Manor Lords

Advanced Skinning Development and How to Unlock

Advanced Skinning is a development under the Gathering tree of Manor Lords. Learn the improvements brought about by Advanced Skinning, the affected buildings when you get this development, and the nodes you need to unlock to get this development!

Is Advanced Skinning Worth It?

Contributes in Keeping Food Supply High

Tier Development
Manor Lords - B-Tier
Advanced Skinning Icon Advanced Skinning

This development is good to keep Food supply high, but for the early stages of the game where population is still small, it's best to prioritize developments that will contribute to resource gathering.

How to Get Food

How Does Advanced Skinning Work?

Doubles the Meat Gained by Hunters

Having the Advanced Skinning development unlocked will the double the meat hunters from Hunting Camps will gain from Wild Animal deposits. This will keep your Food supply high, thus keeping your settlement well-fed.

Advanced Skinning Basic Information

Advanced Skinning Icon Advanced Skinning
Development Tree Gathering
Description and Effects
Doubles the amount of meat harvested by hunters.

How to Unlock and Development Path

Gathering Development Tree
Trapping IconTrapping Advanced Skinning IconAdvanced Skinning Locked IconLocked

Advanced Skinning is a sub-branch found under the Trapping branch of the Gathering Tree. You need to have unlocked Trapping first before unlocking Advanced Skinning.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Developments Partial

Full Gathering Development Tree

Gathering Development Tree
Beekeeping IconBeekeeping Locked IconLocked Locked IconLocked
Advanced Beekeeping IconAdvanced Beekeeping Locked IconLocked
Forest Management IconForest Management
Trapping IconTrapping Advanced Skinning IconAdvanced Skinning Locked IconLocked
Pelt Extraction IconPelt Extraction Locked IconLocked

All Development Trees

All Development Branches
Farming Trade
Industry Gathering


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