Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Falling Leaves Path Dungeon Walkthrough

Falling Leaves Path.png
This is a guide to the dungeon Falling Leaves Path in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to see our guide about Falling Leaves Path and a list of all obtainable items, artifacts, scrolls, and monsters you can encounter in this dungeon on each cycle.

Normal Hard
River Belle Path Falling Leaves Path


Falling Leaves Path Map

Item List

Treasure Chests

1 Raise
2 Cure
3 Mythril
4 Man Eater/ Wonder Bangle/ Buckler/Rune Bell
5 Black Hood/Sage's Staff/Silver Spectacles/Hard Drift Wood
6 Shuriken/Black Hood/ Flame Tongue/Silver Spectacles/Sage's Staff/Dragon's Whisker/Hard Driftwood
7 Loaded Dice/Stream Water/Mean Eater/Rune Bell/Buckler/Mage Masher/
8 Stream Water/Phoenix Down/Orichalcum/Mythril
9 Orichalcum/Stream Water/Phoenix Down

Falling Leaves Path Recommended Setup

Recommended Starting Stats

HP Strength Defense Magic
7-8 65 60 65

Recommended Resistances

Thunder +1 (minimum) or + 2 (recommended)
Stop +2 (optional)

Recommended Equipment

Name Defense Effect
Badge of the Thunderbolt - Resist Lightning +1
Storm Sash 17 Resist Lightning +1
Storm Helm 17 Resist Lightning +1
Storm Armlets 17 Resist Lightning +1
Storm Shield 17 Resist Lightning +1
Storm Mail 24 Resist Lightning +1
Storm Chronicle 20 Resist Lightning +2
Chronicle Gloves 20 Resist Lightning +2
Chronicle Belt 20 Resist Lightning +2
Chronicle Helm 20 Resist Lightning +2
Chronicle Mail 25 Resist Lightning +2

Since this is the first post-game dungeon, the +2 equipments will not be easily obtained so you can settle for +1 lightning resist accessory and armor to attain a +2 lightning resistance.

Falling Leaves Path Walkthrough

The stop resistance is useful against Giant crab but not required. If the Giant crab attempts to perma stop you, it will also lack a move to deal damage to you. By the time the crab uses an offensive attack, you can break through the stop status by button mashing which makes resistance to stop completely unnecessary.

Bring Thunder and Stop Resistant Equipment

Bring Thunder Stop Resistance.jpg

For this dungeon you're going to want Thunder and Stop resistance. On your way to the boss you'll run into Goblin's that cast Thundara and the boss itself can cast Thundaga alongside its bubbles that cause Stop.

If you get your Thunder resistance to +2 you can prevent paralysis entirely but even just +1 can protect you from continuous shocks. Prepare yourself with at least +1 resistance and you should be pretty much set.

Prepares You For Future Post-Game Dungeons

Post-Game Dungeon Prep.jpg

Falling Leaves Path is your first look at the harder post-game dungeons which means it's on the easier end. However the amount of enemies has increased which makes it harder to power through and avoid a fight.

Learn the best way to jump into a group of enemies then run away while dealing damage. If you get surrounded it's over.

How to Play Single-Player Well

Gimmicks Unchanged

Gimmicks Unchanged.jpg

Other than the increased amount of enemies, the general map layout and puzzles in Falling Leaves Path remains largely unchanged from the original. It's pretty much a straight shot to the boss so you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Falling Leaves Path Boss Guide

Giant Crab (Hard)

Giant Crab (Hard).png

How to Beat Giant Crab (Hard)

Falling Leaves Path Monsters

There are no Monsters currently known.

Rainy Ruins Rewards Tables

Clear Rewards List

1 Beginnings Weapon
2 Beginnings Armor
3 Beginnings Guard
4 White Fur

Falling Leaves Path Obtainables

Scrolls List

Beginnings Weapon
Beginnings Guard
Beginnings Armor


(Treasure Chest)
(Treasure Chest)
Hard Driftwood
(Treasure Chest)
Stream Water
(Treasure Chest)
White Fur
(Treasure Chest, Monster, Boss)


Black Hood
(Treasure Chest)
Silver Spectacles
(Treasure Chest)
Sage's Staff
(Treasure Chest)
(Treasure Chest)
(Treasure Chest)
Wonder Bangle
(Treasure Chest)
(Treasure Chest)
Rune Bell
(Treasure Chest)
Mage Masher
(Treasure Chest)
Loaded Dice
(Treasure Chest)
(Treasure Chest)

Crystal Chronicles Related Guides

FFCC_Banner PostGame Dungeons.png

All Post-Game Dungeons
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Falling Leaves Path River Belle Path ★☆☆☆☆
Toadstool Forest The Mushroom Forest ★★☆☆☆
Oblivion Village Tida ★★☆☆☆
The Dinner Party Moschet Manor ★★★☆☆
Frozen Sluice Veo Lu Sluice ★★★☆☆
Afternoon Fort Daemon's Court ★★★☆☆
Pale Cave Selepation Cave ★★★☆☆
Misty Mount Kilanda Kilanda ★★★★☆
Moonlit Desert Lynari Desert ★★★★☆
Miasma Pit The Mine of Cathuriges ★★★★☆
Foggy Swamp Conall Curach ★★★★☆
The Goblin Festival Goblin Wall ★★★★★
Rainy Ruins Rebena Te Ra ★★★★★

Post-Game Dungeons


3 Jaredalmost 3 years

Save The Queen can drop from chest 4

2 Anonymous@Game8over 4 years

We have updated the map image. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you and thank you for using our guides.


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