Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

What are Bonus Points? | List of Bonus Conditions

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Whenever you go into a dungeon for an adventure in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC), you can earn Bonus Points depending on certain conditions. Here you can learn what conditions you need in order to earn bonus points and what you can do with it.

What are Bonus Points?

Bonus Points can be earned or lost by meeting a certain condition shown at the beginning of the Dungeon, at the end of which the points will be tallied along with the number of Enemies you've defeated and number of items you've picked up.

Once you've beaten the boss of the dungeon, you will be given a choice between 4 treasures called an Artifact Set. The Artifact Set you choose from will depend on how many players, the cycle, and your total Bonus points. In Multiplayer games, the player with the highest bonus points will be able to select first before the rest.

Best Artifacts to Choose | Best Rewards

How to Earn Bonus Points in FFCC?

At the beginning of each dungeon, you'll be shown what condition you'll need to fulfill to earn Bonus Points. This factor will be calculated in addition to the number of defeated Enemies and number of found Items. The other conditions will not affect your number of Bonus Points, so you only need to focus on the specific condition which is shown.

There are two categories of conditions for earning bonus points. The first being positive points, wherein you start with 0 points and gains points for each action you do for a maximum of 100 points per each condition. The second is negative points, wherein you start with 100 points and lose points for each time you do a corresponding action.

The number of points you gain or lose also depend on the dungeon you are in.

Positive Points

Pick Up Items

With this condition, whenever you pick up an item for the first time, you'll earn points. You don't earn points from picking up Gil, the chalice, or for dropping an item and picking it up again.

River Belle Path +5
Goblin Wall +4
The Mushroom Forest +5
The Mine of Cathuriges +5
Tida +3
Moschet Manor +8
Veo Lu Sluice +7
Daemon's Court +5
Selepation Cave +3
Kilanda +5
Conall Curach +2
Rebena Te Ra +3
Lynari Desert +3

Pick Up Money

With this condition, whenever you pick up Gil, no matter the amount, you will get bonus points. Dropping Gil to pick up again won't gain you points.

River Belle Path +7
Goblin Wall +7
The Mushroom Forest +7
The Mine of Cathuriges +7
Tida +5
Moschet Manor +10
Veo Lu Sluice +10
Daemon's Court +7
Selepation Cave +5
Kilanda +7
Conall Curach +4
Rebena Te Ra +5
Lynari Desert +5

Defeat Enemies with Spell Fusion

With this condition, dealing the finishing blow with a fused spell will earn you bonus points.

River Belle Path +5
Goblin Wall +5
The Mushroom Forest +5
The Mine of Cathuriges +5
Tida +4
Moschet Manor +7
Veo Lu Sluice +6
Daemon's Court +5
Selepation Cave +5
Kilanda +6
Conall Curach +5
Rebena Te Ra +5
Lynari Desert +5

Defeat Enemies with Focus Attacks

With this condition, dealing the finishing blow with a Focus attack will earn you bonus points.

River Belle Path +5
Goblin Wall +5
The Mushroom Forest +5
The Mine of Cathuriges +5
Tida +4
Moschet Manor +7
Veo Lu Sluice +6
Daemon's Court +5
Selepation Cave +5
Kilanda +6
Conall Curach +5
Rebena Te Ra +5
Lynari Desert +5

Defeat Enemies with Spells

With this condition, dealing the finishing blow with any magic spell will earn you bonus points.

River Belle Path +5
Goblin Wall +5
The Mushroom Forest +5
The Mine of Cathuriges +5
Tida +4
Moschet Manor +7
Veo Lu Sluice +6
Daemon's Court +5
Selepation Cave +5
Kilanda +6
Conall Curach +5
Rebena Te Ra +5
Lynari Desert +5

Open Treasure Chests

With this condition, every time you open up a treasure chest you'll gain points, even if the chest turns out to be a Mimic.

River Belle Path +15
Goblin Wall +8
The Mushroom Forest +10
The Mine of Cathuriges +8
Tida +8
Moschet Manor +15
Veo Lu Sluice +20
Daemon's Court +10
Selepation Cave +9
Kilanda +17
Conall Curach +5
Rebena Te Ra +7
Lynari Desert +10

Inflict Damage

With this condition, every time you deal damage to an enemy you will earn points.

River Belle Path +1
Goblin Wall +1
The Mushroom Forest +1
The Mine of Cathuriges +1
Tida +1
Moschet Manor +1
Veo Lu Sluice +1
Daemon's Court +1
Selepation Cave +1
Kilanda +1
Conall Curach +1
Rebena Te Ra +1
Lynari Desert +1

Take Physical Damage

With this condition, taking Physical damage from an enemy will gain you points.

River Belle Path +2
Goblin Wall +2
The Mushroom Forest +2
The Mine of Cathuriges +2
Tida +2
Moschet Manor +2
Veo Lu Sluice +2
Daemon's Court +2
Selepation Cave +2
Kilanda +2
Conall Curach +2
Rebena Te Ra +2
Lynari Desert +2

Take Magical Damage

With this condition, taking Magical damage from an enemy will gain you points. You have to take damage from the spell; Slow, Haste, and Stop spells won't add any points.

River Belle Path +10
Goblin Wall +10
The Mushroom Forest +10
The Mine of Cathuriges +7
Tida +4
Moschet Manor +10
Veo Lu Sluice +6
Daemon's Court +6
Selepation Cave +6
Kilanda +6
Conall Curach +5
Rebena Te Ra +5
Lynari Desert +6

Negative Points

Avoid Damage

With this condition, any time you take any form of damage, you'll lose points.

River Belle Path -1
Goblin Wall -1
The Mushroom Forest -1
The Mine of Cathuriges -1
Tida -1
Moschet Manor -1
Veo Lu Sluice -1
Daemon's Court -1
Selepation Cave -1
Kilanda -1
Conall Curach -1
Rebena Te Ra -1
Lynari Desert -1

Don't Cast Spells

With this condition, using any type of magic spell will cause you to lose points. You won't lose points when a friends casts a spell on you.

River Belle Path -5
Goblin Wall -5
The Mushroom Forest -5
The Mine of Cathuriges -5
Tida -5
Moschet Manor -5
Veo Lu Sluice -5
Daemon's Court -5
Selepation Cave -5
Kilanda -5
Conall Curach -5
Rebena Te Ra -5
Lynari Desert -5

Don't Use Focus Attacks

With this condition, using Focus Attacks will cause you to lose points, no matter if it defeats an enemy or not.

River Belle Path -5
Goblin Wall -5
The Mushroom Forest -5
The Mine of Cathuriges -5
Tida -5
Moschet Manor -5
Veo Lu Sluice -5
Daemon's Court -5
Selepation Cave -5
Kilanda -5
Conall Curach -5
Rebena Te Ra -5
Lynari Desert -5

Don't Use Physical Attacks

With this condition, any time you use a Physical attack on an enemy, you will lose points. The number of points you lose don't change whether if the attack defeats the enemy or not.

River Belle Path -5
Goblin Wall -5
The Mushroom Forest -5
The Mine of Cathuriges -5
Tida -5
Moschet Manor -5
Veo Lu Sluice -5
Daemon's Court -5
Selepation Cave -5
Kilanda -5
Conall Curach -5
Rebena Te Ra -5
Lynari Desert -5

Don't Heal Yourself

With this condition, you'll lose points whenever you heal yourself, whether it be through a spell or an item.

River Belle Path -2
Goblin Wall -2
The Mushroom Forest -2
The Mine of Cathuriges -2
Tida -2
Moschet Manor -2
Veo Lu Sluice -2
Daemon's Court -2
Selepation Cave -2
Kilanda -2
Conall Curach -2
Rebena Te Ra -2
Lynari Desert -2

Don't Pick Anything Up

With this condition, picking up items or gil will lose you points. The only exception is money dropped by friends in a multiplayer game.

River Belle Path -1
Goblin Wall -1
The Mushroom Forest -1
The Mine of Cathuriges -1
Tida -1
Moschet Manor -1
Veo Lu Sluice -1
Daemon's Court -1
Selepation Cave -1
Kilanda -1
Conall Curach -1
Rebena Te Ra -1
Lynari Desert -1

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