Manor Lords

How to Get Apples and How to Use

Apples are a type of Food Resource in Manor Lords. See how to get Apples and how to use them as you expand your territory!

How to Get Apples

Apples are produced from an Orchardy backyard extension. To get apples, you need a burgage plot large enough to accomodate a backyard extension. Next you have to get the Orchardry development node to build an Apple Orchard backyard extension for 50 Regional Wealth.

  1. Build a Burgage Plot
  2. Get the Orchardry Development Node
  3. Purchase an Apple Orchard Extension

Build a Burgage Plot

Material/s Quantity
Timber x2

You can use any size of land for your Burgage Plot, as size does not affect the yield of Apples. You only need 2 Timber to begin construction.

Get the Orchardry Development Node

The earliest you can get the Orchardry Development Node, which allows you to purchase an Apple Orchard extension, is to reach Small Village status to get 1 Development point. The fastest way you can accomplish this is to make 5 Burgage Plots at the start of the game.

How to Get Development Points

Purchase an Apple Orchard Extension

Product Backyard Extension Cost
Apple Apple Orchard 50 Regional Wealth

Purchasing an Apple Orchard Extension is a big investment as it requires 50 Regional Wealth to purchase one. After you manage to purchase one, it still takes 3 full years before your investment pays off.

Apple Orchard Yields Per Year

Year of Harvest after Planting Yield per Orchard
September - Years 1-3 2 Apples Per Year
September Year 4
(Fully Grown)
6 Apples Per Year

For the first three years after planting, Apple Orchards can only yield up to 2 Apples per Orchard every September. On its fourth year, when the Apple Orchards have matured, it can now yield up to 6 Apples per Orchard every September.

Apple Orchard - How to Build and Use

Alternative Ways to Get Apples

Import from the Trading Post

Trade Route Price 18 Regional Wealth
Import Price 13 Regional Wealth

An alternative way you can acquire Apples for your food stalls is through trading. If you have a surplus of Regional Wealth, you can opt to build a Trading Post and import Apples directly. Fulfilling a certain supply of Food is necessary to upgrade a burgage plot to Level 3.

How to Trade (Trade Routes and Trading Post Guide)

What are Apples?

Sustainable Food Resource

Apples Information
Type Food Resource

Apples are a substitute food source that are produced and harvested every year around September. However, it takes 3 years before these trees are fully grown. As a result, they can only produce a fraction of their maximum yield until they are fully grown.

Distributed as Food

Apples are automatically distributed to your settlement using food stalls. Apples take a while before they are fully grown, but over time it can be one of the ways you can attain a self-sustainable colony.

Used to Upgrade Burgage Plots

A steady supply of Apples will also lead to more food stalls in the Marketplace fulfilling the requirement for upgrading a Burgage Plot.

How to Upgrade Burgage Plot Levels

Can be Exported for Regional Wealth

Export Price 3 Regional Wealth

Once you have an excess of Apples, you can also export them to regain some Regional Wealth. Prices may fluctuate depending on the supply and demand within a given territory.

Trading Guide: How to Trade and Best Goods

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Food Resource

Meat Vegetables Berries
Bread Eggs Apples


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