exchanged in the Gold Haro Coin Shop.
Rainbow Haro Coin Consumable A coin that can be exchanged in the Rainbow Haro Coin Shop.
Grand Coin Consumable
UR Body Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a UR mobile suit body when used.
UR Main Weapon Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a UR mobile suit main weapon when used.
UR Additional Weapon disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a UR mobile suit additional weapon when used.
UR Third Weapon Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a UR mobile suit third weapon when used.
SR Body Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a SR mobile suit body when used.
SR Main Weapon Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a SR mobile suit main weapon when used.
SR Additional Weapon Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a SR mobile suit additional weapon when used.
SR Third Weapon Disk Consumable A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a SR mobile suit third weapon when used.
Coin Consumable
Event Medal Consumable
Diamonds Consumable In-Game currency used to pull from the game's gacha banners as well as refill AP.
Clan Medals Consumable In-Game currency used to buy from the game's Clan Medals shop.

Gundam UC Engage Enhancement Materials

Item Category Description
Enhancement Program I Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 50 EXP for a mobile suit.
Enhancement Program II Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 200 EXP for a mobile suit.
Enhancement Program III Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 500 EXP for a mobile suit.
Enhancement Program IV Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 2000 EXP for a mobile suit.
Operation Improvement Manual I Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 50 EXP for a character.
Operation Improvement Manual II Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 200 EXP for a character.
Operation Improvement Manual III Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 500 EXP for a character.
Operation Improvement Manual IV Enhancement Materials A material that can be used to acquire 2000 EXP for a character.
Mobile Suit Blueprints Enhancement Materials Collect a certain number to manufacture a specific mobile suit or have its Potential Unleashed.
Character Pieces Enhancement Materials Collect a certain number to redeem a specific character or have their Potential Unleashed.
R Custom Ticket Enhancement Materials A ticket that can increase the Customization level of an R mobile suit when used.
SR Custom Ticket Enhancement Materials A ticket that can increase the Customization level of an SR mobile suit when used.
UR Custom Ticket Enhancement Materials A ticket that can increase the Customization level of an UR mobile suit when used.
R Body Disk Enhancement Materials A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a R mobile suit body when used.
R Main Weapon Disk Enhancement Materials A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a R mobile suit main weapon when used.
R Additional Weapon Disk Enhancement Materials A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a R mobile suit additional weapon when used.
R Third Weapon Disk Enhancement Materials A disk that can reset the upgrade allocation of a R mobile suit third weapon when used.

Gundam UC Engage Alteration Materials

Item Category Description
G-1 Alteration Material (HP UP) Alteration Material A material that raises HP when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material (HP UP) Alteration Material A material that raises HP when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material (HP UP) Alteration Material A material that raises HP when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material (HP UP) Alteration Material A material that raises HP when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material (HP UP) Alteration Material A material that raises HP when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material (ATK) Alteration Material A material that raises ATK when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material (ATK) Alteration Material A material that raises ATK when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material (ATK) Alteration Material A material that raises ATK when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material (ATK) Alteration Material A material that raises ATK when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material (ATK) Alteration Material A material that raises ATK when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material (Critical Rate) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical Value when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material (Critical Rate) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical Value when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material (Critical Rate) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical Value when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material (Critical Rate) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical Value when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material (Critical Rate) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical Value when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material (Critical Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material (Critical Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material (Critical Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material (Critical Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material (Critical Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Critical when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material (Generic) Alteration Material A material that raises Generic when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material (Generic) Alteration Material A material that raises Generic when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material (Generic) Alteration Material A material that raises Generic when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material (Generic) Alteration Material A material that raises Generic when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material (Generic) Alteration Material A material that raises Generic when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material α (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material α (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material α (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material α (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material α (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material β (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material β (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material β (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material β (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material β (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material γ (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material γ (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material γ (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material γ (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material γ (Projectile Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material α (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material α (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material α (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material α (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material α (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material β (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material β (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material β (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material β (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material β (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material γ (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material γ (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material γ (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material γ (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material γ (Beam Damage) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material α (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Increase Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material α (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material α (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material α (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material α (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material β (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material β (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material β (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material β (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material β (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material γ (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material γ (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material γ (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material γ (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material γ (DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises DEF when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material α (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material α (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material α (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material α (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material α (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material β (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material β (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material β (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material β (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material β (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material γ (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material γ (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material γ (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material γ (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material γ (Projectile DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Projectiles when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material α (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material α (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material α (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material α (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material α (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material β (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material β (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material β (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material β (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material β (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-1 Alteration Material γ (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-2 Alteration Material γ (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-3 Alteration Material γ (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-4 Alteration Material γ (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.
G-5 Alteration Material γ (Beam DEF) Alteration Material A material that raises Reduce Beam when equipped.

Gundam UC Engage Chips

Item Category Description
UR Body Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an UR mobile suit body when used.
UR Main Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an UR mobile suit main weapon when used.
UR Additional Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an UR mobile suit additional weapon when used.
UR Third Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an UR mobile suit third weapon when used.
SR Body Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an SR mobile suit body when used.
SR Main Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an SR mobile suit main weapon when used.
SR Additional Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an SR mobile suit additional weapon when used.
SR Additional Third Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an SR mobile suit third weapon when used.
R Body Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an R mobile suit body when used.
R Main Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an R mobile suit main weapon when used.
R Additional Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an R mobile suit additional weapon when used.
R Third Weapon Chip Chips A chip that can upgrade an R mobile suit third weapon when used.
Skill Rate Data I Chips A material that can be used to acquire 10 Skill Rate EXP for a mobile suit.
Skill Rate Data II Chips A material that can be used to acquire 100 Skill Rate EXP for a mobile suit.
Skill Rate Data III Chips A material that can be used to acquire 1000 Skill Rate EXP for a mobile suit.

Gundam UC Tickets

Item Category Description
Guaranteed UR Mobile Suit Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets
Guaranteed SR or Higher Mobile Suit Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Guaranteed SR or Higher Mobile Suit Unit Assembly
Guaranteed SR or Higher Character Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Guaranteed SR or Higher Character Unit Assembly
Event Mobile Suit Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Event Mobile Suit Unit Assembly.
Event Character Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Event Character Unit Assembly.
S-Class Research Request Form Set Tickets
A-Class Research Request Form Set Tickets
B-Class Research Request Form Set Tickets
Mobile Suit Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets
Character Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets
Guaranteed UR Character Select Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Guaranteed UR Character Select Unit Assembly.
Guaranteed UR Mobile Suit Select Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Guaranteed UR Character Select Unit Assembly.
Extreme Limited Mobile Suit Unit Assembly Ticket Tickets A ticket that lets you use the Extreme Limited Mobile Suit Unit Assembly

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