Gundam UC Engage

Best Pilot Tier List (PvE) [June 2024]


Best Pilot Tier List

Looking for the best pilots to clear Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage's Main Quests and Co-Op Raids? See our tier list to find out which pilots are the most useful in various scenarios!

Best Pilot Tier List (PvE)

Tier List Ranking Criteria

Many of the UR-rarity pilots in Gundam U.C. Engage have signature mobile suits, while some don't. These are represented by the pilots' skills that mesh perfectly with the right mobile suits, but only partially in others. This is why we ranked the UR pilots according to their stats, the buffs they provide, their availability to be used in a variety of mobile suits, and whether they have certain caveats that players should pay attention to when they use them in PvE scenarios.

All Pilots Ranked

SS Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Marida Cruz Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Char Aznable Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Mashymre Cello Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Ple-Twelve Image
S Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Judau Ashta Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Amuro Ray Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Kamille Bidan Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Banagher Links Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Char Aznable Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Full Frontal Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Peche Montagne Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Char Aznable Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Roux Louka Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Yuu Kajima Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Rosamia Badam Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Rakan Dahkaran Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Jona Basta Image
A Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Danton Hyleg Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Amuro Ray Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Kou Uraki Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Quattro Bajeena Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Uso Erwin Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Anavel Gato Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Riddhe Marcenas Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Char Aznable Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Banagher Links Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Cima Garahau Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Char Aznable Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Anavel Gato Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Aina Sakhalin Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Chloe Croce Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Zoltan Akkanen Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Jutta Qasim Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Hathaway Noa Image
B Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Sayla Mass Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Shiro Amada Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Amuro Ray Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Banagher Links Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Io Fleming Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Daryl Lorenz Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Kou Uraki Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Jerid Messa Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Peche Montagne Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Jona Basta Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Dorel Ronah Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Riddhe Marcenas Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Riddhe Marcenas Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Shiro Amada Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Paptimus Scirocco Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Johnny Ridden Image
C Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Daryl Lorenz Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Kamille Bidan Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Shin Matsunaga Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Michel Kano Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Amuro Ray Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Norris Packard Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Saphira Gardner Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Jutta Qasim Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Ubaldo Morina Image Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Kai Shiden Image

Tier List Ranks Explained

SS Tier This pilot's skills make a significant impact in the performance of their signature Mobile Suit, such as providing massive boosts with thoughtful consideration to its role and strategy. Their skill requirements are also distributed in such a way that they're easy to place into different Mobile Suits with varying effects.
S Tier This pilot's skills make a strong impact in the performance of the Mobile Suit they are slotted in, providing them with massive boosts regardless if they're placed in their signature Mobile Suit or not. Their skill requirements are also very forgiving, which allows them to be used in many Mobile Suits beyond their signature units.
A Tier This pilot's skills make a noteworthy impact to the performance of their signature Mobile Suits. However, they might lag behind in terms of values, returns, or even use conditions, to make them a choice to consider when you need a pilot for a Mobile Suit without its signature partner.
B Tier This pilot's skills make an impact to the performance of their signature Mobile Suits. Unfortunately, they may have low overall values compared to other pilots, or require unpleasant conditions when the stage has certain objectives. They may also have difficult or limited skill requirements, making them hard to slot into Mobile Suits outside of their signature units.
C Tier This pilot possesses low overall attributes, skill values, or difficult skill requirements. They could also be designed in such a way that they are only meant to serve as placeholders until you get a better pilot to slot into a Mobile Suit. They could even be designed on purpose to have a very limited selection of Mobile Suits to pair with.

Tier List Placement Explanation

SS Tier
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier
• Possesses a set of skills that work perfectly with her signature Mobile Suit, [M0076] Banshee (NT-D). Particularly, a lot of her buffs take effect when her mobile suit uses its EX Skill, which directly compliment Banshee (NT-D)'s very quick EX Skill usage.
• Since her skill effects are distributed across a diverse set of Mobile Suit type, category, and unit category requirements, you can comfortably put her up as a pilot for a variety of Mobile Suits besides Banshee (NT-D). You might have trouble maintaining her buffs if the mobile suit has no way to use EX skills quickly, though
• A strong pilot that provides a balanced set of buffs with minimal conditions for activating. He works very well with his signature Mobile Suit, [M0196] Hamma-Hamma, since he rounds its performance out to provide a significant threat to the battlefield by simply existing.
• His only real issue is the relative difficulty in finding mobile suits that fit more than two of his skill requirements at the same time.
• Char Aznable provides truly massive Ranged Sense buffs that piggybacks off the large evasion buffs that he also gives. It pairs extremely well with his signature mobile suit, the [M0052] Sazabi, due to its ramping evasion stat.
• Because of his extremely forgiving and widespread skill requirements, you can slot him into practically any Blue mobile suit as long as it can dodge attacks and match with as many of his Skill 2 requirements as possible.
• Marida Cruz is essentially a copy of [C0083] Char Aznable, but for Red mobile suits that focus on melee attacks. She provides massive amounts of Melee Sense that ramps up via evading attacks, complimented by a large buff to her mobile suit's evasion stat.
• Her skill requirements are very forgiving, which allows her to be slotted into a wide variety of mobile suits. Though she does have a preference for Raid-category mobile suits, you can still opt to use her in other Red-type units as long as they desire higher evasion stats and melee damage buffs.
• Although one of Full Frontal's skill effects is locked behind a mobile suit type requirement, and the need to defeat enemy mobile suits, his ability to ramp off of your opponent's misfortune and increase your team's momentum makes him invaluable with the right kind of team. Unfortunately, that also means that he's not very viable in prolonged, single-target stages such as Co-op Raids.
• His skill requirements are also quite common, making it easy to slot him into many mobile suits.
• Aside from the need to use an EX Skill to activate his Skill 1's first line, all of Char's other skills are always in effect. This allows him to provide a consistent and reliable set of complementary buffs to his signature mobile suit, the [M0016] Char's Zaku II.
• Due to the prevalence of his archetype, it's easy to find alternative units for Char to pilot, as his skill requirements are prevalent to many mobile suits.
• Banagher Links is a powerful pilot capable of providing massive Resistance and Accuracy buffs to his mobile suit, as well as a decent amount of Ranged Sense. His skills perfectly compliment his signature mobile suit, the [M0107] Full Armor Unicorn Gundam, due to his skills' reliance on taking hits.
• Despite his skillset requiring a mobile suit that can reliably take hits, he can be slotted to a wide variety of units. This is all thanks to more than half of his skill requirements being very common categories among the available mobile suits.
• Roux Louka is an amazing pilot that provides massive Ranged Sense and Accuracy buffs; perfect stats to have for her signature mobile suit, the [M0239] S Gundam.
• Her skill requirements are also forgiving enough to allow her to be slotted in other powerful ranged units, such as the [M0103] G-3 Gundam.
• Much like [C0004] Char Aznable, most of [C0051] Kamille Bidan's skill effects are always in effect. This allows him to consistently and reliably provide a set of buffs that goes well with the offensive prowess of his signature mobile suit, the [M0086] Zeta Gundam.
• His skill requirements are also rather easily fulfilled. This makes him a choice to consider in many mobile suits that lack their signature pilots.
• Gundam U.C. Engage's protagonist in her younger years is quite competent, with a praiseworthy skillset that focuses on Ranged Sense, Accuracy, and Resistance. This is a perfect combination of buffs considering that her signature mobile suit, the [M0047] Psycommu System Zaku, is a unit that sacrifices its accuracy for incredible bulk.
• Because of her numerous skill lines with a diverse set of skill requirements, she can easily slot into many mobile suits, turning them into similarly bulky and accurate units as well.
• Despite the [M0039] Nu Gundam's average performance, its signature pilot is nothing to scoff at. Amuro Ray is capable of providing a set of high-value buffs to the mobile suit he's piloting, with minimal conditions to boot.
• His skill requirements are also relatively common, which makes him a choice pick for many mobile suits currently released.
• Yuu Kajima has an amazing set of skills with high-impact effects. However, most of them are either the ramping type that requires defeating enemies, or using your EX Skill. Regardless, these are easy enough conditions to meet, and the effects are tremendous.
• Due to his diverse skill requirements that are relatively common overall, it's easy to find a place for Yuu Kajima to settle in your team.
• Judau Ashta is a pilot notable for being able to provide massive buffs to the ranged capabilities of a mobile suit, especially after it uses its EX Skill. He balances this with high accuracy buffs, allowing for a steady and reliable damage output.
• His skill requirements are, on the other hand, neither rare nor common. While you may not encounter much difficulty in finding alternative mobile suits to place him in, it's not a particularly easy task, either.
• This version of Char Aznable provides a well-balanced boost to a mobile suit's melee and ranged capabilities, provided that it can evade attacks. As a bonus, he provides a decent amount of evasion if the mobile suit has "One Year War" in its unit category, and high amounts of reaction.
• He works well with many Red-type Generic-category mobile suits, especially if they already have evasive capabilities.
• Uso Erwin's skills provide a much-needed snappiness to his signature mobile suit's ramping stats. Unfortunately, the effects are quite scattered in such a way that the offensive buffs often overlap each other after his mobile suit uses its EX Skill.
• Aside from the Zanscare War unit category, his skill requirements are very common as well, which allows him to easily fit into the cockpit of many mobile suits.
• Danton Hyleg is a strong pilot capable of providing both offensive stability to his mobile suit, as well as general survivability.
• His only real caveat is that his skill requirements only fit a specific archetype of mobile suits. But don't let that dissuade you from using him, as placing him in an Armored-category mobile suit always means you will also fulfill his "Heavy Armor" unit category requirement.
• Anavel Gato is a very strong pilot that focuses on making as much use of your bulk as possible, converting hits taken into Ranged Sense and Resistance. It ensures that his signature mobile suit, [M0122] Gundam GP02A, can stand out as more than just a flying piece of brick wall.
• Unfortunately, his skill requirements and effects limit him to being only useful for mobile suits that can take a hit, such as those of the Armored category. But once new mobile suits that can support his skills come out, he may recieve a tier increase.
• Anavel Gato has a great set of skills that focus on bulking up your unit and increasing its firepower. He can easily take a mobile suit that fits his skill requirements and make them very difficult to deal with, as long as they are capable of taking hits early on.
• However, there are very limited choices for alternative mobile suits to slot him in. This rank may change once new mobile suits that can support his skills come out, however.
• The way this version of Char Aznable's skills work is simple: provide a set of good buffs to your unit, and provide them consistently. Their values, though not particularly impressive, are notable enough to let him be a good choice for any pilotless mobile suit that meets his skill requirements.
• His skill requirements are quite common among currently-released mobile suits, making him a good choice for many units out there.
• Cima Garahau's buffs are designed to provide you with nothing but a massive dose of Ranged Sense and Accuracy. And that's great, considering that her signature mobile suit is [M0123] Gundam GP04, a veritable ranged powerhouse that focuses on damage and not much else.
• That said, her skill requirements are numerous and diverse enough that she can comfortably slot into any unit that can meet most of those.
• Riddhe Marcenas is one of the more powerful generalist. He can buff not only Raid category units, but also Close Combat category ones. That aside, his buffs are balanced and mostly always active. The one exception is his Ranged Sense buff, which only take effect whenever his mobile suit is his.
• Due to the variety and unexceptional nature of his skill requirements, and the fact that he's a generalist that can fit most Raid and Close Combat units, you can easily find mobile suits that meets his conditions.
• Amuro Ray offers massive ranged sense and accuracy buffs, easily making him among one of the top choices for mobile suits that need those stats.
• His coverage, however, limits him to a specific selection of mobile suits, which are typically adjacent to "Protagonist Unit" types of the series.
• Banagher Links provides a variety of offensive buffs for the mobile suit he's on. His buffs also have the advantage of being on most of the time, provided that you're willing to let his health go down.
• He's relatively easy to slot into other mobile suits given the wide variety of buffs that he provides, and their lack of reliance on specialties such as critical hits or evasion.
• This version of Char Aznable provides minor buffs reaction, evasion, and melee sense. However, he works extremely well with his signature mobile suit, the [M0065] Char's Zaku II (THE ORIGIN).
• Despite how easy it is to slot him into many mobile suits, the small values he provide inevitably makes him a second choice if he lacks his partner.
• Aina Sakhalin is a generalist pilot that can buff any mobile suit as long as their types are either Green, Blue, or Red. Note that this consists of three our of five types in the game, making her available to be used in most mobile suits. She is, however, only limited to providing unremarkable melee sense and evasion buffs.
• The great thing about Aina is that her skill requirements only discriminate based on Type. That is, if you meet the condition for one skill, you'll immediately meet the condition for the other. This is especially true for melee-focused mobile suits that lack their signature pilots, who will enjoy her buffs to melee sense and evasion regardless of the value.
• Chloe Croce's skills, while limited in variety, have massive bonuses backing it up. The way she works is simple: she starts with naught but a big evasion bonus, but ramps her Ranged Sense up to a staggering 415% after several dodges. Unfortunately, her evasion buff only lasts 30 seconds.
• Due to her skill requirements, and the way her skills synergize with each other, however, there are only very limited mobile suits that you can slot her in.
• Zoltan is a strong pilot that provides a lot of Melee Sense and Critical Rate when the mobile suit meets the category and unit category conditions.
• It's relatively difficult to completely make use of his skills outside of his signature mobile suit, the [M0286] Sinanju Stein (NT Version), due to the rarity of the Phoenix Hunt unit category. However, he still has a wide pool of choices considering how common his other skill requirements are.
• Kou Uraki is a well-designed pilot that relies on evasion to provide massive bonuses to its mobile suit's reaction and ranged capabilities.
• It's also quite easy to slot him into alternative mobile suits if you don't have his signature partner, the [M0030] Gundam GP01Fb.
• Quattro Bajeena provides large buffs to a mobile suit's melee capabilities, as well as providing minor buffs to its EX Skill damage, reaction, and a timed buff to its evasion.
• His melee sense is directly tied to your ability to defeat multiple enemies. This renders him as an unfavorable pick in endgame raid content where there is often only one enemy, but a great pick for stages that require high kill counts.
• Io Fleming's skills are simple in its aims, with effects that greatly amplify the performance of his signature mobile suit, the [M0010] Gundam Full Armor (Thunderbolt). Unfortunately, these values are only subpar at the end of the day, despite being a great fit for the kinds of mobile suits he should be piloting.
• His skill conditions also force him to only be usable on tanky Purple-types with strong ranged attacks as well.
• This version of Banagher Links is one of the rare pilots that can increase a mobile suit's critical-related capabilities.
• However, not many mobile suits rely on getting critical rates, which is a requirement for this pilot to truly shine. It's also almost impossible to use him without the Unicorn (NT-D), as none of the other Unicorn-type mobile suits rely on critical hits.
• Even though Kou Uraki provides a significant boost to one's Ranged Sense and Melee Sense, he comes with the caveat that most of his skills only trigger after using an EX Skill while not having any buffs that boost your mobile suit's EX gauge gain. This is perhaps to balance the fact that his signature mobile suit, the [M0044] Gundam GP01, is actually a healer.
• It's also quite difficult to find mobile suits that meet most of his limited skill requirements, so his pool of choices is quite small.
• Dorel Ronah is almost similar to Chloe Croce in the sense that he can provide massive Melee Sense to your unit through dodging attacks. However, unlike Chloe Croce, his evasion buff is permanent as long as you meet his skill requirement for it.
• Due to the limited number of requirements he has on his skills, he also similarly suffers from a small number of eligible mobile suit pool to choose from.
• Riddhe Marcenas provides a massive boost to a mobile suit's melee capabilities provided that the player can match him with his signature mobile suit, or another one that can match his skill requirements.
• Unfortunately, that will prove to be a difficult feat due to the lack of Close Combat-category units beside his signature mobile suit, the [M0258] Banshee Norn, and the relative scarcity of "Unicorn-Type" mobile suits.
• This version of Riddhe Marcenas provides a respectable amount of melee sense to his mobile suit, as well as a decent boost to its accuracy.
• Although it's relatively easy to match his skill requirements to a mobile suit aside from his signature partner, the [M0070] Delta Plus, his buffs remain as nothing more than respectable even at its full potential.
• Jona Basta is a strong pilot that provides a massive boost to a mobile suit's melee capabilities and reaction, as well as an acceptable buff to its ranged capabilities.
• The problem is that, besides "Phoenix Hunt" unit categories being relatively uncommon, requiring enemies to be defeated to gain stacks to its reaction buff relegates that skill line as unusable in most raid content.
• Peche Montagne provides large amounts of melee and ranged sense to her mobile suit, as well as similarly big boosts to its evasion and accuracy stats.
• Unfortunately, a large fraction of the former buffs are locked from everything except Engage mobile suits.
• Jerid Messa is a generalist that buffs all Generic-category mobile suits as long as their types are either Green, Red, or Blue by providing them with decent amounts of melee and ranged sense.
• Unfortunately, the second half of his buffs will only apply to very niche unit categories such as "Mass-Produced," "Gryps War," etc. Three out of four of those are rare unit categories, making him a difficult pilot to fully utilize despite his generalist 1st skill.
• Amuro Ray provides a mix of offensive and defensive buffs to its mobile suit, albeit at unexceptional values.
• One major drawback to his kit is that his stacking resistance buff only takes effect when enemy mobile suits are defeated. This renders him nearly useless in most raid content, as they often feature single enemies.
• Shiro Amada is a strange pilot that, while providing a decent amount of various stats, has a skill line that provides a notable amount of melee sense provided that he takes a hit, but also a skill line that raises his evasion.
• Aside from the contradictory nature of two of his skill lines, he also possesses a skill line that requires a "Ground" unit category mobile suit, which is very rare among URs.
• Sayla Mass is a generalist that can provide a halfway decent amount of ranged sense and accuracy to a mobile suit, provided that they are either Purple or Yellow-type.
• The ease in which you can slot Sayla onto other mobile suits is great. Although, ultimately, she is just a tertiary choice due to the lack of variety and unimpressive values in her skills.
• Jutta Qasim is a strong pilot that offers notable amounts of both Melee and Ranged Sense to its mobile suit. Unfortunately, these buffs either rely completely on the frequency of your EX Skill use, or is only available for the first 30 seconds of the fight. The latter issue is particularly worrisome, as it means that he's not a very good pilot to use in content such as Co-op Raid.
• Mercifully, aside from his Purple-type requirement, his other skill requirements are easy to meet.
• Shiro Amada's C0038 version fits one niche and one niche only: The Gundam Ez8, which can make full use of his ability to increase its Guard Rate against critical hits, as well as make its EX Skill gauge refill faster.
• However, his skills will only work on Green type Support mobile suits with the Ground unit category. Even missing one of these requirements makes him suboptimal to use compared to other pilots.
• Norris Packard similarly suffers from having a big fraction of his melee sense buff locked behind needing your allies to be incapacitated. This makes him a generally unfavorable pick for content such as Phantom Ace or in the main quest.
• Fortunately, most of his other skill lines don't require the sacrifice of you allies. He does, however, also require "Ground" and "Heavy Armor" unit categories on his mobile suits, which are quite rare.
• Shin Matsunaga is a pilot that provides a small boost to a mobile suit's ranged sense for a short time after it uses its EX Skill, as well as a respectable amount of reaction.
• His skill requirements are deceptively difficult to meet. Despite only having two skill requirements you have to pay attention to, there are not many mobile suits that can fullfill both conditions simultaneously.
• Half of Daryl Lorenz's skills relies on your allies getting defeated, which isn't very attractive in PvE content such as Phantom Ace or in the main quest.
• The ranged sense that he provides outside of that condition is also quite low in value, despite being a permanent buff.
• Daryl Lorenz provides a massive boost to a mobile suit's accuracy and ranged capabilities. That's it. Besides his inflexible buffs, he also has a skill line that requires allies to be incapacitated to work, relegating him as a less-than-preferrable choice in content such as Phantom Ace.
• Unfortunately, his skill requirements also severely limit his ability to be slotted in other mobile suits besides his own. This may change once new mobile suits that can support his skills are made available, however.
• Amuro Ray in this form is a strange pilot in that his skill buffs all have low values and low reliability. Notably, his only source of melee sense is only applied after the mobile suit uses its EX Skill, and his other buff is an unremarkable amount of evasion.
• Despite only having two skill requirements, making him easy to use, his low stats make him a very uninteresting and unappealing choice.
• Michel Kano not only provides relatively low totals in both melee sense and evasion, she is also the only pilot thus far in the game that can sabotage her own mobile suit. To be specific, the mobile suit she pilots will suffer a 99% accuracy debuff if it has the "Protagonist Unit" unit category.
• Aside from a large boost to reaction stats, this form of Kamille Bidan has less than desirable buff values across the board. He also suffers from having a skill line that requires evading attacks to work, while having no evasion buffs himself.
• Fortunately, he's not very difficult to slot into considering that his skill requirements aren't uncommon. The only exception would be his skill that requires a "Gryps War" unit category mobile suit, which is quite rare.
• Saphiria Gardner, despite having a signature mobile suit, is also a generalist that can provide her acceptable ranged and melee buffs to a wide variety of mobile suits.
• Unfortunately, neither the values of her buffs or its activation requirements are reliable enough to make her anything but a tertiary choice for a pilot. In addition, her skill requirements aren't as good as [C0149] Aina Sakhalin's, as she is also limited to the much less common "Prototype" unit category.
• Jutta Qasim is a pilot designed to perform extremely well in PvP scenarios where front-loaded damage and short battles are common.
• Unfortunately, that means he fares poorly in PvE content where maintaining a healthy team or prolonged matches are the norm.
• Ubaldo Morina is much less reliable version of [C0052] Michel Kano that's designed to pilot tanky frontliners instead of evasive damage dealers.
• Not only that, his buffs are somewhat contradictory in their goals, and his skill requirements are deceptively difficult to meet.

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